3505 Kelly, Hudsonville, MI 49426
Phone: 616-669-6730
Hours: Monday 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Tues. – Fri. 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Email: ReformedBookOutlet@att.net
Web site: www.reformedbookoutlet.weebly.com
May 2016
Once again RBO will be offering 25% off retail prices on our Bibles, Bible covers and books, including all of the RFPA titles, during the month of May. This also includes any special orders for books we might not carry in the store, if ordered in May.
Not included are our music CDs, cards, and our few NET items, such as Psalters, and small Psalters.
An overview of our sections and the types of books we carry:
Section One: Children’s Bible Story books, and devotionals and children’s literature.
Section Two: Children’s historical fiction, and story books such as horse stories, mysteries etc.
Section Three: Children and Youth historical fiction, biographies, and children’s classics. (Back in print, children’s classic Star Eye by William (Hester Monsma) Schmidt)
Section Four: Adult and young adult historical fiction.
Section Five: Devotionals of all sorts, books on prayer, comfort, poetry, etc.
Puritan paperbacks, and Mrs. Gertrude Hoeksema’s Bible curriculum books.
Section Six: Autobiographies, Biographies, Elisabeth Elliot books, and books on Cults.
Section Seven: Christian Living books on all topics, marriage, finances, family, spiritual struggles, etc. Check out a new book by Al Martin The Forgotten Fear: Where Have All the God Fearers Gone?
Section Eight: Church History, missions, books on elders, deacons, counseling, etc. and gift books.
Section Nine: Complete line of Reformed Free Publishing Association books, books on Reformed Doctrine, on John Calvin, and on the creeds.
Section Ten: Commentaries and expositions on books of the Bible.
Section Eleven: King James Version of the Bible – many sizes, styles, colors, font sizes, for all ages. Check out Psalms a book containing the Psalms in a very giant print. We also have comparison Bibles comparing KJV with other versions, and Nave’s Topical Bible.
Section Twelve: KJV Study Bibles and Bible Study resources – concordances, dictionaries, etc.
Come in, or call in May to see if we can fill your needs.
Let us help build your religious library.
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