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248. Overshadowing Protection.  Psalm 91.  L.M. Psalm Choir YouTube Video (May 2012 concert)

The man who once has found abode

Within the secret place of God

Shall with Almighty God abide,

And in His shadow safely hide.


I of the Lord my God will say,

He is my refuge and my stay;

To Him for safety I will flee,

In Him my constant trust shall be.


The Lord with His protecting care

Shall keep thee from the hidden snare;

When fearful plagues around prevail

Thy life the scourge shall not assail.


Thou shalt beneath His wings abide,

And safe within His care confide;

His faithfulness shall ever be

A sure protection unto thee.


No nightly terrors shall alarm,

No deadly shaft by day shall harm,

Nor pestilence that walks by night,

Nor plagues that waste in noonday light.


At Thy right hand, though thousands die,

No harm shall unto thee come nigh;

But thou secure, unharmed, shalt see

What wicked men's reward shall be.


249.  The Reward of Perfect Trust.  Psalm 91.  L.M.

Because Thy trust is God alone,

Thy refuge is the Highest One,

No evil shall upon thee come,

Nor plague approach thy guarded home.


Angelic guards at His commands

Will bear thee safely in their hands,

Will keep thee, lest, if left alone,

Thou dash Thy foot against the stone.


Though fierce and treacherous foes assail,

Their power and wrath shall not prevail;

Their cruel strength, their venomed spite,

Thou shalt o'ercome with conquering might.


Because on Me he set his love,

I will his constant Saviour prove,

And since to him My Name is known,

I will exalt him as My own.


As oft as he shall call on Me,

Most gracious shall My answer be;

I will be with him in distress,

And in his trouble I will bless.


Complete deliverance I will give,

And honor him while he shall live;

Abundant life I will bestow,

To him My full salvation show.


250.  The Duty of Praise.   Psalm 92.  L.M.

How good it is to thank the Lord,

And praise to Thee, Most High, accord,

To show Thy love with morning light,

And tell Thy faithfulness each night;

Yea, good it is Thy praise to sing,

And all our sweetest music bring.


O Lord, with joy my heart expands

Before the wonders of Thy hands;

Great works, Jehovah, Thou hast wrought,

Exceeding deep Thy every thought;

A foolish man knows not their worth,

Nor he whose mind is of the earth.


When as the grass the wicked grow,

When sinners flourish here below,

Then is there endless ruin nigh,

But Thou, O Lord, art throned on high;

Thy foes shall fall before Thy might,

The wicked shall be put to flight.


Thou, Lord, hast high exalted ma

With royal strength and dignity;

With Thy anointing I am blest,

Thy grace and favor on me rest;

I thus exult o'er all my foes,

O'er all that would my cause oppose.


The righteous man shall flourish well,

And in the house of God shall dwell;

He shall be like a goodly tree,

And all his life shall fruitful be;

For righteous is the Lord and just,

He is my Rock, in Him I trust.


251.  Joyful Worship.   Psalm 92.  8s and 7s.

It is good to sing Thy praises

And to thank Thee, O Most High,

Showing forth Thy lovingkindness

When the morning lights the sky.

It is good when night is falling

Of Thy faithfulness to tell,

While with sweet, melodious praises

Songs of adoration swell.


Thou hast filled my heart with gladness

Through the works Thy hands have wrought;

Thou hast made my life victorious,

Great Thy works and deep Thy thought.

Thou, O Lord, on high exalted,

Reignest evermore in might;

All Thy enemies shall perish,

Sin be banished from Thy sight.


But the good shall live before Thee,

Planted in Thy dwelling-place,

Fruitful trees and ever verdant,

Nourished by Thy boundless grace.

In His goodness to the righteous

God His righteousness displays;

God my rock, my strength and refuge,

Just and true are all His ways.


252.  The Divine Rule and Power.  Psalm 93.  S.M.

Jehovah sits enthroned

In majesty most bright,

Appareled in omnipotence,

And girded round with might.


The world established stands

On its foundations broad;

His throne is fixed, He reigns supreme,

The everlasting God.


The floods have lifted up

Their voice in majesty,

But mighty is the Lord our God

Above the raging sea.


Thy testimonies, Lord,

In faithfulness excel,

And holy must Thy servants be

Who in Thy temple dwell.


