Missions of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America

News from Our Singapore Sister

 We can report on some interesting and significant developments in our sister church in Singapore, the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church, as reported in her bulletin of this past Sunday (Sept.14).

The first concerns her 27th anniversary as a church, which will be celebrated this coming Sunday, Sept.21. Hearty congratulations! And may God continue to bless her richly with faithfulness to the truth of the gospel and zeal for His cause in that part of the world!

27th Anniv - Sept 2014- YP singing

If you wish to participate further in this anniversary celebration, visit Stephanie Lanning's blog, "Stories from Singapore", where she also includes several pictures from the day (one of which we include here).

AndrewLanningThe second item concerns the calling of Rev.Andrew Lanning to be their own, full-time pastor. The session (Council) has begun the formal process of doing this, and has laid out this schedule:

Session has begun the formal process of calling Rev. Andrew Lanning to serve as our resident minister in
CERC as earlier announced to the congregation regarding our intention to do so on 16 March. Please
note the following schedule for the call process. Let’s commit this important matter in prayer into His
sovereign Hands of our Heavenly Father:
Wednesday, 10 September: Session makes nomination for a pastor to call
Sunday, 14 September : Session announces nomination to the congregation and the date of the
congregation meeting to vote on extending the call
Sunday, 21 September : Session makes the second announcement to the congregation
Sunday, 28 September : Congregational meeting after the morning service to call a pastor
Sunday, 19 October : Rev. Lanning answers the call on or before this date
Sunday, 9 November : Installation of pastor into CERC (DV)

Finally, were you aware that the members of the CERCS are planning to form their own Christian School Society and School Board, with the plain intention of starting their own Christian school? They are; very soon. Here's the brief news on that:


Meetings on Christian Education
Please be informed on the following two upcoming meetings to be held in church
1) Friday, 19 September at 8pm: An informal meeting to encourage formation of a school society
2) Friday, 10 October at 8pm : A meeting to form a school society and to elect a school board
Session invites all members of CERC and all interested parties to attend

Let's be in prayer with and for our Singapore sister as she faces these important matters!



Last modified on 21 September 2014

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