Reformed Free Publishing Association (26)
Are You Receiving and Reading the "Standard Bearer"?
Are you are Standard Bearer subscriber and reader?
Perhaps you do not know anything about this distinctive Reformed magazine (cf. the cover image of the latest issue).
Here is a brief discription from the SB website:
The Standard Bearer is a semi-monthly, 24-page print magazine devoted to explaining and defending Reformed doctrine, promoting the Reformed life of the Church and believer, and combating old and new errors that threaten to disrupt the Reformed faith and life. For over 85 years, the Standard Bearer has boldly and unashamedly testified to the faith of the Protestant Reformation. This periodical was the first of the RFPA’s publications, first published in 1924, and today has more than 2,300 subscribers worldwide.
An annual subscription includes 21 issues of the Standard Bearer (only one issue for June, July, and August).
The Reformed Free Publishing Association, publishers of the SB, has a goal of 3,000 subscribers by 2018 and would like to see your name added to that list.
If you are not currently receiving the SB, contact them at the website link provided here. You may also receive a free sample copy at that page.
Below is the latest RFPA flyer promoting the SB. Why not sign up to start receiving this profitable Reformed and biblical periodical today?!
RFPA Update - Winter 2017 Newsletter
The Reformed Free Publishing Association has just published their latest newsletter, the "RFPA Update" (Issue 30, Winter 2017), in which they provide updates of their publishing endeavors, their recent annual meeting, and changes to the staff.
You are encouraged to visit their website to read all of it, or you may find it attached here in full as a pdf.
Below is the first page of the newsletter, both in image and text form. Here you may read about their upcoming publication in connection with the 500th anniversary of the great Protestant Reformation of the 16th century.
This year the Reformed Free Publishing Association (RFPA) will commemorate the five hundredth anniversary of the Reformation of 1517 by publishing The Gospel Truth of Justification, a book on the truth of the gospel that was the heart of the Reformation.
The book is a thorough explanation of the divine, saving act of justification and a vigorous defense of the doctrine, not only against the old heresies of Rome and of Arminianism, but also against the contemporary attacks on justification by the new perspective on Paul, Evangelicals and Catholics Together, and the federal vision.
Originally conceived by the author as a polemical work against the modern attacks on, and departures from, the truth of justification, the book became instead a thorough and systematic, largely positive treatment of the doctrine.
Instead of contending with the theologians, it instructs Reformed and Presbyterian believers, including perhaps some ministers, in the truth that is the heart of the gospel and that, therefore, bears on all the other truths of the gospel. The book explains justification as imputation; that justification is by faith; the essential importance of justification’s being by faith “only”; the meaning of justification’s being “by the faith of Jesus”; the assurance of faith, with particular reference to the error of Puritanism; the “when” of justification, including a careful, moderate, and biblical defense of eternal justification; the origin of justification in the counsel of the covenant; the merit of Christ’s active obedience; the still controversial relation of Paul and James; the necessary relation of justification and election; and more.
The book is permeated with biblical exposition, and the doctrine is founded upon scripture.
Although not mainly polemical, the book throughout defends justification by faith alone, especially against contemporary false doctrines and teachers. It names names. This alone makes the book worthwhile. For the present-day Reformed churches and theologians, facing an assault on the gospel truth of justification that threatens and undoes everything that the Reformation confessed and for which the reformers contended, either fall into a cowardly silence or subtly compromise the fundamental gospel truth. Thus, there is a great falling away (unto perdition)—not of the “liberal” Protestant churches, which became apostate long ago and are ready, if not eager, to fall into the embrace of Rome—but of the Reformed and Presbyterian churches that still have a reputation of “conservative” and orthodox.
Nevertheless, the book is more than a contemporary defense of justification against modern heresies and heretics, including the new perspective on Paul, the federal vision, N. T. Wright, and Norman Shepherd. It is also more than only a historical commemoration of the sixteenth-century Reformation’s stand on behalf of the truth of justification by faith alone. These two features alone would make the book timely.
In two respects the book can justly, if audaciously, claim to be a development of the doctrine that was the heart of the Reformation. First, contemporary heresies have occasioned development of the doctrine, for example, the ultimate grounding of justification in the counsel of the covenant. Second, the book is a systematic, thorough, concentrated treatment of justification. The reformers worked the truth of justification into their commentaries, theological treatises on various subjects, and polemical works. They did not, so far as I am aware, produce a work devoted strictly to justification in a systematic, concentrated, thorough treatment of the doctrine.
The RFPA contributes to the commemoration of the Reformation, therefore, not only by remembering the gospel truth of justification, but also by explaining the doctrine to a new, much later generation of Protestant believers, by defending it against contemporary foes, and by developing it further.
Luther—to whose memory the book is dedicated—would be glad.
2016 Standard Bearer Reformation Issue: Martin Luther
The annual special Reformation issue of the Standard Bearer published by the Reformed Free Publishing Association is now available (October 15, 2016), and it truly is a special issue – entirely devoted to “Martin Luther, Reformer Convicted by Scripture.”
As you will see from the above cover and table of contents, the issue contains a variety of articles on Martin Luther and the beginning of the great Reformation of the sixteenth century – from Luther’s Ninety-five Theses to his struggle for assurance to his views on Scripture and on the church.