253. God the Righteous Judge.  Psalm 94.  L.M.

O Lord, Thou Judge of all the earth,

To Whom all vengeance doth belong,

Arise and show Thy glory forth,

Requite the proud, condemn the wrong.


How long, O Lord, in boastful pride

Shall wicked men triumphant stand?

How long shall they afflict Thy saints

And devastate Thy chosen land?


The widow and the fatherless

They slay, and helpless strangers smite;

The faithful God they do not fear,

They say the Lord will not requite.


Be wise, ye fools and brutish men;

Shall not He see Who formed the eye?

Shall not He hear Who formed the ear,

And judge, Who reigneth, God Most High?


The Lord will judge in righteousness,

From Him all truth and knowledge flow;

The foolish thoughts of wicked men,

How vain they are the Lord doth know.


That man is blest whom Thou, O Lord,

With chastening hand dost teach Thy will,

For in the day when sinners fall

That man in peace abideth still.


The Lord will not cast off His own,

Nor His inheritance forsake;

Just judgment shall at length prevail,

And upright hearts shall courage take.


Who will arise for my defense

Against the wicked in the land?

Against iniquity and wrong

What man for me will valiant stand?


Unless the Lord had been my help,

My life had quickly passed away;

But when my foot had almost slipped,

O Lord, Thy mercy was my stay.


Amid the doubts that fill my mind

Thy comforts, Lord, bring joy to me;

Can wickedness, though throned in might,

Have fellowship, O Lord, with Thee?


The wicked, in their might arrayed,

Against the righteous join their power,

But to the Lord I flee for help,

He is my refuge and my tower.


Our God, the refuge of His saints,

Will fight against iniquity;

Avenger of the innocent

The Lord omnipotent will be.


254.  An Invitation to Worship.  Psalm 95.  L.M.

O come before the Lord, our King,

And in His presence let us sing;

Let us in glad and joyful lays

The Rock of our salvation praise;

Before Him come with thankful song,

In joyful psalms His praise prolong.


Almighty power the Lord maintains,

Exalted over all He reigns;

He holds the valleys in His hand,

He makes the mighty mountains stand;

To Him belong both land and sea,

Creator of the world is He.


O come and let us worship now,

Before our Maker let us bow;

We are His sheep and He our God,

He feeds our souls in pastures broad;

He safely leads us in the way;

O come and heed His voice today.


Take heed and harden not your heart

As did your fathers, nor depart

From God to follow in their ways;

For with complaints instead of praise,

With doubt instead of faith confessed,

They put their mercy to the test.


Take heed that ye provoke Him not

As did your fathers, who forgot,

With erring heart, God's holy ways

And grieved Him all their sinful days;

To whom in wrath Jehovah sware,

My promised rest they shall not share.


255.  Adoration and Submission.  Psalm 95.  8s and 7s.

Now with joyful exultation

Let us sing Jehovah's praise,

To the Rock of our salvation

Loud hosannas let us raise;

Thankful tribute gladly bringing,

Let us come before Him now,

And, with psalms His praises singing,

Joyful in His presence bow.


For, how great a God, and glorious,

Is Jehovah Whom we sing;

Over idol-gods victorious,

Great is He, our God and King.

In His hand are earth's deep places,

His the strength of all the hills,

His the sea whose bounds He traces,

His the land His bounty fills.


To the Lord, such might revealing,

Let us come with reverence meet,

And, before our Maker kneeling,

Let us worship at His feet.

He is our own God and leads us,

We the people of His care;

With a shepherd's hand He feeds us

As His flock in pastures fair.


While He proffers peace and pardon

Let us hear His voice today,

Lest, if we our hearts should harden,

We should perish in the way;

Lest to us, so unbelieving,

He in judgment shall declare:

Ye, so long My Spirit grieving,

Never in My rest can share.


256.  Worship and Its Motives.  Psalm 95.  C.M.

O come and to Jehovah sing,

To Him our voices raise;

Let us in our most joyful songs

The Lord our Saviour praise.


Before His presence let us come

With praise and thankful voice;

Let us sing psalms to Him with grace,

With grateful hearts rejoice.


Jehovah is a mighty King,

Above all gods His throne;

The depths of earth are in His hand,

The mountains are His own.


To Him the spacious sea belongs,

He made its waves and tides;

And by His hand the rising land

Was formed, and still abides.


O come, and bowing down to Him

Our worship let us bring;

Yea, let us kneel before the Lord,

Our Maker and our King.


