
PRC and Sister-Church News Highlights for September 5, 2021

The following are special highlights of PRC and sister-church news for this Sunday, September 5, the thirty-sixth Lord's Day of this year 2021.

Ps21 13Today on this new Lord's Day, as God's redeemed and renewed people, we gather publicly in worship to bring our praise and thanks to our triune God for all His gifts, especially the gift of full salvation from sin and unto everlasting life through His Son. By the Holy Spirit's work in our hearts and minds may we give our glorious God the honor due His name. May these words of the psalmist be ours:

The king shall joy in thy strength, O LORD; and in thy salvation how greatly shall he rejoice! Thou hast given him his heart's desire, and hast not withholden the request of his lips. ...Be thou exalted, LORD, in thine own strength: so will we sing and praise thy power. ~ Psalm 21:1-2, 13

  • If you are new to this website and are interested in the PRC, we invite you to join us at any of our services (morning and afternoon/evening). For congregations, locations and times, visit this page.
  • This morning Rev. M.McGeown was installed as the second pastor in the young history of Providence PRC (Hudsonville, MI), with Prof. B. Gritters leading the service. After the service a welcome program and brunch was held. We rejoice with the saints there in God's goodness to them and pray that the Lord will richly bless Rev. McGeown's ministry in their midst.

  • Today Rev. M.DeBoer (Edgerton MN PRC) declined the call from Kalamazoo (MI) PRC (received Aug.1).

  • Today Rev. R. Barnhill (Peace PRC, Dyer, IN) declined the call from Doon PRC (received Aug.15).

  • The Council of Covenant of Grace PRC (Spokane, WA) has formed a new trio from which to call a pastor: Rev. R. Barnhill (Peace PRC), Rev. E.Guichelaar (Randolph PRC) and Rev. D. Holstege (Missionary, Philippines). The congregational meeting is planned for Sunday evening, September 12, after the evening worship service. Rev. R.Kleyn will be preaching his farewell on Sept.19 and moving with his family the next day, Lord willing.

  • The Council of Hudsonville PRC has formed a new trio of Rev. E. Guichelaar, Rev. C.Haak, and Rev. D.Lee. The congregational meeting will be held on September 19, after the evening service.
  • Classical appointments and pulpit supply for today in the vacant PRCs: Rev. R.Hanko in Doon (IA) PRC; Prof. D.Kuiper and Prof. R.Cammenga in First PRC-GR; Rev. C.Griess and Rev. D.Lee in Grace PRC; Prof. R.Cammenga and Rev. J.Holstege in Hudsonville PRC;  Prof. B.Huizinga and Rev. J.Mahtani in Kalamazoo PRCWe thank the Lord for this blessing of our church federation and the privilege to be able to help one another in this need.

  • For those who may still be limited to house worship, whether completely or partially, we invite you to visit the PR churches page and follow the links to the websites where the churches' livestream may be found. Or you may visit the selected audio sermon page and listen to one of your choice there.

Grandville small
Grandville PRC, host of this week's Classis East meeting.


  • Classis East will meet this week Wednesday at Grandville PRC. The Classis will treat the reorganization of our Wingham, Ontario congregation to be implemented by Unity PRC; the request for a Day of Prayer on October 14 for the churches of Classis East (Art. 66 of the Church Order) due to the schism felt by our churches as well as the need for men to prepare for the ministry; and finally, one protest against a decision of the Classis made in May 2021. Pray for the Lord’s blessing. [from one PRC bulletin] The matter of Wingham PRC's reorganization also requires the presence of the synodical deputies from Classis West (Revs. S.Key, J.Laning, E.Guichelaar).
  • Crete PRC will be hosting Classis West, September 29 and the Council has decided to host an Officerbearers' Conference on September 28 at church.  The theme of the conference will be "Sanctification - the Blessed Work of Christ's Spirit".  Our speakers will be Revs. S. Key speaking on "The Spirit of Freedom,'' M.Kortus speaking on "Be Ye Holy: the Doctrine of Sanctification from Leviticus," and J. Engelsma speaking on "In the Way of Our Obedience."  All are welcome to attend.
  • PRC Synod 2021: The delegates and advisors met from June 9-17. The printed PRC Acts of Synod 2021 and Yearbook are now available. Orders to the congregations are being filled and you should have your copy soon. If not, contact the seminary.
  • Synod 2021 instructed the Stated Clerk to include in his letter to the churches a notice of the urgent need for seminary students (Art. 73). The urgency arises from the number of vacant churches, the need for our denomination to fulfill the calling of home missions, the age of some of our older ministers, and the next potential graduate from our seminary is two years away. Let us remember this need for men to proclaim the good news of forgiveness in Jesus Christ in our public and private prayers. Also, consistories should always be ready to encourage any young man in your congregation who has some of the gifts for the ministry.
  • Revs. D. Lee and J. Marcus (both now living in West Michigan) are eligible for calls in the PRC and her sister churches. Let us remember them in prayer as they await new charges.