There is much edifying reading here, and you are encouraged to make this reading a priority this month as we remember God’s work in His church in the past.
The editor-in-chief, Prof. Barry Gritters, introduces this issue with this note:
After Darkness, Light.
Last year’s special issue of the Standard Bearer treated a number of key figures and movements that the Lord used to preserve His church and truth in the darkness of the Middle Ages. This year, our special Reformation issue treats Martin Luther and the Reformation God began through him. The light of biblical truth began to shine again through the writings and preaching of God’s servants such as Luther because Luther was “convicted by Scripture.”
“After darkness, light,” is the translation of the Latin phrase, Post tenebras lux. It comes from the old Latin translation of Job 17:12 and became one of the mottos of the Reformation. Calvin’s Geneva used it on their coins and the motto is engraved on the Reformation wall in Geneva. Indeed, the light of the true gospel shone so brightly that it beamed, and still shines, world-wide. But not so brightly anymore. The conviction about Scripture wanes.
In 2016, we also pray that light may come after the darkness of our day. May the Lord use these special Reformation issues to teach us to look back at God’s great works in history and learn from them—and be bold to write, preach, and witness to the truth of Scripture; but also to look forward in hope—to God’s greatest work, yet to come -- the appearing of the Lord Jesus to bring an end to this present darkness and bring the light of the eternal day. Then we will see the Eternal Word and the light of His face.
To obtain your issue or to subscribe to this Reformed magazine, visit the SB website.
A Solid Tool for Spiritual Growth: The Standard Bearer - Are YOU a Subscriber?
What tools are you using to grow spiritually in your Christian faith and walk with the Lord?
The Reformed magazine, the Standard Bearer, now in its ninety-third year of publication, is a solid means of spiritual growth. With a variety of articles in each issue (24 pp.), ranging from meditations and Bible study helps to church history and Reformed doctrine features, there is something for every serious Christain to read and benefit from.
The Reformed Free Publishing Association, publishers of the magazine, have a special promotional goal they are advertising to increase readership (see the flyer below for details).
Are YOU a subscriber? If not, now is a good time to add a solid means of spiritual growth to your personal life or family life.
RFPA Annual Meeting, Thursday Sept.29, 2016
Western society is presently in the grips of a powerful revolution. This is a revolution of massive scope and earth-shaking consequences. It is a sexual revolution, a revolution proudly trumpeting fornication, homosexuality, transgenderism, and the like. What are the origins of this revolution? How does it show itself in the present? What is the future of it? And then, what is the calling of the RFPA in the face of this revolution?
Plan to attend the Reformed Free Publishing Association Annual meeting this week and hear Rev. Joshua Engelsma speak on "'Lord Grant Boldness': The RFPA's Witness in the Sexual Revolution."
Date: Thursday, September 29, 2016
Time: 7:30 pm
Place: Providence Protestant Reformed Church
1569 44th St SW, Hudsonville MI 49426
Men, women, and young people are welcome!
RFPA Update - Spring 2016
You may also find this RFPA Update attached here as a pdf.
Special Marriage Issue - April 15, 2016 Standard Bearer
The April 15, 2016 issue of the Standard Bearer is now out and it is another special issue, this time on the subject of "Reformed Marriage."
The issue covers a variety of subjects, from dating and courtship to the meaning of marriage, and from the wedding ceremony to the wedding reception (cf. the cover to the left). The issue makes for timely and instructive reading for young people, young couples, and long-time married couples.
Editor-in-chief Prof.B. Gritters introduces the issue in these words:
If you are interested in this issue or in subscribing to the SB, contact the RFPA at the information on their website.
Reformed Reading: The Standard Bearer - Jan.15, 2016 Issue
Do you read Reformed literature, including sound, Reformed magazines? Do you desire to grow in your faith in and walk with the Lord in 2016?
Then read the Standard Bearer, a Reformed semi-monthly magainze published by the Reformed Free Publishing Association - now in its 92nd year of publication!
Below is a sample of what kind of articles you will find in this edifying Reformed periodical - from meditations to current events to family worship to sound doctrine - all from a distinctive biblical and Reformed perspective.
For information on subscriptions to the SB, visit the RFPA website - now is a good time to get started on your Reformed reading for 2016! A new U.S. subscription is only $11.50 (half off!).
New RFPA Publication - Gottschalk: Servant of God by Connie L. Meyer
The Reformed Free Publishing Association announces the publication of a new book in this month of October:
Gottschalk: Servant of God, A Story of Courage, Faith, and Love for the Truth
by Connie L. Meyer.
This history occurred during the Dark Ages, the days of knights and castles and kings and queens, of monasteries, Vikings, and monks. But one monk stood out from all the rest. One monk stood firm for the truth he believed though no one stood with him at all.
This is the story of Gottschalk of Orbais, a French monk who lived in the ninth century and suffered for his belief and advocacy of double predestination.
This book has been written to be enjoyed by junior high and high school readers. Because the story is intriguing and the history of Gottschalk is not well-known, adults will also enjoy this book and find the reading profitable.
This RFPA book will soon be delivered to Book Club members. If you are not a Book Club member and would like to order this book, call 616-457-5970, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or visit www.rfpa.org.