2012 Protestant Reformed Seminary Graduation
Held June 19, 2012 in the First PRC of Grand Rapids, MI

Graduation Program: outside; inside (pdf)
Prof. Ronald Cammenga's Commencement Speech


Graduation Pictures

EPhelpsoncello ProfRC2012Grad
Eric Phelps on Cello - Special Music with wife Crista

Graduation Speaker - Prof. Ronald Cammenga

KKoole&VIbeGrad RC&VIbeGrad
President of TSC, Rev.K.Koole giving diploma to Vernon Ibe

Seminary Rector, Prof.R. Cammenga congratulating Vernon Ibe

IbeCongrats1 IbesCongrats2
Vernon and Melody Ibe congratulated by Profs.R.Dykstra and B.Gritters

Ibe's congratulated by former Philippines missionary, Rev.Aud Spriensma

IbeFamilyatGrad1 IbeFamilyGrad2
Vernon, Melody, "LJ" and "MJ" Ibe

Another Ibe Family picture

Doezemas&Ibes Pastoors&Ibes
Don & Judi Doezema (Seminary Registrar and Secretary) with Ibe's

Dan & Lori Pastoor (friends from First PRC) with Ibe's

DKleyn&RCammengaw/gift CarvedCaraboaGift
Philippine Missionary Daniel Kleyn presents gift from
the Berean PRC to Prof.Ron Cammenga for the Seminary
The carved carabao on sandstone base with appreciation plate from
the Berean PRC.
VIbe&Carabaogift BG&VIPhilgift
Graduate and Ministerial Candidate Vernon Ibe
with Berean PRC gift (day before he returns to the Philippines)
Missions Professor Barry Gritters with Vernon Ibe
and the carabao