Auditors Dogmatics RC Aug 2021
Auditors are welcomed back to seminary classes this year, including Prof. R.Cammenga's Dogmatics course on Christology

PRC Seminary Notices:

  • This past week the seminary completed its second week of the new school year (2021-22). We thank the Lord for His goodness and blessing to this point. Remember to pray for faculty, students, and staff as they busy themselves in the day-to-day work. The semester schedule and calendar have been posted on the seminary's website.
  • Prof. R. Cammenga again led the special chapel this past Wednesday. Rev. D.Lee is scheduled to speak this week. On the other days, Sem. Isaac Peters (EPC student, 3rd and final year of special program) led in devotions.
  • Profs. D. Kuiper and B. Huizinga will be teaching new courses as they gradually take over the work of the men they are replacing (Prof. R. Dykstra and Prof. R. Cammenga, respectively). Prof. R. Dykstra will be teaching his final courses this year, while also serving as Byron Center PRC's new pastor. Rev. C.Griess (to be installed as professor in a few weeks) has already started taking his Th.M. classes through Puritan Reformed Seminary in Grand Rapids.
  • Don't forget that the seminary library and bookstore are open daily (M-F, 8-5) for any of your book and Bible needs. The staff is available to assist with any needs you may have.
  • On Wednesday, September 15, a special worship service for the installation of Rev. C. Griess as professor of theology in the Protestant Reformed Theological Seminary will be held in Southwest PRC at 7 p.m. Prof. B. Gritters will lead the service. Seminary convocation will also be included with a time of fellowship afterwards. The link to the live-streaming of the service can be found at In addition, the seminary with its most recent addition (new archives room) and renovations (library and professor offices) will be open for viewing. Refreshments will be served at the church and at the seminary. Come up the hill and see the changes!
  • Coming this Fall! Seminary Conference:  What is preaching?  What does it mean to preach the gospel?  How does one preach the commands of Scripture?  What is application in preaching?  Make plans now to hear four speeches by the seminary professors, under the conference theme "The Lord Gave the Word: Preaching the Gospel."  The conference will be hosted by Trinity PRC, on the late afternoon and evening of October 28 and 29.  More details will follow.
  • For the latest seminary news and information, visit the seminary's website.

CPRC News Header
The August 2021 issue of "Covenant Reformed News" was published this past week (see note below).


  • Covenant ERC, Singapore and her Kolkata, India mission work:
    • The "pastoral voice" section of the bulletin is now being written by her new pastor, Rev. J. Tan. Here is a small part of his reflections: But this principle of prayer must not be limited to the studying of scripture! In fact, whenever we study in school, whether in primary, secondary and university, Scriptures is the lens by which we are to study everything and anything. So, apply this principle of praying before any kind of studying.

      For you students, I leave this prayer of John Calvin with you. A prayer meant to be made every day before we start school.

      “O Lord, who is the fountain of all wisdom and learning, ... Be pleased therefore to infuse your Spirit into me, the Spirit of understanding, of truth, judgment, and prudence, lest my study be without success, and the labor of my teacher be in vain. In whatever kind of study I engage in, enable me to remember to keep its proper end in view, namely, to know you in Christ Jesus your Son; and may everything that I learn assist me to observe the right rule of godliness.”
  • Covenant PRC, N. Ireland:
    • Rev. A.Stewart continues to bring the word faithfully to his flock in Ballymena.
    • Be sure to check out the lastest edition of "Covenant Reformed News" (August 2021). Follow the link to read the latest profitable articles.

