
Seminary Heidelberg Catechism Writing Contest Winners

The winners of the HC Writing Contest who were present Friday night.At the Friday night session of the PR Seminary's recent Heidelberg Catechism conference (October 17-19, 2013) the winners of the Writing Contest were announced, but only seven of the fifteen award winners could be present (see the picture). And while the others were acknowledged that night, it is also fitting that the entire group be recognized here, while also noting the categories in which they were awarded. We extend our hearty congratulations to all these winners, as well as expressing our appreciation to all those who entered the contest!







Junior High (grades 6-8)

Brett Kalsbeek (Hope PRC, GR)
Jori Baas (SW PRC)
Allen Kalsbeek (Hope PRC, GR)

High School (grade 9-10)

Lorraine Smit (Hope PRC, Redlands, CA)
Kelsey Kuiper (Faith PRC)
Rachel Rutgers (Hope PRC, GR)

High School (grades 11-12)

Elizabeth Ensink (Trinity PRC)
Gwen Van Baren (Crete PRC)
Leah Marcus (First PRC, Edmonton)


Dale Schipper (SW PRC)
Sara Doezema (Hope PRC, GR)
Stephen Mulder (First PRC, Edmonton)


Sarah Mowery (Loveland CO PRC)
Shirley Casemier (First PRC, Holland)
Rick Noorman (Faith PRC)

Last modified on 27 October 2013

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