A brief history of our labors in Ghana, West Africa.


            In March of 1974 the Foreign Mission Committee received and read some letters of a Mr. Gabriel Anyigba from Ghana, Africa, supplied to the FMC by Rev. B. Woudenberg. The FMC asked Rev. Woudenberg to provide Mr. Anyigba with a tape recorder and tapes of the Bible Studies in Biblical Doctrine. At the same time the FMC began correspondence with Mr. Anyigba. From 1974 through 1988 several of our ministers at different times supplied instruction via cassette recordings to Mr. Anyigba covering the Essentials of Reformed Doctrine and other subjects.

            The Synod of 1991 authorized the FMC to send delegates to Ghana to investigate the field in light of the long contact with Mr. Anyigba and because more letters had been received from Africa than from any other country in the world. This delegation was to determine the feasibility of establishing a foreign mission field in Ghana. In January and February, 1992, Rev. R. Dykstra and Henry Bleyenberg visited Ghana and were very enthusiastic about the possibility of laboring in the future in Ghana.

            The next delegation consisted of Rev. R. Moore and Don Ver Meer, accompanied by their wives, in November and December of 1994. This visit was followed by another visit in 1995 by Rev. W. Bruinsma and Don Ver Meer.

            Upon the recommendation of the FMC the Synod of 1996 declared Ghana to be established as a foreign mission field with Hull PRC as the calling church.  After a number of calls were extended, Rev. Richard Moore, pastor of the calling church, received and accepted the call to be foreign missionary in Ghana. He began his labors in June of 1999 in the area of Accra, the capitol city of Ghana. The Moore’s were soon accompanied by missionary assistant John Bouma and his wife, Judy. In addition to aiding in the many day to day tasks that eat up a missionary’s time John oversaw the building of a new church building which they were able to use for the first time in April of 2000. This was a time of great joy for the saints in Ghana.

            Due to the increase of the workload of Rev. Moore a second missionary was called in 2001. Rev. Wayne Bekkering took up his labors in December of that year. However, the privilege of having two missionaries on one field was soon to end. Rev. Moore asked for emeritus status due to his age and for health reasons. The Synod of 2002 granted his request. Rev. Bekkering labored alone with the assistance of Arnold and Char Bleyenberg, and later with Doug Bekkering. The Synod of 2002 also saw the need for a second missionary to labor as co-missionary with Rev. Bekkering. After repeated calls and declines the Hull PRC called Rev. Rodney Miersma who accepted their call in October, 2003. After being installed in December Rev. Miersma and his wife Sharon arrived in Ghana in January of 2004. Justin and Cathie Koole, who had arrived in November, 2003, were the new missionary assistants.

            Once again the labors could be shared by two missionaries with the aid of a missionary assistant and his wife. But again, this ideal situation was not to last. Rev. Bekkering began to be afflicted by a debilitating disease which made it impossible for him to continue his labors. Upon his request for status as an emeritus minister he was granted permission to leave the field. Rev. Bekkering and his wife Phyllis left Ghana in September of 2004. Now Rev. Miersma, with his wife Sharon, is laboring alone as missionary with the assistance of John and Judy Bouma who arrived in November.