From the February 22, 2015 bulletin of the Provident Christian Church (Marikina, the Philippines), where missionary-pastor D.Kleyn preached this past Sunday, we learn the following:
The regular Classis Meeting of the Protestant Reformed Churches in the Philippines (which meets 3 times a year) is scheduled for this week Wednesday, February 25, beginning at 9:00 a.m., in the church building of the Berean PRC in Greenheights Subdivision, Mayamot, Antipolo. All are welcome to attend and observe the meeting.
Let's be sure to pray for the delegates as they conduct the business of the churches together in that part of the world.
Also, this note was placed in the same bulletin:
Next Sunday, Lord willing, Rev. R. Smit will be preaching for us. That will be his and his family’s last Sunday with us here in PCC.
Let's also be in prayer for the Smits as they conclude their life and labors in the Philippines and prepare to come to First PRC, Grand Rapids, MI where Rev.Smit recently accepted a call to serve as pastor.
Update: Rev.D.Kleyn sent this summary of the meeting and a few pictures, which we now add here.
The meeting was held yesterday (February 25) in the church building of the Berean PRC in Mayamot, Antipolo. Rev.D.Kleyn (who served as president of the previous classis) opened the meeting by leading the classis in devotions and a meditation on Psalm 87:2. Then Rev. Flores, by rotation, chaired the meeting of Classis.
In addition to receiving reports from the clerk and treasurer and approving their work, the Classis received and treated reports from its two standing committees. The main content of these reports was that each committee presented constitutions to classis for its respective duties - i.e., constitutions for Contact Committee, Finance Committee, Seminary Student Training, etc.
The Classis also treated and approved the procedure that is to be used when churches request membership in the PRCP. The classis then gave its approval for one of the standing committees to implement this procedure in treating the request of Maranatha PRC in Valenzuela to join the federation.
The classis began at 9:00 am and finished at approximately 1:00 pm.
This was the last classis meeting that Rev.R.Smit will attend, and he bade farewell to the classis and led in the closing prayer. As many of the men of Classis mentioned, he will certainly be missed.
The next classis meeting is scheduled for June 12, the Lord willing, and will be hosted by the PRC in Bulacan.