Church Government

Classis West Report - September 25, 2024


News Report of Classis West of the PRCA

Meeting September 25, 2024

Classis West of the Protestant Reformed Churches met on September 25, 2024, in Hull (IA) PRC. The Hull congregation did a fine job of hosting the delegates.

The day before the meeting, Hull’s council hosted an officebearers’ conference on the subject of “The Conclusion of PRCA Foreign Missionary Labors in the Philippines.” The speakers were two of our former missionaries to the Philippines, Rev. Daniel Kleyn and Rev. Richard Smit, who each gave two speeches. Rev. Kleyn spoke on “The History of our Mission Work” and “Concluding Our Work in the Philippines.” Rev. Smit spoke on “Lessons Learned in Our Mission Work” and “The Current Status of the PRC in the Philippines.”

Delegated to Classis were 26 men (10 ministers, 15 elders, and 1 deacon), and they were joined by three synodical deputies from Classis East. A number of visitors were also present, including grade school children from three area Protestant Reformed schools and high school students from the area high school. By alphabetical rotation, Rev. R. Smit chaired the meeting.

Five men signed the Formula of Subscription as first-time delegates to Classis, the minutes of the previous meeting of Classis were approved, and the chairman appointed five committees of pre-advice.

AHaveman sermonThe highlight of the meeting was the examination of Pastor-elect Arend Haveman, who had accepted the call to serve as pastor of Loveland (CO) PRC. The night before Classis convened, the delegates gathered with the Hull congregation to worship God and to hear the specimen sermon of Mr. Haveman. He preached on 1 Peter 2:9-10 under the theme “A Chosen Generation,” and displayed clearly the gifts that God has entrusted to him for the proclamation of the gospel. The majority of the morning of Classis was taken up with the joyful work of examining Mr. Haveman in theology, knowledge of Scripture and the Reformed confessions, controversy, and practica. Throughout the exam the brother gave a good account of the intellectual and spiritual gifts necessary for the ministry. Classis unanimously approved his examination, and the synodical deputies from Classis East heartily concurred. The brother plans to be ordained and installed into the ministry in the next few weeks. We give thanks to the Lord of the harvest for supplying our churches with another faithful laborer!

 (Photo below: CW delegates congratulate Pastor-elect Arend Haveman)

A Haveman CW congrats Hull PRC Sept 25 2024

After the conclusion of the exam, Classis took an extended break for the committees of pre-advice to prepare their advice. When the delegates reassembled in the afternoon, the four questions of Article 41 of the Church Order were asked of the consistories and satisfactorily answered by all.

In closed session, Classis treated the report of a special committee assigned by Classis to help a consistory regarding a case of sexual abuse. Classis approved the work of the special committee up to this point, gave advice to the consistory, and gave further mandates to the special committee as to their work with the consistory going forward.

After supper, routine reports of the stated clerk, classical committee, and reading sermon committee were read and approved.

Classis also treated a request from its church visitors. In March 2024, Classis had given the following mandate to the church visitors with respect to reports received by consistories from the third-party investigation into cases of sexual abuse: “…instruct its church visitors that, prior to the meeting with each consistory for the annual church visitation, they request a report of all correspondence received from the third party with the names redacted. The church visitors would then discuss this correspondence with the consistory at the annual meeting, document the correspondence, and report their findings in summary form with names redacted to the classis.” In light of Synod 2024 deciding that the previous Synod had erred in authorizing a secular organization to do this work, the church visitors asked to be relieved of this mandate. Classis did not approve this request of the church visitors, but decided that the mandate should stand, judging that the church visitors had not demonstrated why the decision of Synod 2024 was reason that their mandate must be rescinded nor why the fulfilling of this mandate would be improper.

Classis also treated the protest of a consistory against a procedural decision of the previous meeting of Classis. Classis upheld the protest and declared its previous decision to be in error on the grounds that (1) Classis had wrongly entered into a matter that had just been declared not legally before it; (2) that the material entered into had not appeared in the agenda or on the consistory’s credentials; and (3) that Classis’ decision rested upon a faulty understanding of Article 30 of the Church Order, because, while Article 30 says that Classis may deal with matters "such as pertain to the churches of the major assembly in common," this does not give Classis the right to enter into any local matter it wants to.

Classis made a schedule of pulpit supply through March of 2025 for the vacant congregations of Hope PRC (Redlands, CA) and Lynden (WA) PRC.

The expenses of the meeting were approved in the amount of $12,762.48.

Classis finished its work a little after 9:00 PM.

Classis West will meet next in Calvary PRC (Hull, IA) on March 5, 2025, the Lord willing.

Rev. Joshua Engelsma

Stated Clerk, Classis West

Last modified on 27 September 2024

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