parental training

  • Sermon preached in Byron Center PRC by her pastor. The message is related to the beginning of the Christian education and church catechism seasons. The main points are: I. Its Curriculum II. Its Teacher III. Its Goal

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  • Sermon preached in Hope PRC by Prof.Herman Hanko. The message has these parts: 1. The Great Evil 2. The Spiritual Cause 3. The radical Cure
  • Baptism sermon preached in Hudsonville PRC by her pastor, Rev.G.Eriks. The sermon has these divisions: 1. The Greatest Treasure 2. The God-Ordained Way 3. The Blessed Profit
  • For many of us, parenting our children in the fear of the Lord is one of the most challenging callings we will ever face. But how rewarding this calling can be when we follow God's way and God's will. Do we struggle when our children are angry, or proud, or selfish? How do we discipline them as God calls us to? Do we teach our children about sexual purity or warn them about the ways of the world? These and many other topics are addressed in this 14-sermon series by Rev. Eriks, based on the wisdom of Solomon found in Proverbs. This sermon on discipline in the home is divided into these parts: 1. The Loving Activity 2. The Forbidden Despising 3. The Necessary Trust
  • Sermon preached in Pittsburgh PRC by her pastor, Rev. J. Mahtani, on the occasion of Christian baptism (infant). The main points are: I. The Children Taught II. The God Who Teaches III. The Blessings of the Church

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  • Christian education sermon preached in Doon PRC by her pastor, Rev. J. Engelsma. The main points are; I. The Covenant Child II. The Necessary Training III. The Encouraging Promise

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  • Sermon preached in SW PRC (Wyoming, MI) by guest preacher Prof. H.Hanko, on the occasion of Christan baptism (infant).
  • Sermon preached in First PRC (Grand Rapids, MI) by her pastor, Rev. C. Griess, on the occasion of Christian baptism (infant). The main points are: 1. What They Are 2. Their Unity 3. The Result of Use

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  • Sermon preached in Unity PRC by her pastor, Rev. G. Eriks. The main points are: I. Driving Out Folly II. Expressing Love III. Trusting Jehovah

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  • For many of us, parenting our children in the fear of the Lord is one of the most challenging callings we will ever face. But how rewarding this calling can be when we follow God's way and God's will. Do we struggle when our children are angry, or proud, or selfish? How do we discipline them as God calls us to? Do we teach our children about sexual purity or warn them about the ways of the world? These and many other topics are addressed in this 14-sermon series by Rev. Eriks, based on the wisdom of Solomon found in Proverbs. This sermon on the teaching of our children to beware the path of the wicked is divided into these parts: 1. Exposing the Evil Way 2. Calling to Diligent Avoidance 3. Teaching the Grand Goal
  • Preached in Hudsonville PRC by her pastor on the occasion of baptism. The message has these parts: 1. Understanding Fear 2. Hearing the Only Answer 3. Living Fearless
  • Sermon preached in Unity PRC by her pastor, Rev. G. Eriks, on the occasion of Christian baptism. The main points are: I. The Idea II. The Activity III. The Blessing

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  • Father's Day message preached in Covenant of Grace PRC by her pastor, Rev. R. Kleyn.

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