Psalter number 234.
Prayers and Pleas - Psalm 86
1. O Lord my God, my joyful heart
Will give Thee praise forevermore,
For rich in grace to me Thou art,
My soul from death Thou didst restore.
2. O God, the proud against me rise,
The wicked who delight in strife;
They set not Thee before their eyes,
They seek to take away my life.
3. In Thee, O Lord, all grace is found,
Thy people shall Thy mercy know;
Thy truth and goodness still abound,
To wrath and anger Thou art slow.
4. In mercy turn and look on me,
Thy servant true, Thy chosen one;
Let me Thy great salvation see,
And strengthen me my course to run.
5. Some token of Thy love bestow,
Which they who hate me now may see;
Let all, O Lord, be brought to know
That Thou dost help and comfort me.