
PRC and Sister-Church News Highlights for January 29, 2023


Psalm 85 8Today, January 29, is the fifth Lord's Day of this year of our Lord 2023. Below you will find special highlights of PRC and sister-church news. It is our hope that these reports not only inform you but also give you opportunity to pray for the needs of these churches and mission fields throughout the world.

As we have entered this new year, we do so in glad and grateful worship of our sovereign, saving God and King. To Him we owe our all and to Him we commit our way in 2023, day by day. 

If you are new to this website and the PRCA, we invite you to join us in worship today or on any of the Sunday's of this year at one of our local congregations near you, or listen online.

Shew us thy mercy, O LORD, and grant us thy salvation. I will hear what God the LORD will speak: for he will speak peace unto his people, and to his saints: but let them not turn again to folly. Surely his salvation is nigh them that fear him; that glory may dwell in our land. Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other. Truth shall spring out of the earth; and righteousness shall look down from heaven. Yea, the LORD shall give that which is good; and our land shall yield her increase. Righteousness shall go before him; and shall set us in the way of his steps. ~ Psalm 85:7-13


  • Rev. N. Decker is considering the calls to Loveland (CO) PRC (received Jan.15) and Georgetown PRC (received Jan.22).

  • Last Sunday Rev. W. Langerak (Trinity PRC-Hudsonville, MI) declined the call from Hosanna PRC (Edmonton, AB).

  • Last Sunday Randolph PRC (WI) voted to extend a call to Rev. M. DeBoer (Edgerton, MN).

  • Last Sunday Doon PRC voted to call C. Spronk (Faith PRC).

  • Hull PRC's Council announced a new trio: Revs. J. Holstege, D. Noorman, and S. Regnerus. The congregational meeting will be held Monday, January 30.
  • Classical appointments and pulpit supply for today in the vacant PRCs: Rev. K. Koole in Doon (IA) PRC; Prof. D. Kuiper and Rev. J. Maatman in First PRC-Grand Rapids; Prof. C. Griess and Rev. J. Holstege in Georgetown PRC; Rev. T. Miersma in Hosanna PRC, Edmonton, AB; Rev. G. Eriks and Rev. J. Mahtani in Hudsonville PRC; Elder in a.m.; Rev. M. DeBoer in afternoon (3 p.m.) in Hull PRC; Rev. M. Kortus (1st week) in Loveland PRC; Rev. C. Haak in Randolph PRC May we count it a blessing of our church federation that we can help one another in these needs. Let us remember to pray for the men who supply these pulpits and for the vacant congregations. And may we continue to pray for men to hear the call to serve as pastors and missionaries!

  • Officebearer Resources: This is the time of year when new officebearers (elders and deacons) are installed into office. This special notice is to inform you that there is a special webpage on this site devoted to resources for officebearers - sermons, seminars, articles, seminary syllabi, etc. And the PRC Seminary bookstore has many fine books for officebearers.

  • Congregational Evangelism:
    • Hope PRC-Grand Rapids, MI: "Reformed Witness Lecture-Podcast Committee: We will conclude our year of Rev Heys devotions at the end of January and then, starting in February, we begin a new series of meditations from the Beacon Lights. We will also publish an additional Back to Basics podcast and continue the 5-part series on God’s Everlasting Covenant of Grace by Prof Hanko."
    • Zion PRC, Jenison, MI: "Community Bible Study will meet this Wednesday [Feb.1] to study the rest of John 10. Please consider inviting a neighbor or acquaintance and attending with them!" [meeting in the out-buildin on SW side of church]


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Classis East: (The full public report is attached to this news post)

  • At its Jan.11-12, 2023 meeting, Classis East approved First PRC of Holland’s request for “a special day of prayer in response both to recent and past cases of abuse in our denomination.”  Classis designated this Tuesday, January 31, 2023, as the special day of prayer. May the Lord speak to us out of His Word and hear our cries for mercy, for help, and for hope as we respond to this grievous sin in our midst.

First PRC-Grand Rapids, MI - Mexico Trip: "This Thursday, February 2, several men from our congregation will travel to Tabasco, Mexico to visit the Independent Reformed Orthodox Presbyterian Church. This is a small congregation that asked us to assist them in clearing brush from a newly acquired plot for a future church building. The intent is to use this service project to explore future contact and work with this church. The delegation consists of Prof. Griess, Bryan Pastoor, Jeff Thompson, Jordan Whiteley and Dwight Quenga. They plan to return February 9. Our prayer is that the Lord will bless these efforts."

