Ghana Missions
of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America
Ashaley Botwe, Ghana

 Mail: P.M. Bag #15, Madina-Accra, Ghana

 Phone:  233-21-51-0353;  233-024-27-9459


July 1, 2002

Dear Hull Congregation and FMC and other Churches:

  Greetings to you in the Name in the Ascended and Exalted Lord Jesus from the Mission Field in Ghana.

 The work at the Ghana Mission continues to be carried out by the grace of God, Who gathers His people from all lands.  The preaching of the gospel remains to be the primary focus of our work.  The preaching continues to be well received and well attended.  We have consistent attendance at both morning and evening services.

 Rev. Moore preached his “Farewell” sermon the morning of June 23. After the worship, we had a program for the Moores. All the special numbers were from the Psalter.  >From the beginning, the Moores taught the fellowship in Ghana to sing Psalter numbers and to sing them well.  The fellowship can sing many Psalter numbers from memory. The fellowship presented the Moores a beautiful Ghanian Kente Cloth banner commemorating their work in Ghana.

 On Wednesday, June 26, the Moores departed from Ghana.  The members of the fellowship love to go to the airport to greet those coming here for a visit and to bid farewell to those leaving.  For a while, the singing of Psalter numbers graces the International airport in Accra.

 For the last five Thursday evenings, I have driven to the campus of the  University of Ghana to give the radio message.  It is not yet a routine for me, but I am getting more familiar with all the aspects of the broadcast.

 The weekly Bible studies continue to be well attended.  The Tuesday evening study will begin Acts chapter 7 this week.  The Wednesday evening class has considered several aspects of the walk of the child of God in the midst of this life.  This week we
will begin to study the topic, “Can Satan mislead the children of God?”

 The catechism classes are going well after we divided one large class into two smaller groups according to age.  The children are arriving at the classes closer to the proper time and are doing better in their memory work.  The Friday evening Heidelberg
Catechism class continues to be well attended by a group of between 20 and 25 each week.  Most of these young people are also regular in their attendance at the worship services on Sunday.

 Our son, Doug, is in his third month in Ghana now as a missionary assistant.  He got oriented quickly and is performing a wide variety of tasks.  He is a big help to the missionary.  Doug was approached by some of the young adults about the possibility of having a Young Adult group. Now with the approval of the mission committee and the calling church, Doug is leading a Bible study on Sunday afternoon.

 A Steering Committee has been appointed in the fellowship in Ghana. It was begun to give some of the men opportunity to apply what they learned in their church polity class.  We are conducting our business much like any one of our consistories would.  We keep in mind that we are not yet an organized  congregation while we are working toward that goal.

 Since Rev. and Mrs. Moore have left the field, we experience the need a second missionary to help with the work on the Ghana field.  We are thankful to our God that our Synod saw the need and adopted the proposal to call a second man to labor here.  That is a big encouragement to me as a missionary and a big encouragement to the fellowship in Ghana.

Yours in Christ’s service,
   Rev.  Wayne  Bekkering