Ghana Missions
of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America
Ashaley Botwe, Ghana

 Mail: P.M. Bag #15, Madina-Accra, Ghana

 Phone:  233-21-51-0353;  233-024-27-9459


October 8, 2001

Dear Hull Congregation and FMC and other Churches:

Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ from the Mission Field in Ghana.

 Once again we use this means to inform our congregation and the Churches of some of the activities of the past little while.  It has not been so long since we wrote a newsletter, but much has come to pass.

 The most important happening for us here in Ghana is that the Lord has led Rev. Bekkering to accept the call extended to him by our Hull congregation to be our second Missionary in Ghana.  This means that the labors here in Ghana, which the Lord has begun through the labors of our churches, will continue into the future.  This is of utmost significance for the saints here in Ghana and for we who have labored here.  We are very thankful to our God for this blessing, and our prayers are with Rev. Bekkering and his wife and family as they prepare to come to this land to labor.

 Rev. Bekkering has been getting the paper work necessary ready to send here so that we may go to the government and get him approved under our missionary quota.  Once this approval takes place concrete plans can be made for their coming to our land here.  Hopefully, I will receive this material in a week and can get on with the work of obtaining the approval.   Also Arnie and Char and Jan have begun looking for housing so that we can have a place for everyone to live and labor.  This also will take some time to find a suitable place.

In the second place, a very important event has taken place in the world in the attack of the terrorists in the States, and now as of yesterday the beginning of the attempt to root terrorism out of the world.  Many asked whether we could follow the events as they transpired and the answer is yes.  CNN carried live the whole unfolding of that which took place in New York, Washington and in Pennsylvania.  We had Bible Studies on that Tuesday evening and Wednesday evening and were able to apply the Word to the event that had taken place, also on the Sunday various pertinent references were made to the happening in the light of the Scripture that we were preaching on.   That which is taking place effects the whole world.  One thing we must all remember about this event is that Christ is
revealing to us the certain coming of the Day of Judgment, and we ought to take heed, repent of our sins and be prepared for His return.  This event as none others in the past is swiftly bringing this world together in common cause, that an earthly peace and prosperity may be brought to this life.  Therefore, also Antichrist is one step closer to reality.  When this comes to pass we will need to stand in the faith of the Scripture, may we use the present to be prepared.

And further may our fervent prayer be that our faithful covenant God will give to us the grace sufficient for the day.   We have had other personal reminders of the need for repentance and renewal of faith in our lives here in Ghana.  The first many of you heard about.  It was the armed robbery to which our missionary was subjected on a pier area in Tema Harbor.  This place is one we had visited on various occasions to spend an hour relaxing and watching the ships
and fishing canoes that were in the harbor or coming into the harbor.  The Bleyenbergs and Jan were sitting in the car, while I was standing a few feet away from the car looking through binoculars at the ships.  When a small canoe came to the pier and two men unnoticed by us came ashore and all of a sudden one had a hold of me with a knife at my neck and his hand in my pocket.  The arm with the knife was struck aside and I hit him once but they got away with a few cedis and no one was harmed.

For your understanding this was a very isolated event, the only time we have at all felt in jeopardy in the two and a half years here in Ghana.  And our God spared us any injury and kept us safely.  However, it did remind us of how very frail this life is and again reminds us that we of needs have our lives right before God, and also we were led by this event not to be careless in our walk here in this land.  I still have no fear of being here at all, however we will be a bit more attentive to our surroundings when we are in strange places.  God graciously uses such happenings in our lives for our good and for our salvation.  Something we also could emphasize to those of our fellowship as they heard about what took place.

 The other event or happening took place yesterday morning, and as we were leaving the house to go to worship, our car caught fire.  We had nine in the car riding up to our worship building with us.  I noticed smoke coming from under the hood, I stopped and told everyone to get out of the car.  I went to open the hood and already the paint was bubbling from the intense heat, when I attempted to raise the hood so we could throw sand on the fire, the flames leaped out at me and I dropped the hood.  Many soon were at the car and many tried to get sand on the fire, but to no avail, and soon the whole car was engulfed in flames.  It is now only a burned out hulk.  The problem arose from a split fuel line that we had repaired but probably cracked again.

