June 23 – LD 25, Day 6: The Meaning of the Sacraments
by Rev Arie den Hartog
Read: Acts 2: 37 to 47
The sacraments have
often been misunderstood and misused. One of the reasons why the Reformation of
the church was necessary was because of the abuse of the sacraments by the church of Rome.
It is easy to use the
sacraments out of mere custom or superstition or without the proper attitude of
faith and spiritual understanding. In Bible times, this was being done by
One of the greatest
evils with regards to receiving and observing the sacraments is to treat them
as though they have some inherent, mystical power in themselves. This leads to
superstition and idolatrous use of the holy sacraments, which Christ has given
for the worship of the one only true God and trusting in Christ, not in mere
outward ceremony.
We must properly
distinguish between the outward sign of the sacraments and the blessed reality
they were intended to signify. These two must not be confused.
When Christ gave the
sacraments to the church, He chose simple outward signs. In the case of
baptism, the sign is water. In the case of the Lord’s Supper, the sign is the
broken bread and the poured out wine. The water in baptism signifies the
precious reality of the atoning blood of Jesus Christ as the only ground of our
righteousness before God. The bread in the Lord’s Supper signifies our Lord’s
broken body sacrificed for us on the cross, and the wine signifies His precious
blood which was poured out in His suffering and sacrifice for us on the cross.
Only the blood of Christ could atone for our sins.
The mystery of the
meaning of the sacraments is that they are visible signs of invisible spiritual
realities. By these outwards signs, Christ intends to strengthen our faith in
Him and in His suffering and death on the cross and all the riches of salvation
that we have through the perfect sacrifice of Christ.
The Lord accommodates to
the weakness of our faith with regards to the hearing of the preaching of the
Word. The preaching of the Word appeals to our ears. We receive the preaching
through faith, by the faith which God gives us. This faith is able to receive
those things which we cannot see, but God has nevertheless given to us in His
Word. Peter tells us in I Pet 1: 8 - 9 that we have not seen Christ in His
bodily appearance. We will not see Him until He appears again in glory at the
end of the world. Yet already now, we rejoice in Christ. We cannot see the
spiritual realities of salvation which we have in Christ. However, we know and
glory in these blessings as we receive them by faith according as we are told
of them in His Word.
In the sacraments, God
gives us visible signs and seals of the grace of God in Christ. He appeals to
our sight, our taste, our touch to strengthen our faith in Jesus Christ. This
the Lord does in connection with the sacraments and through the work of His
grace and Holy Spirit in our hearts.