257. The Evangel of the Kingdom.  Psalm 96.  C.M.

O sing a new song to the Lord,

Sing all the earth to God;

In daily praises bless His Name

And tell His grace abroad.

Among the nations far and wide

His glory celebrate;

To all the peoples of the earth

His wondrous works relate.


The Lord is great above all gods,

Let glad hosannas rise;

The heathen gods are idols vain;

Jehovah made the skies.

Great honor is before His face,

And majesty divine;

Within His holy dwellingplace

Both strength and beauty shine.


Let all the peoples of the earth

Give glory to the Lord,

Give Him the glory due His Name

And strength to Him accord;

With offerings come ye to His courts,

In holy beauty bow,

Let all the earth with reverence come

And serve Jehovah now.


To all the nations of the earth

The blessed tidings bring;

Tell all the world Jehovah reigns,

The universal King.

The world shall therefore stand unmoved,

Established by His might;

And just is He to judge the wrong

And vindicate the right.


Let heaven and earth and sounding sea

To Him glad tribute bring;

Let field and wood and all therein

Before Jehovah sing;

For, lo, He comes to judge the earth,

And all the world shall see

His everlasting faithfulness,

His truth and equity.


258.  The Message of Redemption.  Psalm 96.  L.M. - YouTube Video of Psalm Choir (May 2012 live performance)

O sing a new song to the Lord,

Sing all the earth and bless His Name;

From day to day His praise record,

The Lord's redeeming grace proclaim.


Tell all the world His wondrous ways,

Tell heathen nations far and near;

Great is the Lord, and great His praise,

And Him alone let nations fear.


The heathen gods are idols vain;

The shining heavens the Lord supports;

Both light and honor lead His train,

While strength and beauty fill His courts.


Let every tongue and every tribe

Give to the Lord due praise and sing;

All glory unto Him ascribe,

Come, throng His courts, and offerings bring.


O fear and bow, adorned with grace,

And tell each land that God is King;

The earth He founded in its place,

And justice to the world will bring.


Let heaven be glad, let earth rejoice,

The teeming sea resound with praise;

Let waving fields lift high their voice,

And all the trees their anthem raise.


So let them shout before our God,

For, lo, He comes, He comes with might,

To wield the scepter and the rod,

To judge the world with truth and right.


259.  The Universal King.   Psalm 96.  11s, 10, 9.

Sing to the Lord, sing His praise, all ye peoples,

New be your song as new honors ye pay;

Sing of His majesty, bless Him forever,

Show His salvation from day to day.


Tell of His wondrous works, tell of His glory,

Till through the nations His Name is revered;

Praise and exalt Him, for He is almighty,

God over all let the Lord be feared.


Vain are the heathen gods, idols and helpless;

God made the heavens, and His glory they tell;

Honor and majesty shine out before Him,

Beauty and strength in His temple dwell.


Give unto God Most High glory and honor,

Come with your offerings and humbly draw near;

In holy beauty now worship Jehovah,

Tremble before Him with godly fear.


Make all the nations know God reigns forever;

Earth is established as He did decree;

Righteous and just is the King of the nations,

Judging the people with equity.


Let heaven and earth be glad; waves of the ocean,

Forest and field, exultation express;

For God is coming, the Judge of the nations,

Coming to judge in His righteousness.


260.  Divine Sovereignty.   Psalm 97.  L.M.

Jehovah reigns; let earth be glad

And all the isles their joy make known;

With clouds and darkness He is clad,

On truth and justice rests His throne.


Consuming fire destroys His foes,

Around the world his lightnings blaze;

The trembling earth His presence know,

The mountains melt before His gaze.


The heavens His righteousness proclaim,

Through earth His glory shines abroad;

From idol-worship turn with shame

And bow before the living God.


Thy Church rejoices to behold

Thy judgments in the earth, O Lord;

Thy glory to the world unfold,

Supreme o'er all be Thou adored.


All ye that truly love the Lord,

Hate sin, for He is just and pure;

To saints His help He will accord

And keep them in His love secure.


For good men light and joy are sown

To bless them in the harvesttime;

Ye saints, your joy in God make known

And ever praise His Name sublime.


261.  The Victories of Jesus Christ.  Psalm 98.  8s and 7s.

Sing a new song to Jehovah

For the wonders He hath wrought;

His right hand and arm most holy

Triumph to His cause have brought.

