
PRC and Sister-Church News Highlights for April 24, 2022 *(Updated)


Psalm 50 1 KJVBelow you will find special highlights of PRC and sister-church news for this sixteenth Sunday of our Lord's year 2022, April 24.

Because our Lord is risen from the dead, today, on this first day of the week, we gather in worship as our living Savior's church. With gratitude and gladness we bring our praise to our triune God for fully accomplishing our salvation through His Son. We cordially invite you to join us in worship on this day and on any Sunday.

The mighty God, even the LORD, hath spoken, and called the earth from the rising of the sun unto the going down thereof. Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God hath shined. Our God shall come, and shall not keep silence: a fire shall devour before him, and it shall be very tempestuous round about him. He shall call to the heavens from above, and to the earth, that he may judge his people. Gather my saints together unto me; those that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice. And the heavens shall declare his righteousness: for God is judge himself. Selah. ...Whoso offereth praise glorifieth me: and to him that ordereth his conversation aright will I shew the salvation of God. ~ Psalm 50:1-6, 23

If you are new to this website and are interested in the PRC, we invite you to join us at any of our services (morning and afternoon/evening). For congregations, locations and times, visit this page.


  • Last Sunday First PRC-Edmonton extended a call to Rev. S. Regnerus (Lynden, WA). 
  • Prof. B. Gritters (PRC Seminary) is considering the call to Grace PRC (received April 10). He plans to answer by May 1. We pray for these men as they weigh the Lord's call to these congregations.

  • Doon PRC's Council has formed a new trio of Rev. J. Holstege (Zion PRC), Rev. J. Smidstra (First PRC-Holland), and Rev. N. Decker (Grandville PRC). They play to call from this trio today after the evening service. *UPDATE: The congregation voted to call Rev. J. Smidstra.

  • Peace PRC's Council has formed a new trio of Rev. M. De Boer (Edgerton PRC), Rev. J. Marcus, and Rev. J. Smidstra (First PRC-Holland). They plan to call from this trio this Wednesday, April 27. *UPDATE: Rev. J. Marcus received this call.

  • Classical appointments and pulpit supply for today in the vacant PRCs: Rev. E. Guichelaar (1st Sunday in Doon (IA) PRC; Rev. H. Bleyenberg (1st Sunday) in First PRC, Edmonton, AB; Prof. B. Gritters and Rev. G. Eriks in Grace PRC;  Prof. R. Cammenga and Prof. R. Dykstra in Hudsonville PRC; Rev. A. Brummel (1st Sunday) in Peace PRCMay we count it a blessing of our church federation that we can help one another in these needs. Let us remember to pray for the men who supply these pulpits and for the vacant congregations.

  • Upcoming PRC Easter/Spring Singspirations and Choir programs:
    • "The Peace Young People (Dyer, IN) invite you to a Singspiration on Sunday evening, April 24. Please join us as we glorify God in singing praises to Him."
    • Georgetown PRC: Her choir will present a program on Sunday night May 1.
    • Grandville PRC: The young people are hosting a singspiration May 1 after the evening service.

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Dr. Boris Giesbrecht representing the BERG (Reformed congregation) and ART (seminary) in Giessen, Germany gave a presentation in Faith PRC this evening, which was attended by Faith and Zion PRC members. Let's remember to pray for this work in that part of that world.

  • Special PRC Evangelism/missions notices: 
    • Zion PRC (Jenison, MI): "Community Bible Study will meet this Wednesday [April 27] to study John 6 on the Bread of Heaven. This will be the final meeting of the season, so feel free to come with a neighbor or a friend!" [This Bible study meets at the Georgetown Public Library]
    • Randolph PRC (WI): "Evangelism Presentation: This is the week! Friday night the Evangelism Committee will be hosting a special presentation, D.V., beginning at 7:30 P.M. Dr. Brendan Looyenga, former Calvin College professor and currently a professional research scientist for the medical diagnostics industry, will be speaking on "Fleeing From Cultural Conformity and Seeking Biblical Transformation." This is a presentation for all ages, but we want to encourage especially high school students, college students, and the parents of school-aged children to attend the presentation. Please invite your neighbors and acquaintances to this speech."

