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		<title>Maranatha PRC, Valenzuela City</title>
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		<atom:link rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" href="http://www.prca.org/missions/sister-churches/prc-in-the-philippines/maranatha-prc-valenzuela-city/itemlist/user/14-2024-12-14-23-48-55?format=feed&amp;type=rss"/>
			<title>Reformed Witness Hour Message Booklet - July 2015</title>
			<guid isPermaLink="true">http://www.prca.org/resources/sermons/reading/reformed-witness-hour/item/4067-reformed-witness-hour-message-booklet-july-2015</guid>
			<description><![CDATA[<div class="K2FeedIntroText"><p><img style="float: left;" src="http://www.prca.org/images/RWH_Items/RWH-2015_Items/RWH-July-2015-Booklet.jpg" alt="RWH July 2015 Booklet" width="400" height="637" />The <a href="http://www.reformedwitnesshour.org/">Reformed Witness Hour</a> has now<strong> published in print</strong> the messages heard on the broadcast during the month of <strong>July 2015</strong>. The four messages were delivered by <strong>Rev.C.Haak</strong> (pastor of Georgetown PRC, Hudsonville, MI) and were part of <strong>a series on marriage.<br /></strong></p>
<p>The<strong> entire booklet in pdf form</strong> is attached here. But you may also find these four messages separately on the website at the links below:</p>
<p><strong>July 5, 2015</strong> - <strong><a href="http://www.prca.org/resources/sermons/reading/reformed-witness-hour/item/4061-husbdands-love-as-christ">Husbands, Love As Christ</a> - Eph.5:25-27</strong></p>
<p><strong>July 12, 2015</strong> - <strong><a href="http://www.prca.org/resources/sermons/reading/reformed-witness-hour/item/4062-husbands-love-with-purpose">Husbands, Love with Purpose</a> - Ephesians 5:27</strong></p>
<p><strong>July 19, 2015</strong> - <strong><a href="http://www.prca.org/resources/sermons/reading/reformed-witness-hour/item/4064-the-husband-is-the-head-of-his-wife">The Husband Is the Head of His Wife </a>- Eph.5:23</strong></p>
<p><strong>July 26, 2015</strong> - <strong><a href="http://www.prca.org/resources/sermons/reading/reformed-witness-hour/item/4065-husbands-to-protect-and-provide">Husbands: To Protect and Provide </a>- Eph.5:25, 29</strong></p>
<p><strong>If you would like to be added to the mailing list to receive these messages in print each month, send a note to Mrs.Judi Doezema at <a href="mailto:doezema@prca.org">doezema@prca.org</a>.</strong></p></div>]]></description>
			<category>Reformed Witness Hour Sermons in Print</category>
			<pubDate>Thu, 30 Jul 2015 21:34:07 -0400</pubDate>
			<title>Article 86</title>
			<guid isPermaLink="true">http://www.prca.org/about/official-standards/church-order/of-censures-and-ecclesiastical-admonition/article-86</guid>
			<description><![CDATA[<div class="K2FeedIntroText"><p>These articles, relating to the lawful order of the church, have been so drafted and adopted by common consent that they (if the profit of the churches demand otherwise) may and ought to be altered, augmented, or diminished. However, no particular congregation or classis shall be at liberty to do so, but they shall show all diligence in observing them, until it be otherwise ordained by the general synod.</p>
<p>(Revision of Article 86: Synod of 2000, Art. 28, M.)</p></div>]]></description>
			<category>Church Order</category>
			<pubDate>Thu, 07 Nov 2013 15:43:29 -0500</pubDate>
			<title>Article 85</title>
			<guid isPermaLink="true">http://www.prca.org/about/official-standards/church-order/of-censures-and-ecclesiastical-admonition/article-85</guid>
			<description><![CDATA[<div class="K2FeedIntroText"><p>Churches whose usages differ from ours merely in nonessentials shall not be rejected.</p></div>]]></description>
			<category>Church Order</category>
			<pubDate>Thu, 07 Nov 2013 15:42:37 -0500</pubDate>
			<title>Article 84</title>
