August 4 – LD 31, Day 6: The Biblical Order
For Doing Christian Discipline
by Rev Arie den Hartog
Read: Matthew 18: 15 - 20
Because the work of discipline by the church is a very
serious matter, the Lord Himself has given us a detailed description of how
discipline should be done. This order is found in the passage of Matt 18. Be
sure to read this passage carefully before reading this meditation. The order
given by the Lord Himself is of course characterized by His perfect wisdom. The
church should always follow this order carefully. If she does not follow this
order, there will often be great confusion in the church. When members of the
church bring a complaint against another member, they must be told to follow
this order.
Offenses that arise between brethren should be dealt with personally. They need
not be told to the church. If these offenses can be resolved in a personal way
by brother speaking to brother, the result will be the reconciliation of
brethren in the Lord. It is a blessed thing when this takes place even with the
involvement of the elders of the church.
Before an accusation against a brother is brought to the church, two witnesses
should be sought. The word of one person is hard to believe. When there is only
one who accuses another, the matter is often reduced to the word of one brother
or sister against another brother or sister, and it is often difficult, if not
impossible to establish the truth.
When the offending person refuses to repent or even acknowledge his or her sin,
then it must be told to the church. The reference
‘tell it to the church’ in Matt 18 cannot possibly mean tell it to all in the
church, to every member, or to a public assembly of the congregation.
Discipline is properly the work of God’s appointed elders, They
are charged with this work, usually endowed with wisdom from the Lord, and best
qualified to deal with this difficult work. Over time, a discipline case can
become very involved and complicated.
Not every sin committed by church members should be made the object of
discipline. We all sin repeatedly, and must repent of our sin daily. Everyone
must confess his faults to his brother in Christ, and everyone should be ready
to forgive the lesser sins, even though still serious in themselves. Everyone
must constantly remember that we are all sinners. Confession and forgiving in
the love of Christ covers a multitude of sins in the communion of the saints of
the church.
Usually, only gross public sins which create great offences in the church are
the object of church discipline. There are two types of such sins. The
catechism speaks of those who, under the name of Christians, maintain doctrines
that are not in harmony with the truth, that by God’s grace, the church must
maintain and confess together. Members of the church should be placed under
discipline when they are promoting false teachings in the church and when they
are living in gross public sins.
The above being said, it is also really the case that only one sin is the
object of discipline. This is the sin of hardened impenitence after having been
repeatedly admonished by the church. Even the most dreadful sins are forgiven
by the mercy of Christ when they are repented of. And then there is no need to
proceed with discipline.
If at any point in the process of discipline, the one under discipline makes
sincere repentance, the discipline of this person should be lifted. This is
announced to the church and there is great joy in the church because of the
repentance and salvation of a sinner.