  • PRC in the Philippines and her mission work:
    • Berean PRC bulletin: Rev. R. Smit will lead us in the preaching of the Word today via live streaming, D.V. ...In line with the restriction (MECQ) imposed by the National government in NCR from Aug. 31 to Sept. 7, 2021, we are not still able to meet and worship God in our church building, today and thus, the preaching of God’s Word will be live streamed on our Facebook page.
      Rev. Ibe and elder Alex Oriarte are scheduled to visit the saints in All of Grace Protestant Reformed Fellowship (AGPRF), Gabaldon, Nueva Ecija today. Rev. Ibe will give a Word of edification and will also lead them in their Bible study of Ephesians 3: 1ff, D.V.
    • Provident PRC bulletin: Due to the ongoing quarantines, we are again unable to meet all together for worship today. We pray that God will be pleased to bring all of us together again soon each Lord’s Day. Rev. D. Kleyn will lead our worship today. The live-streaming will be available on the “PPRC and Friends” Facebook page. May the Spirit of Christ use His Word to comfort and guide us in our lives as God’s beloved children in Christ.
    • A new PRC missions newsletter is available - July 2021. Read it at the link provided!
    • PRCP Seminary Instruction: A new semester of seminary instruction began recently on August 10 for our seminary student, Bro. Ace Flores. However, because of ECQ in Metro Manila from August 21-30, and possibly longer (through Sept.7), the original plan for this semester has been reorganized (no in-person instruction but online).

RWH Logo 2019
Listen to the Reformed Witness Hour each Sunday - on a radio station near you, on Sermonaudio, or on your favorite podcast - wherever you are!

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  • For the months of July, August, and September Rev. C.Haak (Georgetown PRC in Hudsonville, MI) is the featured speaker, with focus on his series on the book of Nehemiah. Today's message is based on Nehemiah 9:1-31 and titled "Worshiping God in the Light of His Goodness."
  • Listen to the broadcast on the station near you, on your favorite podcast (Google Music, Spotify, and iTunes), or visit the links provided here to listen to this program. Are you are regular listener? If not, why not start today!
  • The Reformed Witness Hour publishes each month's messages in an attractive booklet. These printed sermons are a great blessing to many and are distributed all over the world, including to many prisoners in the U.S. If you or your Evangelism Committee would like to receive these, let the RWHC know and they will add you to the mailing list (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).



Holding Fast Our Profession, by Herman Hoeksema

This month's special from the RFPA! Check it out here!

  • Want to learn more about the doctrines and practices of the PRC? Or, are you in need of some pamphlets and/or articles published by the PRC for use in evangelism and/or witnessing? Or are you simply interested in growing in your faith and walk with the Lord? Visit the Resources pages of this website and the PRCA Evangelism page for a complete list of materials available in digital format or by order from the publishing church.

  • Do you need some catechism materials for use in your church or family? The PRC publishes catechism materials on Bible history and Reformed doctrine, for children of all ages. Visit this page for more information.

  • For sound, distinctively Reformed literature on a variety of subjects and for all ages - including church history and Bible study materials - visit the Reformed Free Publishing Association website or stop in at their Jenison (Michigan) location.

  • The Reformed Book Outlet is open and you are welcome to shop the store in downtown Hudsonville (MI). Hours are Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday (10-5), and Saturday (10-1).

This Week's Thought for Contemplation

The Reformed faith consistently holds to the “doctrines of grace.” Again, these are doctrines of Scripture. The terminology serves to emphasize the glorious fact that salvation is wholly the work of our God—not the work of man or of man cooperating with God. We are justified by grace through faith (Rom. 3:24). Those justified have had their sins fully paid for through Jesus’ precious blood (Rom. 5:1). And those for whom Christ died were chosen from eternity by God. All of salvation is wholly the work of the sovereign God. There is then no room for boasting (Eph. 2:9).

Taken from Rev. R.Hanko's pamphlet "What Is the Reformed Faith?"

Last modified on 05 September 2021

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