Missions of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America

Reformed News Asia - Issue 6- June 2014


The sixth issue of "Reformed News Asia" has been released by the Christian Literature Ministry of our sister church in Singapore, the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church, and it is another issue filled with informative and edifying content (for information on the previous issue #5, click on this link)!

BC Meditations - June2014-coverOne of the special features of this issue is once again the devotions on the Belgic Confession, covering Articles 17-20 on the topics of The Recovery of Fallen Man, The Incarnation of Jesus Christ and The Union and Distinction of the Two Natures in the Person of Christ. Written by Missionary-pastor M.MeGeown, these devotions on the BC take you through the month of June (June 4-July 1) You will find great spiritual profit in using these devotions.

In addition, the newsletter also contains information about the CLM's pamphlet and book ministries and about activities going on in the CERC, such as the upcoming youth retreat.

You will want to find out what literature is being promoted this month (they have a new devotional pamphlet for children on the wonders of God's creation by Connie Meyer!) and read about Rev.Angus and Mary Stewart's recent visit to the CERC.

For more information on how to subscribe to this newsletter, visit this page on the CERC website.

AandMStewart with CERC-2014

Last modified on 03 June 2014

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