In His love and tender mercy

He hath made salvation known,

In the sight of every nation

He His righteousness hath shown.


Truth and mercy toward His people

He hath ever kept in mind,

And His full and free salvation

He hath shown to all mankind.

Sing, O earth, sing to Jehovah,

Praises to Jehovah sing;

With the swelling notes of music

Shout before the Lord, the King.


Seas with all your fullness thunder,

All earth's peoples now rejoice;

Floods and hills in praise uniting

To the Lord lift up your voice.

For, behold, Jehovah cometh,

Robed in justice and in might;

He alone will judge the nations,

And His judgment shall be right.


262.  A Salvation for the World.  Psalm 98.  6s and 5s.

Unto God our Saviour

Sing a joyful song;

Wondrous are His doings,

For His arm is strong.

He has wrought salvation,

He has made it known,

And before the nations

Is His justice shown.


Joyful, all ye people,

Sing before the Lord;

Shout and sing His praises

Now in glad accord;

With the harp and trumpet

Joyful praises bring;

Come, rejoice before Him,

God, the Lord, your King.


Waves of mighty ocean,

Earth with fulness stored,

Floods and fields and mountains,

Sing before the Lord;

For He comes with justice,

Evil to redress,

And to judge the nations

In His righteousness.


263.  The Glad Tidings.   Psalm 98.  6s and 5s.

Unto God our Saviour

Sing a joyful song;

Wondrous are His doings,

For His arm is strong.

He has wrought salvation,

He has made it known,

And before the nations

Is His justice shown.


He remembers mercy,

Faithful to His own,

And our God's salvation

All the earth has known.

Joyful, all ye people,

Sing before the Lord;

Shout and sing His praises

Now in glad accord.


Waves of mighty ocean,

Earth with fulness stored,

Floods and fields and mountains,

Sing before the Lord;

For He comes with justice,

Evil to redress,

And to judge the nations

In His righteousness.


264.  Missionary Triumphs.   Psalm 98.  L.M.

Come, let us sing before the Lord

New songs of praise with sweet accord,

For wonders great by Him are done,

His mighty arm has victory won.


The great salvation of our God

Is seen through all the earth abroad;

Before the nations' wondering sight

He has revealed His truth and right.


He called to mind the truth and grace

Bestowed upon His chosen race,

And unto earth's remotest bound

Glad tidings of salvation sound.


All lands, to God lift up your voice,

Sing praise to Him, with shouts rejoice;

With voice of joy and loud acclaim

Let all unite and praise His Name.


Praise ye the Lord with harp and song,

With voice of psalms His praise prolong;

In swelling chorus gladly sing

And shout before the Lord the King.


Let earth be glad, let oceans roar,

And praises sound from shore to shore;

Let floods and hills with glad accord

Show forth their joy before the Lord.


For, lo, He comes; at His command

All nations shall in judgment stand;

In justice robed, and throned in light,

The Lord shall judge, dispensing right.


265.  The Majesty and Holiness of God.  Psalm 99.  C.M.

Jehovah reigns in majesty;

Let all the nations quake.

He dwells between the cherubim;

Let earth's foundations shake.

Supreme in Zion is the Lord,

Exalted gloriously;

Ye nations, praise His name with awe,

The Holy One is He.


The mighty King loves justice well,

And equity ordains;

He rules His people righteously

And faithfulness maintains.

O magnify the Lord our God,

Let Him exulted be;

In worship at His footstool bow,

The Holy One is He.


When priests and prophets called on God,

He their petitions heard;

His cloudy pillar led them on,

And they obeyed His word.

Though sending judgments for their sins,

He pardoned graciously;

Exalt the Lord and worship Him,

The Holy One is He.


266.  The Holiness of God.   Psalm 99.  12s, 13, 10.

God is King forever: let the nations tremble;

Throned above the cherubim, by all the earth adored;

He is great in Zion, high above all peoples;

Praise Him with fear, for holy is the Lord.


Merciful as mighty, He delights in justice,

For He reigns in righteousness and rules in equity;

Worship and exalt Him, bowing down before Him,

Perfect in power and holiness is He.


Holy men of old in Him alone confided;

He forgave their sins, although they felt His chastening rod;

In His holy temple worship and adore Him,

Faithful and holy is the Lord our God.


