
PRC Mission News for December 25, 2016

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For this Christmas Day 2016 (Dec.25) we post the following news items gathered from the PRC, sister-church, and mission-station bulletins:

From the PRC Contact Committee:

PHILIPPINES VISIT: After holding further discussions this past week with the PRCs in the Philippines concerning a sister-church relationship with the PRC, the delegation of Prof. R. Dykstra and Rev. G. Eriks (both members of Contact Committee) are preaching in the churches there today and plan to return this Tuesday, Dec. 27. (Below are a couple of pictures taken of the delegation; for more pictures and information, visit the Kleyn's blog.)

RDykstra ProvCC Dec 2016
Prof. R. Dykstra preaching in Provident Christian Church.

Bible study ProvCC Dec 2016
Attending Bible study in Provident CC.

From Maranatha PRC in Valenzuela City, the Philippines:

The Lord willing, the Holsteges [Rev. D. Holstege and family] will move to the Philippines in January, arriving on January 12, 2017.

From Byron Center PRC:

The Council has made up the following trio of pastors for the congregation to vote from for a call to be extended to be our next home missionary: Rev. C. Haak, Rev. B. Huizinga and Rev. R. Van Overloop. The congregational meeting for calling a missionary has been set for Sunday evening, January 1 after our evening worship service.

Map India 1From the Council of Georgetown PRC:

India Delegation Departure: Prof. Barry and Lori Gritters and Deane and Donna Wassink leave for a three Sunday stay with the PRC in Vellore this week.  This will be Prof. Gritter's third trip to India. He will be involved especially with the Sola Gratia Program in training area pastors in the Reformed Faith and the Pastoral ministry. He will preach and teach in the PRCV, English congregation, and Village outreach. The Wassinks will assist in all these labors as well as direct their attention to the Grace Foster Home and Tamil congregation in expanding and strengthening our bonds in Christ with the PRCV. Pray for the Lord's blessing.

From the Covenant ERC in Singapore:

E. Singh continues to consider her call to serve as missionary to Kolkata, India, planning to answer on or before Jan.1, 2017.

To our missionaries and those serving in far away places we extend our wishes and lift up our prayers for a blessed Christmas and New Year. May God continue to use you in the spread of the gospel in those lands in which you serve, providing special grace for your special labors.

Kleyns Holsteges July 2016
Rev. Daniel & Sharon Kleyn and Rev. Daniel and Leah Holstege and family, Manila, the Philippines

Rev. Martyn Mc Geown, Limerick, Ireland

ALanning family Dec 2016
Rev. Andy & Stephanie Lanning and family - Covenant ERC, Singapore

Last modified on 28 December 2016

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