Volume 6

Volume 6: Number 01: "The Church Militant;" "An Intercessory Prayer for the Elect (1);" "Was Jesus Tempted?"
Volume 6; Number 02 " The Church Triumphant"; "An Intercessory Prayer for the Elect (2)"; "Will there be a Literal Armageddon?
Volume 6; Number 03: "The Church Unborn"; "An Intercessory Prayer for the Elect (3)"; "Are the Sabbath and the Lord's Day the Same?"
Volume 6; Number 04: "The Election of the Church"; "Conditional Promises (1)"; "Are Scripture's Commands Surperfluous?
Volume 6; Number 05: "The Holiness of the Church"; "Conditional Promises (2)"; "Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs?"
Volume 6: Number 06: "The Catholicity of the Church"; "Conditional Promises (3)";"Are Circumcision and Baptism the Same?"
Volume 6: Number 07: "The Apostolic Church"; "Conditional Promises (4)"; "Does 'Baptism' mean 'Submersion'?"
Volume 6: Number 08: "The Unity of the Church"; "Unfruitful Branches"; "What Makes an Elder?"
Volume 6: Number 09: "The Unity of the Church in All Ages"; "Sabbath Observance"; "Does Amillennialism have Roman Catholic Roots?
Volume 6: Number 10: "The Offices in the Church"; "Being Reconciled to God (1)"; "What is the Destiny of the Unevangelised?"
Volume 6: Number 11: "The Office of Elder"; "Being Reconciled to God (2)"; "Was Saul Regenerated?"
Volume 6: Number 12: "The Office of Deacon"; "God's Attempt to Kill Moses"; "Is Amillennialism Romanist? (Again)"
Volume 6: Number 13: "The Office of Pastor and Teacher"; "God's Dealings with Israel (1)"; "What About the Alpha Course? (1)"
Volume 6: Number 14: "Church Government"; "God's Dealings with Israel (2)"; "Does the Alpha Course Teach the Truth?"
Volume 6: Number 15: "The True Church"; "God's Dealings with Israel (3)"; "What Is Hyper-Calvinism?"
Volume 6: Number 16: "The Marks of the True Church"; "The Signs of the Gospel (1)"; "What's Wrong with Hyper-Calvinism?"
Volume 6; Number 17: "The Gospel"; "The Signs of the Gospel (2)"; "What is Hyper-Calvinism?"
Volume 6; Number 18: "Preaching (1)"; "The Irresistible Call of the Gospel (1)"; "What is the Gospel (Against Hyperism)?"
Volume 6; Number 19: "Preaching (2)"; "The Irresistible Call of the Gospel (2)"; "Where Do O.T. Believers Go at Death?"
Volume 6: Number 20: "The Necessity of Christian Discipline"; "The Irresistible Call of the Gospel (3)"; "Are Sheol and Hell the Same?
Volume 6: Number 21: "The Way of Christian Discipline"'; "The Irresistible Call of the Gospel (4)"; What Form Ought Family Worship Take?"
Volume 6; Number 22: "The Sacraments"; The Irresistible Call of the Gospel (5)"; "How Conduct Family Worship?" (1)
Volume 6; Number 23: "Two Sacraments"; The Irresistible Call of the Gospel (6)"; "How Conduct Family Worship?" (2)
Volume 6; Number 24: "The Symbolism of Baptism"; "God's Sovereignty and Evil (1)"; "What is the Final Condition of the Earth?"
Volume 6; Number 25: "The Sign and Reality of Baptism"; "God's Sovereignty and Evil (2)"; "What About Artificial Life Support?"
Volume 6, Number 26: "The Meaning of Baptism"; "God's Sovereignty and Evil (3)"; "When Does Life End?