Contact Committee Notices:

  • On behalf of our Contact Committee, a delegation of Rev. and Mrs. Mike De Vries and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Vander Schaaf plan to visit Covenant PRC of Northern Ireland from January 26 - February 6, D.V. They will be conducting the annual church visitation with the council. Rev. De Vries will be leading the worship services on Jan. 29 and Feb. 5 and a presentation/discussion on Wednesday, Feb. 1, D.V. May the Lord be with our delegation and make this a fruitful visit with CPRCNI.
  • Rev. and Mrs. Bill Bruinsma and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kregel returned from their visit to Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church in Singapore this past Tuesday, Jan.24.
  • "This week Tuesday [Jan.17], a delegation from the Contact Committee consisting of Rev. and Mrs. Martyn McGeown and Mr. Sid Miedema, will travel to the Philippines for our annual visit with the PRC in the Philippines. We are thankful that this visit is now possible after removal of travel restrictions on account of COVID. Our delegation will have some overlap with a delegation from the FMC. Our delegation plans to meet with the PRCP's Contact Committee, meet with our missionaries and with as many of the PRCP members as possible, and Rev. McGeown will preach in their churches where possible. They plan to return home near the end of the month, D.V. May the Lord bless this visit with our sister in the Philippines and grant safe travels to our delegation."

Home Mission News: "Zion PRC would like to inform the denomination that the installation of Rev. James Laning as domestic missionary will take place at our evening worship service on February 5. Upon his installation, Rev. Laning will begin a period of training to prepare himself for the unique challenges of his work. Please remember this brother in prayer as he devotes himself to the great commission of our Lord Jesus Christ to make disciples of all nations, including our own. You are warmly invited to attend the installation service. “I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.” John 4:35."

sign snow Jan 2023
The winter wonderland returned to West Michigan this past week

PRC Seminary Notices:

  • The second semester began for PRTS this past Tuesday, Jan.24. The 2nd semester schedule and calendar have been posted on the seminary's website. Continue to hold the faculty, students, and staff in prayer as they resume their normal labors and studies.
  • Auditor notice! Seminary classes for the second semester began on Tuesday, January 24. Prof. Cammenga’s Dogmatics class is open to auditors. The locus is eschatology which is the study of the last things. Prof. Kuiper’s classes of Medieval Church History (a study of the history of the church AD 590 to the time of the Protestant Reformation) and Reformed Symbols (a study of the Canons of Dordrecht) are open as well. If you are interested in attending, please contact the seminary at 616-531-1490 to find out the day and time the class you are interested in will meet.
  • Prof. R. Cammenga spoke for chapel this past week. This Wednesday Rev. J. Smidstra will.
  • The Fall 2022 issue of the PRT Journal  is available in print and digital formats. The print copies were mailed out in late December to those on the mailing list. The digital editions have been posted on the seminary's website (use the link provided here). This latest ssue features articles by Prof. Griess (Calvin and the third mark of the true church), Prof. Kuiper (seminary history, chap.2), Prof. Gritters (introduction to an old article on mental illness by Herman Hoeksema and a book review article), plus numerous book reviews. If you want to be added to our mailing list (either print or digital) or wish to pick up a copy, contact Sharon, the seminary secretary (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
  • The seminary is open daily from 8 a.m.-5 p.m., including the library and bookstore. PRC members and friends are welcome to visit and make use of these resources.
  • For the latest seminary news and information, visit the seminary's website - and don't forget the blog!

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  • Covenant ERC, Singapore and her Kolkata, India mission work:
    • Pastors J. Tan and M. Wee are faithfully serving the CERC. In her bulletin today, pastor Wee had these thoughts on the recent Chinese New Year celebration:  "Many of us probably had a busy first half of the week celebrating Chinese New Year, with family reunions and visitations. Hopefully you had some time to catch your breath in the second half of the week. Even as the world around us continues its never-ending pursuit of material prosperity, bowing down to the gods of money and fortune, let us not forget our identity as Christians, those who seek true spiritual riches and a better, heavenly country. As others see us live that way, setting our affections on things above and not on things below, we shine with the light of Jesus Christ. Matthew 5:16: “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven”."
    • The last issue of Salt Shakers is still available - Issue 67, September 2022. Especially for young people, the magazine is edifying for ALL readers!
  • Covenant PRC, N. Ireland:
    • Rev. A. Stewart continues to minister the Word faithfully to the saints in Ballymena. IN her bulletin today is this note: "We welcome Rev. & Dawn DeVries and Pete & Dorothy VanderSchaaf. Rev. DeVries will be preaching for us today and next Lord’s day."
    • The January 2023 newsletter has been published for the PRCA. Read about the exciting work going on in the CPRC!
    • The January 2023 issue of "Covenant Reformed News" was published this month!  Follow the link to read the latest profitable articles by Revs. A. Stewart (the blessings of the messianic age) and R. Hanko (relics and Elisha's bones-2).
    • The CPRC YouTube channel may be found here.

