
New RFPA Title! "Battle for Sovereign Grace in the Covenant"

Battle-for-Sovereign-Grace-DJE-2013This month (June 2013) marks the 60th anniversary of the Schism of 1953 within the PRC, the culmination of the hard fought battle for sovereign grace in the covenant. Delve into this history with David J. Engelsma's new book, Battle for Sovereign Grace in the Covenant. This book recounts much of the gripping history of the schism, including new, important details that have not been previously published. The book also provides the history of the controversial adoption by the PRCA of the Declaration of Principles as well as a brief commentary on the document. Both print and eBook formats are available at or you may contact the office to place your order (616-457-5970 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Last modified on 08 June 2013
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