
Ordination Service of Rev.R. Barnhill, New Pastor of Peace PRC

RBarnhill Synod 2015 1On Friday evening October 9, 2015, Pastor-elect Ryan Barnhill (2015 PRC Seminary graduate) was ordained into the ministry of the Word and sacraments in the PRC and installed as pastor of Peace PRC (Lansing, IL), which had called him on July 27.

Prof.B. Gritters of the PRC Seminary led the service, preaching from Exodus 18:13-26 under the theme "Jethro's Ecclesiastical Wisdom."

Eight PRC ministers were present for the laying on of hands (see pictures below).

RBarnhill Ordination 1
The laying on of hands, part of the ordination ceremony of Rev.R. Barnhill.

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PRC ministers present for the ordination service. Back row (l-r): Prof.R.Dykstra, Rev.N.Langerak, Rev.D. Lee, Rev.R. Van Overloop. Front row: Rev.S.Houck, Prof.B. Gritters, Rev.R. Barnhill, Rev.J. Mahtani, Rev.G. Eriks.

After the service, a brief welcome program was held, with special numbers sung by the children and the choir (Picture below).

RBarhill Ordination 4

We rejoice with Peace PRC in God's provision of a new pastor to serve in her midst, and we rejoice together as a denomination in the ordination of this new servant of the Lord. May God richly bless Rev.Barnhill's labors in Peace PRC and beyond, granting him a faithful and fruiful ministry.

Last modified on 10 October 2015

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