Missions of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America

Missionary R.Smit to End Labors in the Philippines

 RSmit teaching in Sipalay-2013The Foreign Mission Committee and the Council of Doon PRC as the calling church have agreed to honorably release Rev. Richard Smit from his missionary labors in the Philippines on or around July 1, 2015 due to the changing needs of his family, the completion of significant goals on this mission field, and the belief that his particular work there is drawing to a close. 

They also wish to convey their thanks to God for Rev. Smit's faithful years of missionary service and his family's devotion to this work.  Rev. Smit will be recommended soon for a call to the pastoral ministry in our churches as his work in the Philippines officially ends next year.

The full letter from the FMC and Doon PRC which was sent to the PRC congregations is attached here in pdf.

Last modified on 06 June 2014

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