Ghana Missions
of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America
Ashaley Botwe, Ghana

 Mail: P.M. Bag #15, Madina-Accra, Ghana

 Phone:  233-21-51-0353;  233-024-27-9459


June 3, 2002

Dear Hull Congregation and FMC and other Churches:

    Greetings to you in the Name in the Risen and Exalted Lord Jesus from the Mission Field in Ghana.

     The work at the Ghana Mission continues to be carried out by the grace of God, Who gathers His people from all lands.  The preaching of the gospel remains the primary focus of our work.  The preaching continues to be well received and well attended.  We have consistent attendance at both the morning and evening services. We have about 170 in the morning, and the attendance at the evening service has increased to 80, and sometimes 90.

 Rev. Moore and myself continue to share the preaching.  Since the last Sunday in March, I have been preaching in the morning worship, and Rev. Moore has been preaching in the evening.  I have been preaching from the Heidelberg Catechism in the morning worship service.

 Last Thursday evening, I began to give the radio messages over Radio Universe which broadcasts live from the campus of the University of Ghana.  Little by little, the full load of the work here is being laid on my shoulders.  In less than one month, Rev. and Mrs. Moore will be departing for the States.

 In our last newsletter, we reported that we had a marriage confirmation ceremony of a couple from our fellowship.  They had been legally married for 18 years.  Their marriage was not a remarriage, but a confirmation of their customary marriage under the marriage ordinance of Ghana. Next Sunday, the Lord willing, we will have another confirmation of the marriage of a couple from our fellowship, Alex and Sarah Gyampo.  The marriage confirmation will take place immediately after the morning worship service, and we will use the Marriage form in the back of our Psalter.  We are thankful to God as we see the fruit of the preaching and teaching concerning the
importance of proper marriages before God and the government of Ghana.  We pray that other couples will also have their marriages registered with the State.

 The weekly Bible studies continue to be well attended.  The Tuesday evening study will begin Acts chapter 5 this week.  The Wednesday evening class has considered several aspects of the walk of the child of God in the midst of this life.  This week we will begin to study the topic, Redeeming the Time, Ephesians 5:16.

 The catechism classes are going well after we divided one large class into two smaller groups according to age.  The children are arriving at the classes closer to the proper time and are doing better in their memory work.  The Friday evening Heidelberg
Catechism class continues to be well attended by a group of between 20 and 25 each week.  Most of these young people are also regular in their attendance at the worship services on Sunday.

 Rev. Moore recently finished his Church Polity class.  He led 31 sessions, and the men were faithful in their attendance.  Their study will help them and the rest of the fellowship both before and after organization, should the Lord grant it.

 About two weeks ago, we had a problem with our computer; and, in the process of fixing it, absolutely everything on the hard drive was lost.  Thanks to Rev. Moore, we were able to replace a lot of information from his computer.  We are back to full operation.

 Our son, Doug, has been in Ghana now for six weeks as a missionary assistant.  He got oriented quickly and is performing a wide variety of tasks.  He is a big help to the missionaries.  He also quickly got malaria once again.  He is now recovered from his second case.

 Since Rev. and Mrs. Moore are leaving soon and more and more of the work is being transferred to one missionary, it becomes evident that we need a second missionary to help with the work on the Ghanaian field.  Our prayer is that our Synod will see the need to call a second man to labor here.

Yours in Christ's service,
   Rev.  Bekkering and the Mission Houses