  • PRC in the Philippines and her mission work:
    • Berean PRC bulletin: Rev. M. McGeown led her services today. We also find these special notes concerning the delegations there this month for the annual church visitation: "We wholeheartedly praise our LORD for the visit we had with the delegations from CC [elder Sid Mediema and Rev. McGeown], FMC [elder Doug Brands], and Doon PRC [Bro. Caleb Woiwood]. May God continue to prosper His causes in and for the truth we share and thus united for our greater good as sister churches [PRCA – PRCP]. Soli Deo Gloria!" And, "Rev. Martyn McGeown [Providence PRC] and his wife, Sis. Larisa is scheduled to return to Grand Rapids MI. tomorrow the Lord willing. We thank the LORD for the wonderful and sweet fellowship we enjoyed with them in and around God’s Word. May God’s traveling mercies be upon them for their safe journey back to the U.S. tomorrow, God willing."
    • Provident PRC bulletin: Rev. D. Kleyn led her worship services today.

Reformed Resources for Education, Edification, and Evangelism

RWH Logo 2019
Listen to the Reformed Witness Hour each Sunday - on a radio station near you, on Sermonaudio, or on your favorite podcast - wherever you are!

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  • This month Rev. W. Bruinsma (Pittsburgh, PA PRC) continues to speak for the RWH program. He is delivering messages on various Bible passages related to David and the kingdom of Israel. Today's message is titled "God Sends Ahab Strong Delusion" based on 2 Chronicles 18:4-34.
  • The Reformed Witness Hour publishes each month's messages in an attractive booklet. These printed sermons are a great blessing to many and are distributed all over the world, including to many prisoners in the U.S. If you or your Evangelism Committee would like to receive these, let the RWHC know and they will add you to the mailing list (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). 

Ecclesiastes TMiersma 2023
New biblical resource available from the RFPA! Add this title to your home library for study of a difficult book of the Bible.

  • Reformed Book Outlet logoAre you interested in learning more about the doctrines and practices of the PRC? Or, are you in need of some pamphlets and/or articles published by the PRC for use in evangelism and/or witnessing? Or are you simply interested in growing in your faith and walk with the Lord? Visit the Resources pages of this website and the PRCA Evangelism page for a complete list of materials available in digital format or by order from the publishing church.


  • The Reformed Book Outlet (downtown Hudsonville, MI) has now opened its new store in downtown Hudsonville! The new location is at 3472 Harvey St. in Hudsonville. Regular hours are Tuesday - Friday from 10-5 and Saturday from 10-1.

  • Do you need some catechism materials for use in your church or family? The PRC publishes catechism materials on Bible history and Reformed doctrine, for children of all ages. Visit this page for more information.

This Week's Thought for Contemplation

"How can a Christian recognise that something is a true church, so that he can become a member?

"To gain the proper perspective with respect to our subject, we must go back in our thoughts to Old Testament days. You will recall that in the land of the captivity in the days of Darius the Mede the enemies of Daniel persuaded the king to issue a decree that no one, for a period of thirty days, should ask anything of any god or man, except of the king. In that connection we read that when Daniel knew of the king's decree, he deliberately went to his house and prayed three times daily with his windows open toward Jerusalem, even as he did aforetime (Dan. 6:4-10).

"What motivated Daniel?

"The answer is undoubtedly expressed in the song of the captives, Psalm 137:5-6: 'If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning. If I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth; if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy.' That was Daniel's faith. He lived by this faith, so that he was ready even to die for it, as became evident when he allowed himself to be cast into the den of lions.

"The situation of the child of God in the twentieth century is indeed different than was Daniel's. It is much more complicated. Then there was only one place in all the world where God's people could properly serve Him. Zion in that day was limited to the land of Canaan and the city of Jerusalem and Mount Zion. Today that is different. The church of Jesus Christ has broken through its national boundaries and is established throughout the world. Besides, there is the complication that there are many who claim to represent that church and who go by the name of that church and who claim as the church to proclaim the gospel and to administer the sacraments in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. It does not require much insight, therefore, to discern that the situation is far more complex today.

"But while the situation is different, the principle remains the same.

"If things are spiritually right with God's people, if they live from faith and according to the standard of the Word of God, then the driving impulse of their life is the same as that of Daniel. It is faith's urge to seek Zion, the true church. Moreover, as it was with Daniel, so it will be with God's people today: if that is the driving urge of their life, then no sacrifice will be so great as to keep them from following that impulse.

~ Taken from the resource "The Marks of the True Church" by Homer C. Hoeksema, one of this month's featured items

Last modified on 30 January 2023

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