

May 2014 Newsletter from Covenant PRC, N.Ireland

Our sister church in Northern Ireland, Covenant PRC, Ballymena, has just published her latest newsletter. This one covers the recent visit of Rev.Angus Stewart to the EPC in Australia and the CERC in Singapore, the visit of Rev.A. den Hartog to the CPRC of Ballymena while he was gone, as well as the latest activities in and outside the congregation, along with the upcoming BRF Conference.

Be sure to read this newsletter to be better aware of what our "sister" and her pastor are doing and have planned. This newsletter is also attached here in pdf form (see below).

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Seminary Update: May 2014

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As we get close to the mid-point of May already, we can mention a few updates from "Seminary hill":

1. The students are currently taking their final exams this week (May 12-19). This is always a busy and somewhat stressful time for them, especially for the first year men. Pray for them, that they may hold up well, physically, mentally, and spiritually, so that they may give a good account of themselves to the Lord.

2. Senior Joshua Engelsma has completed his two written exams and now awaits his oral examination before the 2014 PRC Synod, beginning June 10 in his home church, Hope PRC, Walker, MI.  Remember him in prayer in a special way as he prepares for this, and then awaits a call from the churches, D.V.

3. Junior Ryan Barnhill eagerly awaits the start of his Seminary internship as part of his final year at Seminary. His internship is planned for July 1-December 31 in Edgerton MN PRC. He and his wife Miranda and daughter Mya plan to move there the end of June. Bring their needs too to the Lord as they prepeare for this significant part of his ministerial training.

4. Besides wrapping up their class instruction for this semester, the professors have also kept busy with preaching this past month, including some out of town assignments. Prof. R.Cammenga has recently preached in both Hope PRC in Redlands, CA and Loveland PRC, Loveland, CO. Prof.B.Gritters spent this past weekend and Lord's day in Pittsburgh preaching for Missionary-pastor W.Bruinsma who gave a lecture on Calvinism in the area. And Prof.R.Dykstra, who has been doing the Heidelberg Catechism preaching for Faith PRC during her vacancy, is preparing to spend part of his summer in Singapore preaching and speaking for Covenant ERC once again.

5. We extend special congratulations to Prof.B.Gritters as he marks thirty (30) years in the ministry on May 14 (ordained May 14, 1984)! We give thanks to God for enabling him to serve the churches as pastor of two congregations (Byron Center PRC from 1984-1994 and Hudsonville PRC from 1994-2003) and as Professor of Practical Theology and NT Studies since 2003. May God continue to bless him in his labors in the Seminary and in the churches.

6. The Theological School Committee recently approved the purchase of emeritus Prof.David Engelsma's library. This is being packed and brought to Seminary this week by our librarian and will make for a wonderful addition to our holdings. It will also give Mr.C.Terpstra plenty to do this summer, as he also completes work on the Letis collection of books and materials.

7. The Seminary grounds are once again looking good and showing their Spring beauty (See the picture from today, May 13). Thanks to Oomkes Landscape for re-seeding after a rough snowplow season, to Kregel's Landscape for some new trees up front and fertilizing, to Don and Judi Doezema for flower replanting, and to our lawn service man, Brad Gritters, the grounds have recovered from a harsh winter and are back to life.

Report on Classis East Meeting, May 14, 2014

TrinPRC2012Classis East met for its next regularly scheduled session on Wednesday, May 14, 2014 at Trinity PRC in Hudsonville, MI.

The Stated Clerk of Classis East submits his official public report of the meeting below. It is also attached here in pdf form.

Report of Classis East

May 14, 2014

Trinity Protestant Reformed Church

Classis East met in regular session on Wednesday, May 14, 2014 at the Trinity PRC, Hudsonville, MI.  Each church was represented by two delegates.  Rev. M. VanderWal was the chairman of this session.

The main item of business for classis consisted in dealing with the report from its committee of pre-advice concerning an appeal from a brother concerning a consistory’s decision to change the date of the annual Prayer Day service.  The committee of pre-advice submitted a majority and a minority report.  The majority report prevailed as classis decided to sustain the appeal of the brother that the consistory’s decision to change the date of the annual Prayer Day service should be sought by way of overture to the broader assemblies.  The grounds given by the committee of pre-advice were adopted by the classis.  The grounds (summarized) were 1) The decision of the consistory is not merely a change in a practice that does not bind the other churches but rather is a substantial change from the letter, spirit, and historical interpretation of Article 67 of the Church Order which is that the churches celebrate Prayer Day together on the same date.  Evidence was given that historically this has been the case in the Netherlands and the United States.  2)  It is the way of wisdom, decency, and good order that any substantial change in the meaning, interpretation, and even established practice with regard to the church order, be done by the broader assemblies. 

The consistory involved and any other churches that have made a change in the date of the Prayer Day service are being permitted to observe the 2015 Prayer Day service as they have decided.  This will give any consistory time to decide if they wish to appeal to or overture the broader assemblies on this issue.

Classis granted classical appointments to Faith PRC and First PRC.  A discipline matter was considered in closed session.  Expenses for this session amounted to $311.85.

Rev. James Slopsema was in attendance at his last meeting of classis as a delegate.

Classis took note of this and expressed words of appreciation for his work in our churches and for his leadership on many issues that arose in the classis.

Classis will meet next on September 10, 2014 at the Grandville PRC.

Respectfully submitted,

Jon J. Huisken, Stated Clerk


Reformed Book Outlet - May 2014 Newsletter - Big 25% Off Sale!

The Reformed Book Outlet in Hudsonville, MI has published their May Newsletter, advertising their annual 25% OFF sale this month, with special focus on Bibles - just in time for graduations and weddings!

Read the RBO newsletter below (also attached in pdf form), check out their website, visit the bookstore, and benefit from the good Reformed literature, music, and other resources available.

RBO-Newsletter-May2014 Page 1


Rev.G. Eriks Receives Call from 1st PRC, Grand Rapids, MI

From the Council of First PRC in Grand Rapids, MI comes this news item after their congregational meeting Thursday night, May 1:

gjeriks-2013At the special congregational meeting held this past Thursday, Rev. G. Eriks was selected to receive the call to serve as our pastor following Rev. Slopsema's retirement June 30. We pray that our Heavenly Father will graciously guide him as he considers this call.


Reformed News Asia - Issue 5 - May 2014


The fifth issue of "Reformed News Asia" has been released by the Christian Literature Ministry of our sister church in Singapore, the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church, and this issue too is filled with informative and edifying content (for information on Issue #4, click on this link)!

BC Meditations - May2014-coverWorthy of special mention is the fact that this issue contains the next set of devotions on the Belgic Confession, covering Articles 15-16 on the doctrines of man's original sin and God's sovereign election. Written by Revs.M.MeGeown and D.Holstege, these devotions on the BC take you through the month of May (May 7 - June 3) You will find great spiritual profit in using these devotions.

In addition, the newsletter also contains information about the CLM's pamphlet and book ministries and about activities going on in the CERC. You will want to find out what literature is being promoted this month and what recent U.S.A. visitors to Singapore were privileged to experience.

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To receive your own digital copy of this newsletter and those to come, visit the Christian Literature Ministry page at the CERCS' website and click on the "subscribe" button. There you will also find a downloadable digital copy of the devotional booklet for May.

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