267.  God the Righteous King.  Psalm 99.  S.M.

Jehovah reigns supreme:

Let nations tremble now;

He dwells between the cherubim:

Let earth before Him bow.


The Lord in Zion reigns

O'er all the earth abroad;

Ye nations, praise His glorious Name,

For holy is our God.


The King Almighty lives

Just judgment to maintain;

He rules His people righteously

And makes His justice plain.


Exalt ye now the Lord,

Our God in praises laud,

And at His footstool worship Him,

For holy is our God.


268.  Thanksgiving and Praise.  Psalm 100.  L.M.

All people that on earth do dwell,

Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice;

Him serve with mirth, His praise forth tell,

Come ye before Him and rejoice.


Know that the Lord is God indeed;

Without our aid He did us make;

We are His flock, He doth us feed,

And for His sheep He doth us take.


O enter then His gates with joy,

Within His courts His praise proclaim;

Let thankful songs your tongues employ,

O bless and magnify His Name.


Because the Lord our God is good,

His mercy is forever sure;

His truth at all times firmly stood,

And shall from age to age endure.


269.  Universal Praise.   Psalm 100.  8s.

All people that dwell on the earth,

Your songs to Jehovah now raise;

Come, serve Him with gladness and joy,

Approach Him with anthems of praise.


Know ye that Jehovah is God,

Our Sovereign and Maker is He;

His people, forever His own,

The sheep of His pasture are we.


With thankfulness enter His gates,

His praise in His temple proclaim;

Your voices in thanksgiving raise,

And bless ye His glorious Name.


For gracious and good is the Lord,

His mercy to us never ends;

His faithfulness, true to His word,

Through ages unending extends.


270.  Gladness in Worship.   Psalm 100.  C.M.

O make a joyful noise, ye lands,

And serve the Lord with fear;

With gladness wait His high commands,

And with a song draw near.


Know that the Lord is God alone;

He made us and will keep,

For His we are, and not our own,

His people and His sheep.


With glad thanksgiving throng His gates,

His goodness to proclaim;

Within His courts, where mercy waits,

Give thanks and bless His Name.


For He is good, and time shall prove

His mercies ever sure,

And while the ages onward move

His truth shall still endure.


271.  Godly Resolves.   Psalm 101.  7s and 6s.

Of mercy and of justice

My thankful song shall be;

O Lord, in joyful praises

My song shall rise to Thee.

Within my house I purpose

To walk in wisdom's ways;

O Lord, I need Thy presence;

How long wilt Thou delay?


On what is base and evil

I will not set my heart;

Transgressors' ways abhorring,

With them I take no part.

No froward man or evil

Shall my companion be;

I will not suffer slander

Or pride or treachery.


The faithful and the upright

Shall minister to me;

The lying and deceitful

My favor shall not see.

I will in daily judgment

All wickedness reward,

And cleanse from evildoers

The city of the Lord.


272.  Affliction and Appeal.  Psalm 102.  L.M.

Lord, hear my prayer, and let my cry

Have ready access unto Thee;

When in distress to Thee I fly,

O hide not Thou Thy face from me.


Attend, O Lord, to my desire,

O haste to answer when I pray,

For grief consumes my strength like fire,

My days as smoke pass swift away.


My heart is withered like the grass,

And I forget my daily bread;

In lonely grief my days I pass

And sad my thoughts upon my bed.


My foes reproach me all the day,

My drink is tears, my bread is grief,

For in Thy wrath I pine away,

My days are like a fading leaf.


273.  The Deliverance of Zion.  Psalm 102.  L.M.

Thou, O Jehovah, shalt endure,

Thy throne forever is the same;

And to all generations sure

Shall be Thy great memorial Name.


The time for Zion's help is near,

The time appointed in Thy love;

O let Thy gracious aid appear,

Look Thou in mercy from above.


O Lord, regard the prayer of those

Who love the walls of Zion well,

Whose hearts are heavy for her woes,

Who sad amid her ruins dwell.


Thy power and glory shall appear,

And Zion's walls shall be restored;

Then all the kings of earth shall fear

And heathen nations serve the Lord.


The Lord has heard and answered prayer

And saved His people in distress;

This to the coming age declare,

That they His holy Name may bless.


The Lord, exalted on His throne,

Looked down from heaven with pitying eye

To still the lowly captive's moan

And save His people doomed to die.


