
Pittsburgh PRC  Pittsburgh, PA

Pittsburgh PRC Pittsburgh, PA

Pastor: Rev. J. Mahtani

Rev. Wilbur (Bill) Bruinsma (Emeritus)


716 Atlantic Ave.

Pittsburgh, PA 15221

Services: 9:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.


Pittsburgh PRC Updates - September 2016

Pittsburgh PRC logo 2016

From our newest congregation - Pittsburgh PRC - and her faithful "reporter", Many Tolsma, comes this newsletter update. The full newsletter is attached as a pdf. The first part is posted here.

Pittsburgh Updates

  • Our summer began with the annual Memorial Day church picnic. We gathered at a park in Monroeville. We had a delicious spread of hamburgers and hotdogs and many sides to go with them. We played baseball and also everyone, even the adults, enjoyed the toys at the park!
  • As you know, we experienced the organization of our church in June. Since then, we have picked a name for our church. We are know the Pittsburgh Protestant Reformed Church.
  • We also have called our own minister, who graciously accepted our call, and who was installed into office by Rev. Ken Koole in August.
  • Several of the young adults in our congregation have gathered at the park to play tennis this summer. Many have discovered that they need much more practice! We hope to continue getting together and working on this.
  • We continue to have our fellowship dinners the second Sunday afternoon of every month. No one walks away hungry!
  • Our NOC committee continues to work very hard on many projects. One of them includes our new website. Check it out!
  • Our fall lecture is being planned for November 11 with the theme: "The Church in the Last Days: Continuing in Things Learned". Our speaker is Rev. W. Bruinsma.

Special notice: In connection with the organization of Pittsburgh PRC, the Domestic Mission Committee of the PRCA has sent out the following notice:

The Domestic Mission Committee (DMC) wishes to inform the churches that with the organization of the Pittsburgh mission field and with their missionary, Rev. W. Bruinsma, accepting the call to become Pittsburgh’s first pastor, Southwest PRC has asked to be relieved of its responsibilities of being a calling church for domestic missions. With deep appreciation for Southwest’s work the DMC has approved this request and will so inform Synod. 


Our Newest PRC Congregation - Pittsburgh PRC - June 24, 2016 (New Updates)

Update (3): The new Pittsburgh PRC is now listed under the PRC congregations, where her news items will appear in the future.

Update (2): From their first trio the newly organized Pittsburgh PRC extended a call to Missionary-pastor W. Bruinsma on Sunday, July 10. We pray for him as he considers this call.

Update (1): The Pittsburgh PRC formed a trio of Revs. W. Bruinsma, C. Griess (Calvary PRC, Hull, IA), and R. Kleyn (Covenant of Grace, Spokane, WA) to call its first minister.  They will extend a call on July 10, D.V.

It may also be noted the new congregation adopted the official name of Pittsburgh Protestant Reformed Church.

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Rev. W. Bruinsma (missionary) and A. den Hartog (SW PRC) leading the organizational service.

On Friday evening, June 24, 2016, the Pittsburgh PR Fellowship was organized as a PR congregation, under the supervision of the SW PRC, which had been the calling church for this mission. Many visitors were in attendance, including members of the Domestic Mission Committee.

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Below is a note Missionary-pastor W. Bruinsma sent out afterward:

Last night, July 24 the Pittsburgh Protestant Reformed Church was instituted as a congregation in the Protestant Reformed Churches. Keith Bauman and Peter Cnossen were chosen as elders and Anthony Bauman as deacon. We rejoice together with this small body of believers and ask God's continued care as they stand on their own in years to come. The church here greatly appreciates all the prayers and support given in the past years on their behalf. Please continue to pray for them as they begin their labors and witness as a church of Jesus Christ.

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New officebearers signing the Formula of Subscription.

Below is part of the program for the evening (You will also find it attached in pdf form).

Pitts Organization program Page 1

We rejoice with this latest "sister" in our PRC federation, and pray God's richest blessings on her as she shines as Christ's light in that city.


Pittsburgh PRC Calls Rev. W. Bruinsma

WBruinsma 2From their trio of Revs. W. Bruinsma, C. Griess (Calvary PRC), and R. Kleyn (Covenant of Grace PRC), the newly organized Pittsburgh PRC extended a call to Missionary-pastor W. Bruinsma on Sunday, July 10.

Rev. Bruinsma has served as Eastern Home Misisonary in the PRC since 2006, mainly stationed in Pittsburgh mission.

May the Lord of the church make His will plain to this servant and give Him grace to follow it.


Our Newest PRC Congregation - Pittsburgh PRC - June 24, 2016 (Updated)

Update: The Pittsburgh PRC formed a trio of Revs. W. Bruinsma, C. Griess (Calvary PRC, Hull, IA), and R. Kleyn (Covenant of Grace, Spokane, WA) to call its first minister.  They will extend a call on July 10, D.V.