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  • Young People's News!
    • Registration is now open through April 30 for the 2022 Young Peoples Convention hosted by Faith PRC? "We have a great week planned at Camp Cedarmore in Kentucky from August 1-5, 2022. Registration is fully online this year, so get started at Note that the registration process includes waivers, so parents should register for their young people who are minors. We can't wait to see you at convention, Lord willing!"
    • After two years of no PRYP's conventions, we are hoping to fill the camp with young people hungry for opportunities for spiritual growth in Christ and good Christian fellowship - besides delicious southern food! Because thy lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee. Psalm 63:3


  • Rev. J. Marcus continues to serve the churches with preaching and teaching. He remains eligible for a call to the churches. Let us remember him and his family in our prayers.
  • Upcoming: Classis East will meet Wednesday, May 11, hosted by First PRC-Holland, MI and *held at Redeemer Christian School, 7250 Ransom St., Zeeland, MI.
  • Future Teachers and Ministers: Information for the 2022 PR Scholarship Fund essay competition is now available. Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to receive the essay topics and submission requirements. Completed essays must be submitted by May 31st.

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PRC Seminary Notices:

  • The seminary is in the final weeks of the second semester, with only two weeks remaining on the schedule, and then exams. Continue to pray for the faculty, students, and staff that they may press on in faithfulness.
  • Isaac Peters led in devotions this past week; Arend Havemen is in charge of them this week. Prof. D. Kuiper spoke for chapel last Wednesday and will do so again this week.
  • The Student Club met this past Thursday night at Prof. D. Kuiper's home to discuss the law and gospel distinction.
  • The printed edition of the Fall 2021 issue of the PRT Journal was mailed out in March. The digital editions (pdf and ePub) are also available on the seminary's website. Work is being done on the Spring 2022 issue, which will feature the speeches from the seminary's fall conference on preaching. If you want to be added to our mailing list (either print or digital) or wish to pick up a copy, contact Sharon, the seminary secretary.
  • The seminary is open daily from 8 a.m.-5 p.m., including the library and bookstore. PRC members and friends are welcome to visit and make use of these resources.
  • For the latest seminary news and information, visit the seminary's website.

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Read the new Philippines Mission newsletter and how the missionaries anticipate being able to return to S. Negros in May, where minister training takes place (photo above)


  • Covenant ERC, Singapore and her Kolkata, India mission work:
    • Pastor J. Tan is faithfully serving the CERC each week as her pastor.  His "pastoral note" to the congregation this week includes these words: "Today, Jesus calls unto you to “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” – Matt 11:28-29. There is something about these words of Jesus. Something irresistible. Something mysterious. Those words come with both authority and tenderness, from the one who is both Lord of Lords and as well as the Lamb of God. Negatively, no matter what our old man of sin may say, let us remember that apart from Jesus there is no rest. If we do not come to Jesus, there is only restlessness and greater weariness. Positively, know that there is hope even though you feel hopelessly trapped in the fast pace and high demands in your workplace. You might feel utterly drained from the battle against sin and unbelief. You might feel like quitting and abandoning your God given station and calling. But know this, Jesus assures you “there is rest in me”. True rest. Divine peace and comfort that surpasses all understanding.
    • The last issue of "Reformed News Asia" was published in December 2021 - #65. Be sure to check it out for the latest news from our sister!
  • Covenant PRC, N. Ireland:
    • Rev. A.Stewart continues to minister the Word faithfully to the saints in Ballymena. 
    • A March newsletter has been released by the CPRC. Visit this page to read it and catch up on all the exciting news out of Ballymena!
    • Sign up for the 2022 British Reformed Fellowship family conference at Castlewellan Castle in Northern Ireland from Saturday, July 9, to Saturday, July 16. The speakers, Prof. David Engelsma and Prof. Brian Huizinga will lecture on "Union With Christ." For information see the website (
    • The last issue of "Covenant Reformed News" was March - check out the March 2022 edition here. Follow the link to read the latest profitable articles by Revs. A. Stewart and R. Hanko.
  • PRC in the Philippines and her mission work:
    • A new Philippines mission newsletter has just been published this past week. Read the news from the Far East here.
    • Berean PRC bulletin: Rev. V. Ibe led the worship services today. In addition: "Elder Sonny Umali and deacon Andy Ragual are scheduled to visit the saints in All of Grace Protestant Reformed Fellowship (AGPRF), Gabaldon, Nueva Ecija today, the Lord willing."
    • Provident PRC bulletin: Rev. DR. Smit preached and lead her worship services today. The services are being livestreamed at the “PPRC and Friends” Facebook page, but will end on May 1, at which point in-person services only will be available. 
    • The PRCP Seminary continues with its regular course work in its second semester.