All men in Zion shall declare

His gracious Name with one accord,

When kings and nations gather there

To serve and worship God the Lord.


274.  Mortality and Immortality.  Psalm 102.  L.M.

Before my journey is complete

My vigor fails, my years decline;

My God, O spare me, I entreat;

The days of life are wholly Thine.


O cut not short my life's brief day,

O Thou Whose years eternal run,

Thou Who didst earth's foundations lay,

Creator of the stars and sun.


The earth and heavens shall pass away,

Like vesture worn and laid aside,

But changeless Thou shalt live for aye,

Thy years forever shall abide.


Thy servants' children shall remain

For evermore before Thy face;

Enduring honor they shall gain,

Established ever in Thy grace.


275.  The Covenant God and His Church.  Psalm 102.  7s.

Thou, O Lord, art God alone;

Everlasting is Thy throne;

Through the ages men shall sing

Praise to heaven's eternal King.

Thou, enthroned above the skies,

Wilt for Zion's help arise;

Let Thy grace to her appear,

For the promised time is near.


If with love compassionate

We, Thy servants, mourn her state,

Wilt not Thou, O gracious Lord,

Help in Zion's need afford?

Lord, Thy glory shall appear,

Kings and nations then shall fear;

And Thy Name shall be adored

When Thy Zion is restored.


This all ages shall record

For the glory of the Lord;

Thou dost hear the humble prayer,

For the helpless Thou dost care.

Thou eternal art, and great,

Heaven and earth Thou didst create,

Heaven and earth shall pass away,

Changeless Thou shalt live for aye.


As one lays a garment by,

Thou wilt change the starry sky

Like a vesture worn and old,

But Thy years shall ne'er be told.

Thou wilt make Thy servants' race

Ever live before Thy face,

And forever at Thy side

Children's children shall abide.


276.  The Church and Her Head.  Psalm 102.  7s.

Thou, O Lord, art God alone;

Everlasting is Thy throne;

Through the ages men shall sing

Praise to heaven's eternal King.


Thou, enthroned above the skies,

Wilt for Zion's help arise;

Let Thy grace to her appear,

For the promised time is near.


If with love compassionate

We, Thy servants, mourn her state,

Wilt not Thou, O gracious Lord,

Help in Zion's need afford?


Lord, Thy glory shall appear,

Kings and nations then shall fear;

And Thy Name shall be adored

When Thy Zion is restored.


277.  Thankful Joy and Praise.  Psalm 103.  C.M.

O praise and bless the Lord, my soul,

His wondrous love proclaim;

Join heart and voice and all my powers

To bless His holy Name.


O praise and bless the Lord, my soul,

And ever thankful be;

Forget not all the benefits

He has bestowed on thee.


He freely pardons all thy sins,

And He is strong to save;

He heals Thy sickness, soothes thy pain,

And ransoms from the grave.


He crowns thee with His grace and love,

And with His strength endued,

Thou mountest up with eagle's wings,

Thy joyous youth renewed.


The Lord will judge in righteousness

For all that are oppressed;

To all His saints His gracious acts

And ways are manifest.


The Lord is ever merciful,

And unto anger slow;

His lovingkindness and His grace

In rich abundance flow.


He will not chide for evermore,

He turns His wrath away;

He has not strictly marked our sins,

Our evil to repay.


As heaven is high above the earth,

So great His mercy proves;

As far from us as east from west

He all our sin removes.


278.  The Fatherly Love of God.  Psalm 103.  C.M.

The tender love a father has

For all his children dear,

Such love the Lord bestows on them

Who worship Him in fear.


The Lord remembers we are dust,

And all our frailty knows;

Man's days are like the tender grass,

And as the flower he grows.


The flower is withered by the wind

That smites with blighting breath;

So man is quickly swept away

Before the blast of death.


Unchanging is the love of God,

From age to age the same,

Displayed to all who do His will

And reverence His Name.


Those who His gracious covenant keep

The Lord will ever bless;

Their children's children shall rejoice

To see His righteousness.


279.  The Universal Debt of Praise.  Psalm 103.  C.M.

Established in the highest heavens

The Lord has set His throne,

And over all His kingdom rules,

For He is God alone.


Ye angels that excel in strength,

Bless ye the Lord, your God;

Ordained to hear and do His will,

Proclaim His praise abroad.


