perseverance of the saints

  • Sermon preached in Georgetown PRC (Hudsonville, MI) by her pastor, Rev. C. Haak, an introduction to the family visiting theme. The message has these parts: I. A Necessary Profession II. An Urgent Calling III. A Tremendous Incentive
  • Sermon preached in First PRC (Grand Rapids, MI) by her pastor, Rev. C. Griess, part of a series on Galatians. The main points are: 1. Seeing the Problem 2. The Only Solution 3. Instructive Practice

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  • Preached in Loveland (CO) PRC by her pastor, as part of a series on the NT book of 2 Peter. The sermon is divided this way: 1. Their Identity 2. Their Teachings 3. Their End
  • Sermon preached in Byron Center PRC by her pastor, Prof. D. Dykstra. The main points are: I. The Provocation II. The Hardening III. The Warning

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  • Sermon preached in Unity PRC by her pastor, Rev. G.Eriks, part of a series on the NT book of James. I. Believing the Lord’s Coming II. Understanding Patience III. Seeing God Rightly

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  • Message delivered on the Reformed Witness Hour by Rev. W. Bruinsma, pastor of Pittsburgh PRC, part of a series on Hebrews 11.

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  • Sermon preached in Georgetown PRC by her pastor, Rev. C. Haak. The main points are: I. Rejoicing in Hope II. Patient in Tribulation III. Persevering in Prayer

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  • Message delivered on the Reformed Witness Hour radio program by Rev.R.Kleyn, pastor of Covenant of Grace PRC in Spokane, WA.
  • Message delivered on the Reformed Witness Hour by Rev. W. Bruinsma, pastor of Pittsburgh, PA, part of a series on Hebrews 11.

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  • Message delivered by missionary-pastor W.Bruinsma (Pittsburgh, PA) on the Reformed Witness Hour radio program sponsored by the PRC. This is part 1 of a two part series on the end of Hebrews 11.
  • Message delivered on the Reformed Witness Hour, a radio ministry of the PRC, by missionary-pastor W.Bruinsma.
  • Sermon preached in Crete PRC by her pastor, Rev. J. Engelsma, part of a series on the NT epistle of Philippians. The main points are: I. The Work II. The Worker III. The Workmanship

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  • Sermon preached in Faith PRC (Jenison, MI) by her pastor Rev. C. Spronk, part of a series on the five points of Calvinism in connection with the 400th anniversary of the Canons of Dordt. 1. Ordering Them 2. Delighting In Them 3. Upholding Them

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  • Preached in Loveland PRC by her pastor, as part of a series on the NT book of 2 Peter. The message has these parts: 1. The Reality 2. The Necessity 3. The Means 4. The Marks
  • Sermon preached for Ascension Day in Loveland PRC by her pastor, Rev. S.Key. The message has these parts: 1. The Profession 2. The Exhortation 3. The Incentive
  • Sermon preached in Hudsonville PRC by her pastor, Rev.G. Eriks, on the occasion of public profession of faith. The message has these parts: 1. The requirement 2. The reason 3. The resource - prayer
  • Sermon preached in Peace PRC (Dyer, IN) by her pastor, Rev. R. Barnhill, part of a series on the five points of Calvinism.

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  • This message was delivered on the Reformed Witness Hour by Missionary-pastor W.Bruinsma, as part of a series on the NT book of Jude.
  • Preached in Georgetown PRC (Hudsonville, MI) by her pastor, as part of a series on the NT book of Jude. The sermon is divided this way: I. The Great Peril II. The Exercising of Discernment III. The Constraining Motivation
  • Preached in Hudsonville PRC by her pastor as part of a series on the life of Joseph. The sermon has these parts: 1. The Inmates' Dreams 2. The Patient Response 3. The Continued Imprisonment

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