RWH Logo 2019
Listen to the Reformed Witness Hour each Sunday - on a radio station near you, on Sermonaudio, or on your favorite podcast - wherever you are!

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  • This month Rev. R. Kleyn (First PRC-Grand Rapids, MI) continues speaking for the RWH. The focus will be a series on the life of Joseph, with other special messages interspersed. Today's message is a special Easter one based on Genesis 41:1-40 and titled "Joseph Remembered and Exalted.."
  • The Reformed Witness Hour publishes each month's messages in an attractive booklet. These printed sermons are a great blessing to many and are distributed all over the world, including to many prisoners in the U.S. If you or your Evangelism Committee would like to receive these, let the RWHC know and they will add you to the mailing list (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). 



BattleforBible HHanko Page 1

Should we still defend God's Word give us in the Bible today? Does it matter what we believe about His book? Read this resource to receive sound answers.

  • For sound, distinctively Reformed literature on a variety of subjects and for all ages - including church history and Bible study materials - visit the Reformed Free Publishing Association website or stop in at their Jenison (Michigan) location.

  • The Reformed Book Outlet (downtown Hudsonville, MI) is temporarily closed while it moves into a new building that is being renovated. See the following note for details.
    Special notices re the RBO! Reformed Book Outlet is moving! We have found a new building for our store in downtown Hudsonville on Harvey St. after needing to move out of our current location in Keegstra’s Dollar Store. We need to do some renovations to the building before we can move in, so watch the bulletin or our social media pages for updates on when we will open in our new location. In the mean time, our website will still be open for ordering, for shipping or for local pickup (more details on this to come)!. Email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to let us know you’re able to help us move or with any questions!

  • Are you interested in learning more about the doctrines and practices of the PRC? Or, are you in need of some pamphlets and/or articles published by the PRC for use in evangelism and/or witnessing? Or are you simply interested in growing in your faith and walk with the Lord? Visit the Resources pages of this website and the PRCA Evangelism page for a complete list of materials available in digital format or by order from the publishing church.

  • Do you need some catechism materials for use in your church or family? The PRC publishes catechism materials on Bible history and Reformed doctrine, for children of all ages. Visit this page for more information.

  • The PR Sunday School Association also publishes complete OT and NT Bible Story Lessons for young children and older children. Visit this page to learn more.

This Week's Thought for Contemplation

"There are those that are not only vicious themselves, but spiteful and mischievous to others, and they are the worst of men; two sorts of such are here described:

1. Such as envy a man the honour of his good name, and do all they can to blast that by calumnies and misrepresentations: They dig up evil; they take a great deal of pains to find out something or other on which to ground a slander, or which may give some colour to it. If none appear above ground, rather than want it they will dig for it, by diving into what is secret, or looking a great way back, or by evil suspicions and surmises, and forced innuendos. In the lips of a slanderer and backbiter there is as a fire, not only to brand his neighbour's reputation, to smoke and sully it, but as a burning fire to consume it. And how great a matter does a little of this fire kindle, and how hardly is it extinguished! James 3:5, 6.

2. … A froward man, that cannot find in his heart to love anybody but himself, is vexed to see others live in love, and therefore makes it is his business to sow strife, by giving men base characters one of another, telling lies, and carrying ill-natured stories between chief friends, so as to separate them one from another, and make them angry at or at least suspicious of one another. Those are bad men, and bad women too, that do such ill offices; they are doing the devil's work, and his will their wages be.”

~ Matthew Henry, Notes on Prov. 16:27-28

Last modified on 28 April 2022

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