Bless ye the Lord, all ye His hosts

That serve the Lord, your King,

And wait His pleasure to perform,

To Him your praises bring.


Bless ye the Lord, all ye His works

In His dominion broad,

And, never ceasing, O my soul,

Bless thou the Lord, thy God.


280.  The Tender Mercies of God.  Psalm 103.  8s and 7s.

O my soul, bless thou Jehovah,

All within me bless His Name;

Bless Jehovah and forget not

All His mercies to proclaim.

He forgives all thy transgressions,

Heals thy sicknesses and pains;

He redeems thee from destruction,

And His love thy life sustains.


He with tender mercies crowns thee,

Satisfies thy full request,

So that like the tireless eagle

Thou with youth renewed art blessed.

Righteous is the Lord in judgment

Unto all that are oppressed;

To His people He has ever

Made His goodness manifest.


Yea, the Lord is full of mercy

And compassion for distress,

Slow to anger and abundant

In His grace and tenderness.

He will not be angry alway,

Nor will He forever chide;

Though we oft have sinned against Him

Still His love and grace abide.


As the heavens are high above us,

Great His love to us has proved;

Far as east from west is distant,

He has all our sins removed.

As a father loves his children,

Feeling pity for their woes,

So the Lord to those who fear Him

Mercy and compassion shows.


281.  A Mindful God.   Psalm 103.  8s and 7s.

Mindful of our human frailty

Is the God in Whom we trust;

He Whose years are everlasting,

He remembers we are dust.


Man is like the tender flower,

And His days are like the grass,

Withered where it lately flourished

By the blighting winds that pass.


Changeless is Jehovah's mercy

Unto those who fear His Name,

From eternity abiding

To eternity the same.


All the faithful to His covenant

Shall behold His righteousness;

He will be their strength and refuge,

And their children's children bless.


282.  The Blessed and Only Potentate.  Psalm 103.  8s and 7s.

In the heavens the Lord Almighty

Fixed His everlasting throne;

Over all is His dominion,

He is God, and He alone.


Bless the Lord, ye mighty angels,

Ye that hearken to His voice,

All His gracious word fulfilling;

Ever bless Him and rejoice.


Bless the Lord, all ye His servants,

Ministers of God Most High;

Ye His hosts, that do His pleasure,

God your Maker glorify.


Bless the Lord, all things created;

Be His holy Name adored

All throughout His wide dominion;

O my soul, bless thou the Lord.


283.  Motives to Gratitude.   Psalm 103.  11s and 10s.
    (See words under #284)

284.  The Wonders of Divine Grace.  Psalm 103.  11s and 10s.

O come, my soul, bless thou the Lord thy Maker,

And all within me bless His holy Name;

Bless thou the Lord, forget not all His mercies,

His pardoning grace and saving love proclaim.



Bless Him, ye angels, wondrous in might,

Bless Him, His servants that in His will delight.


Good is the Lord, and full of kind compassion,

Most slow to anger, plenteous in love;

Rich is His grace to all that humbly seek Him,

Boundless and endless as the heavens above.


His love is like a father's to his children,

Tender and kind to all who fear His Name,

For well He knows our weakness and our frailty,

He knows that we are dust, He knows our frame.


We fade and die like flowers that grow in beauty,

Like tender grass that soon will disappear;

But evermore the love of God is changeless,

Still shown to those who look to Him in fear.


High in the heavens His throne is fixed forever,

His kingdom rules o'er all from pole to pole;

Bless ye the Lord through all His wide dominion,

Bless His most holy Name, O thou my soul.


285.  The Greatness of God in Nature.  Psalm 104.  10s and 11s.

My soul, bless the Lord! the Lord is most great;

With glory arrayed, majestic His state;

The light is His garment, the skies are His shade,

And over the waters His courts He has laid.


He rides on the clouds, the wings of the storm,

The lightening and wind His mission perform;

The earth He has founded her station to keep,

And wrapped as a vesture about her the deep.


O'er mountain and plain the dark waters raged;

His voice they obeyed, the floods were assuaged;

Uplifting the mountains He ordered a bound,

Forbidding the waters to cover the ground.


He causes the springs of water to flow

In streams 'mid the hills and valleys below;

Beside them with singing the birds greet the day,

And there the beasts gather their thirst to allay.


286.  A Faithful Creator.   Psalm 104.  10s and 11s.

He waters the hills with rain from the skies,

And plentiful grass and herbs He supplies,

Supplying the cattle, and blessing man's toil

With bread in abundance, with wine and with oil.