It may also be noted the new congregation adopted the official name of Pittsburgh Protestant Reformed Church.

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Rev. W. Bruinsma (missionary) and A. den Hartog (SW PRC) leading the organizational service.

On Friday evening, June 24, 2016, the Pittsburgh PR Fellowship was organized as a PR congregation, under the supervision of the SW PRC, which had been the calling church for this mission. Many visitors were in attendance, including members of the Domestic Mission Committee.

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Below is a note Missionary-pastor W. Bruinsma sent out afterward:

Last night, July 24 the Pittsburgh Protestant Reformed Church was instituted as a congregation in the Protestant Reformed Churches. Keith Bauman and Peter Cnossen were chosen as elders and Anthony Bauman as deacon. We rejoice together with this small body of believers and ask God's continued care as they stand on their own in years to come. The church here greatly appreciates all the prayers and support given in the past years on their behalf. Please continue to pray for them as they begin their labors and witness as a church of Jesus Christ.

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New officebearers signing the Formula of Subscription.

Below is part of the program for the evening (You will also find it attached in pdf form).

Pitts Organization program Page 1

We rejoice with this latest "sister" in our PRC federation, and pray God's richest blessings on her as she shines as Christ's light in that city.


SW PRC Sets June 24 as Date for Pittsburgh Organization

Pitts website header

From the Council of SW PRC, the calling church for the mission in Pittsburgh, PA, comes this significant note:

At the May 11, 2016 meeting of Classis East, approval was given to organize the Pittsburgh Protestant Reformed Fellowship as an instituted church.  SW Protestant Reformed Church was instructed to organize this congregation on the behalf of Classis.  With thanksgiving to God, SW Protestant Reformed Church’s Council, as well as the Pittsburgh Protestant Reformed Fellowship, invites you to Pittsburgh on June 24, 2016, at 7 PM, for this organizational service.  Everyone is invited for a time of refreshment and fellowship following the service.


Building a Godly Family Seminar - Pittsburgh PR Fellowship, May 6-7, 2016

marriage 1This coming weekend, May 6-7 (Friday and Saturday), the PRC church plant in Pittsburgh, PA (PR Fellowship) will be hosting a special seminar on "Building a Godly Family." Pastors W. Bruinsma, C.Haak, and R. Kleyn will be speaking on three subjects relating to this theme - geared to those who are single, to those who seek to be or are married, and to those who plan to have or do have a family.

The subjects are timely and important. All those in the area are welcome to attend. Below is a flyer and advertisement providing some details of the seminar.

Visit the Pittsburgh PR Fellowship website for more information.

The speeches given at this conference are now available on the PRC website. Listen and be edified, whether you are single or married, just beginning a family or have an established family!

flyer for 2016 spring seminar


May 6th and 7th, 2016
Building A Godly Family

Prime Material

Pastor Rodney Kleyn of the Reformed Witness Hour will speak on the life of the single believer in the church. In an age and society of promiscuity where fornication has become acceptable, Pastor Kleyn will remind single saints of the need to remain chaste and pure. Men and women who fear God and keep His commandments make for prime material suited for the construction of a godly home and family. Has the Lord just recently by His grace brought you to faith and repentance? Then rejoice! Your past is forgiven and it is time now to exercise yourself in godliness as a single believer in the church.

Careful Selection

Pastor Carl Haak of the Reformed Witness Hour will speak on how to find and select the right person with whom one can construct a godly marriage and family. Selecting the right man or woman is foundational for a solid home. But, how does a believer find a godly spouse? Where does one look? Obviously, one ought not to be searching in the ungodly places of entertainment where unbelievers frequent. But then where? And, what ought one to look for in that person? How will I know I am compatible with him or her? Pastor Haak will give us sound, biblical answers to these questions and more.

Meticulous Construction

Pastor Bill Bruinsma of the Reformed Witness Hour will speak on the need for a husband and wife to pay careful attention to the details of their home and family. This begins with following carefully what the Word of God teaches about their relationship with one another in marriage. If that lifelong bond of marriage is going to be a happy one both husband and wife will need to be meticulous in constructing their marriage according to Scripture. Likewise, they need to pay close attention to what the Word of God says about having and raising their children. The philosophy of the Scripture is different than that of the unbelieving world in this matter. Learn how.

We pray that these three speeches will give insightful instruction in God’s Word for believers in whatever place they find themselves in the church. Come join us free of charge for a time of fellowship and spiritual refreshment! This will give you an opportunity, as well, to meet the three pastors that speak regularly on the Reformed Witness Hour aired Sunday mornings at 10 AM on WORD FM. Come see the faces behind the voices!

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