 Again by God’s grace no one was injured, and we were able to walk the ¾ mile to church and still begin our worship service on time.  However, if ones hope is in the earthy things, how swiftly the hope perishes.  Richard Huddor looked at the car after worship, and saw how even the alloy wheels were melted to pieces and said, “How extremely great was the heat, and yet it will not even compare to the heat of an eternal hell.”  He was reminded of judgment, as we were.  The Lord gives and the Lord takes blessed be the Name of the Lord.  In the evening we had a sermon which providentially commanded us to the life of contentment in all the ways of our God, it was the exposition and proclamation of the truth in Hebrews 13:5-6.  Momma Jan says that it was a sermon made for Rev. Moore on this day.  She was right, it is a Word that we all need to hear and believe.  May God give us contentment in all the ways he leads us.

All three of the above events have served well the application of the Word in the preaching and teaching here in our Mission.   The saints here have heard repeatedly the blessedness of knowing that our God is Sovereign, and sovereignly rules over all things for the salvation of His Church in Christ.  They have come to love the truth that our only comfort is that we belong to our faithful Savior Jesus Christ.  The reality of this is easily seen when such trials come upon the church and her members in this life.

 The labors have continued to bear fruit in Ghanaians coming under the preaching of the gospel as we confess it in the Protestant Reformed Churches.  We are now preaching through the Heidelberg Catechism for the third time, and have just preached on Lord’s Day Four.  We are preaching from the catechism in the morning services once again.  We had preached the catechism the second time through during our evening services.  But we have now returned to the morning services for this preaching.  The preaching of the catechism has been very well received, and indeed is a rich means that God gives us to lead God’s children in the knowledge of the Word.  I believe this is one of the principle reasons we have seen the growth in the understanding of the teachings of God’s Word that we have witnessed.  Our attendance at these morning services have been averaging close to 125 with more on a few occasions and a few less on fewer occasions.  Also it is gratifying to see the people coming to this service on time, even before time so that they can take part in the Psalter singing we have before every service of worship.

 In the evenings we have fewer in attendance, but even the attendance in the evening has given evidence of a growing appreciation of the truth of the Scripture that we proclaim in this land.  We have averaged over the last two months over 55 in attendance with a high near seventy, and a low of mid forties.   This is one area where we desire to see increased growth of understanding with respect to the use of the whole Sabbath Day in the way of true sanctification and worship.  Slowly this is also becoming more a part of the life of those in our fellowship.  However, from time to time we are a bit disappointed that this is not appreciated to a greater extent, and then we are reminded again by the text from Hebrews that we must be content in all the ways the Lord leads us.  Not that this is an excuse for those that absent themselves and should not.  And this is true here in Ghana as well as in the States.

There is nothing more precious to us than having the opportunity to be fed spiritually by the preaching of Christ.  How sad it is when one thinks he can keep himself away from the official preaching of the Word and still thinks that his way is well pleasing to the Lord.   Our Bible Studies have now been going on two years and a half.  We meet every week, and all year round.  And every week the Studies are well attended by the people of our fellowship.  The discussion continues to give evidence of a desire to grow in the understanding of the Scripture and a growth in that understanding.  We are now studying from I Timothy in the Tuesday night studies.  This particular book has much instruction in what Christ requires of His Church as instituted in the midst of this earth.  The proper place of the men and women in the Church institute has been studied in connection with chapter two.  And now we are beginning to consider the offices of Christ, and the qualifications for those who would take up the offices.  Very beneficial as we continue to seek the goal of having a congregation formed here in Ghana that confesses and lives according to the true Reformed faith.

 We have also had catechism with the young people and children for near to two and  a half years this also has been a means of instruction of those that will the Lord willing make up a portion of a church that may be established here.  As the young people continue to study our creeds and doctrine they become more firmly founded in the truth of the Scripture, so much so that they can even help others to understand some of the essential truths of the Scripture.  We are presently studying the Heidelberg Catechism with the young people and New Testament History for Juniors with the young children.  Our Saturday classes usually have over twenty in attendance and our young people over 15.

 As we continue to labor here we are somewhat surprised that we still have almost weekly someone new to our fellowship come and worship with us.  They do not all continue to come, but they do hear the truth that we bring and the Lord will use that truth for His perfect purpose whether in the gathering of His Church in Ghana or whether to harden unto destruction.  All we must be concerned with is that by the grace of God we faithfully preach the Word.  God will accomplish His will with that preaching.

 Finally just a mention of the Radio Program.  We do continue to have contact with new people by this means.  This last Thursday we had a caller ask a very good question in connection with the exposition of the evening, and he was a first time caller to our program a man whom we had not heard from before.  He found the program interesting and his question will be followed up a bit more in the program of this week as well.  This also shall serve to keep the interest of the audience in listening to the Word spoken.

  May God now be with and care for you according to His purpose and for your salvation.

In Christ’s Service,
           Rev. Moore and the Mission House