Church Government

Synod 2014 - Report on Day 1


The following is the summary report of the second clerk of Synod this year, Rev. Clay Spronk. We thank him for this contribution and the pictures. The pictures of the committees of Synod that follow were taken by Mr.Don Doezema, Stated Clerk of Synod. This report is also attached here in pdf form.

Day 1 Report of Synod 2014 Page 1
Day 1 Report of Synod 2014 Page 2

Group Picture - the whole body of Synod, including special guests:

Group Pic - Synod 2014

Officers of Synod:

Officers- Synod 2014
Rev.G.Eriks, Vice-president; Rev.K.Koole, President; Rev.D.Kuiper, 1st Clerk; Rev.C.Spronk, 2nd Clerk

Committees of Synod:

Comm-1-Synod 2014
Committee I: Prof.B.Gritters, J.Lenting, N.Kleyn, Rev.W.Langerak, Rev.D.Kuiper

Comm2-Synod 2014
Committee II: P.Vander Schaaf, Rev.R.Van Overloop, A.Bylsma, Rev.C.Spronk, Prof.R.Dykstra

Comm3 - Synod 2014
Committee III: J.Decker, Rev.J.Laning, J.Regnerus, Rev.K.Koole, Prof.R.Cammenga 

Comm4 - Synod 2014
Committee IV: H.Langerak, L.Uittenbogaard, Rev.S.Key, Rev.C.Haak

Comm5 - Synod 2014
Committtee V: G.Van Baren, D.Terpstra, Rev.A.Brummel, Rev.G.Eriks 

Special delegates - Sister churches-2014
Special Delegates from Sister Churches: Elder Lee Kong Wee (Covenant ERC Singapore) & Rev.M.McGeown (Covenant PRC, N.Ireland)

Public Declaration - Synod 2014
Synodical delegates rising to assent to the Public Declaration of Agreement with the Three Forms of Unity.

Last modified on 12 June 2014

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