April 8 – LD
14, Day 7: A Gracious Gift
by Rev
I John 4:19 “We love Him, because He
first loved us.”
What is grace? Grace is showing goodness to someone despite that person’s
unworthiness. Grace does not ask, “What do you deserve?” Grace
asks, “What do you need?”
The Father did not ask what His elect deserved or what they had
merited. God asked, what do they need?
What is necessary to save them? And, God gave Jesus Christ to you and me
through the miracle of the virgin birth.
Jesus Christ did not come and ask what we deserved. He only was
concerned with the Father’s will and with what the elect needed. He did
not ask, “How will they receive Me?” “How will
they treat Me?” He knew they would not receive
Him. He knew they would rebel against His will. He knew that they
would ultimately join those who would cast him out and crucify Him. Jesus
knew that you and I would deny Him, mock Him, and be ashamed to be associated
with Him.
But, despite that knowledge, He came into human flesh and humbled
Himself to be our Mediator. Is that not the fullest expression of
grace? Jesus came to show a love and favor that was completely undeserved
by those whom the Father gave Him.
We are not saved because of anything of ourselves. We are saved despite
ourselves. We love Him because He first loved us! Is that not the
only response we can have to this gracious gift?