
PRC & Sister-Church Congregational and Mission News - February 5, 2017



On this first Lord's Day of February 2017, we may note the following news items from the PRC congregations and her mission fields:

Congregational news:

  • Last Sunday (Jan.29) Rev. R. Van Overloop announced his decline of the call from Byron Center PRC to serve as home missionary.
  • Rev. A. Lanning (CERC-Singapore) is considering the call from First PRC, Holland MI to serve as her next pastor.
  • Rev. R. Kleyn (Covenant of Grace PRC, Spokane, WA) is considering the call from SW PRC, Wyoming MI to serve as her next pastor.

Mission News:


  • We remember in prayer Rev. J. Mahtani (Cornerstone PRC, Dyer, IN) as he continues to consider the call from Doon PRC to serve as third missionary to the Philippines.
  • Rev. Allen and Crysta Brummel and Elder Alan De Boer representing the FMC and Doon consistory had a good trip this past week to the Philippines for the annual delegation.  Rev. Brummel preached in the Berean PRC today and they met with the consistory of the PRC of Bulacan.  They plan to arrive home again on Tuesday, February 14.  We remember the delegation in our prayers.

The members of our sister church in Singapore, Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church, are currently celebrating the Chinese New Year (2017 is the Year of the Rooster). Mrs. S. Lanning posted some pictures on the annual church visitation day they hold during this week-long celebration. Below is her opening description and two of her pictures. For more on this, visit her blog post.

To our brothers and sisters there we extend a hearty "Happy and blessed New Year!"

Chinese NY 2017 1
Singing Chinese songs

It is Chinese New Year once again, and today was the annual church Chinese New Year visitation.  Two homes were opened for members of the congregation to visit together.  We went to the home of Roy & Poh Choo, along with Dave & Linda Poortinga, who are visiting from Loveland, Colorado. We began with singing and an exhortation.

Chinese NY 2017 2
Singing Psalter numbers

Last modified on 05 February 2017

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