The trees which the Lord has planted are fed,

And over the earth their branches are spread;

They keep in their shelter the birds of the air,

The life of each creature the Lord makes His care.


The seasons are fixed by wisdom divine,

The slow changing moon shows forth God's design;

The sun in his circuit his Maker obeys,

And running his journey hastes not nor delays.


The Lord makes the night, when, leaving the lair,

The lions creep forth, God's bounty to share;

The Lord makes the morning, when beasts steal away

And men are beginning the work of the day.


How many and wise Thy works are, O Lord!

The earth with the wealth of wisdom is stored,

The sea bears in safety the ships to and fro,

And creatures unnumbered it shelters below.


Thy creatures all look to Thee for their food;

Thy hand opens wide, they gather the good;

Thy face Thou concealest, in anguish they yearn;

Their breath Thou withholdest, to dust they return.


287.  A Meditation on Providence.  Psalm 104.  10s and 11s.

Thy Spirit, O Lord, makes life to abound;

The earth is renewed and fruitful the ground;

To God ascribe glory and wisdom and might,

Let God in His creatures forever delight.


Before the Lord's might earth trembles and quakes,

The mountains are rent and smoke from them breaks;

The Lord I will worship through all of my days,

Yea, while I have being my God I will praise.


Rejoicing in God, my thought shall be sweet,

While sinners depart in ruin complete;

My soul, bless Jehovah, His Name be adored,

Come, praise Him, ye people, and worship the Lord.


288.  The Creator Glorified.  Psalm 104.  C.M.

O Lord, how manifold the works

In wisdom wrought by Thee;

The wealth of Thy creation fills

The earth and mighty sea.


Let God rejoice in all His works,

And let His works proclaim

For evermore their Maker's praise

And glorify His Name.


While life shall last, my thankful lips

A song to God will raise,

And while my being I possess,

My Maker will I praise.


My heart shall think upon His grace

In meditation sweet;

My soul, rejoicing in the Lord,

His praises shall repeat.


289.  The Unfailing Faithfulness of God.  Psalm 105.  C.M.

O praise the Lord, His deeds make known,

And call upon His Name;

Sing ye to Him, His praises sing,

His wondrous works proclaim.


Let hearts rejoice that seek the Lord,

His holy Name adore;

Seek ye Jehovah and His strength,

Seek Him for evermore.


Ye children of God's covenant,

Who of His grace have heard,

Forget not all His wondrous deeds

And judgments of His word.


The Lord our God is God alone,

All lands His judgments know;

His promise He remembers still,

While generations go.


While yet our fathers were but few,

Sojourners in the land,

He sware that Canaan should be theirs,

And made His covenant stand.


He suffered none to do them wrong

In all their pilgrim way;

Yea, for their sake were kings reproved

And covered with dismay.


His stern command restrained their foes

And filled them with alarm:

Touch not My own anointed ones,

Nor do my prophets harm.


He wholly broke the staff of bread

And called for famine sore,

And He prepared His people's way

By sending one before.


Then Joseph, sold to slavery,

With cruel chains was bound;

Till his prediction came to pass,

Distress and grief he found.


The king released him from his bonds

And made him rule the land,

Subjecting chiefs and senators

To his controlling hand.


To Egypt Israel followed then,

And there grew great and strong,

Until their friends became their foes

And did them grievous wrong.


God sent His servant Moses then,

And Aaron, whom He chose;

Great signs and wonders they displayed

To terrify their foes.


In darkness they were taught to fear

God's great and holy Name;

On man and beast, on vine and field,

His awful judgment came.


He smote the firstborn in the land,

The chief of all their strength,

Enriched His people with the spoil

And brought them forth at length.


He led them forth in health and strength,

None weak in all their band,

And Egypt, filled with fear, rejoiced

To see them leave the land.


He spread a cloud to cover them,

Most glorious and bright,

And made a fiery pillar shine

To give them light by night.


At their request He sent them quails,

And bread of heaven bestowed;

And from the rock, to quench their thirst,

The living waters flowed.


His sacred word to Abraham

He kept, though waiting long,

And brought His chosen people forth

With joy and thankful song.


The lands and toil of wicked men

He gave them to possess,

That they might keep His holy laws;

Jehovah praise and bless.

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