			<guid isPermaLink="true">http://www.prca.org/about/official-standards/church-order/of-censures-and-ecclesiastical-admonition/article-84</guid>
			<description><![CDATA[<div class="K2FeedIntroText"><p>No church shall in any way lord it over other churches, no minister over other ministers, no elder or deacon over other elders or deacons.</p></div>]]></description>
			<category>Church Order</category>
			<pubDate>Thu, 07 Nov 2013 15:41:51 -0500</pubDate>
			<title>Article 83</title>
			<guid isPermaLink="true">http://www.prca.org/about/official-standards/church-order/of-censures-and-ecclesiastical-admonition/article-83</guid>
			<description><![CDATA[<div class="K2FeedIntroText"><p>Furthermore, to the poor, removing for sufficient reasons, so much money for traveling shall be given by the deacons as they deem adequate. The consistory and the deacons shall, however, see to it that they be not too much inclined to relieve their churches of the poor, with whom they would without necessity burden other churches.</p></div>]]></description>
			<category>Church Order</category>
			<pubDate>Thu, 07 Nov 2013 15:40:53 -0500</pubDate>
			<title>Article 82</title>
			<guid isPermaLink="true">http://www.prca.org/about/official-standards/church-order/of-censures-and-ecclesiastical-admonition/article-82</guid>
			<description><![CDATA[<div class="K2FeedIntroText"><p>To those who remove from the congregation, a letter or testimony concerning their profession and conduct shall be given by the consistory, signed by two; or, in the case of letters which are given under the seal of the church, signed by one.</p></div>]]></description>
			<category>Church Order</category>
			<pubDate>Thu, 07 Nov 2013 15:40:06 -0500</pubDate>
			<title>Article 81</title>
			<guid isPermaLink="true">http://www.prca.org/about/official-standards/church-order/of-censures-and-ecclesiastical-admonition/article-81</guid>
			<description><![CDATA[<div class="K2FeedIntroText"><p>The ministers of the Word, elders, and deacons shall before the celebration of the Lord’s Supper exercise Christian censure among themselves, and in a friendly spirit admonish one another with regard to the discharge of their office.</p></div>]]></description>
			<category>Church Order</category>
			<pubDate>Thu, 07 Nov 2013 15:39:18 -0500</pubDate>
			<title>Article 80</title>
			<guid isPermaLink="true">http://www.prca.org/about/official-standards/church-order/of-censures-and-ecclesiastical-admonition/article-80</guid>
			<description><![CDATA[<div class="K2FeedIntroText"><p>Furthermore, among the gross sins which are worthy of being punished with suspension or deposition from office, these are the principal ones: false doctrine or heresy, public schism, public blasphemy, simony, faithless desertion of office or intrusion upon that of another, perjury, adultery, fornication, theft, acts of violence, habitual drunkenness, brawling, filthy lucre; in short, all sins and gross offenses as render the perpetrators infamous before the world, and which in any private member of the church would be considered worthy of excommunication.</p></div>]]></description>
			<category>Church Order</category>
			<pubDate>Thu, 07 Nov 2013 15:38:26 -0500</pubDate>
			<title>Article 79</title>
			<guid isPermaLink="true">http://www.prca.org/about/official-standards/church-order/of-censures-and-ecclesiastical-admonition/article-79</guid>
			<description><![CDATA[<div class="K2FeedIntroText"><p>When ministers of the divine Word, elders, or deacons have committed any public, gross sin which is a disgrace to the church or worthy of punishment by the authorities, the elders and deacons shall immediately, by preceding sentence of the consistory thereof and of the nearest Church, be suspended or expelled from their office, but the ministers shall only be suspended. Whether these shall be entirely deposed from office shall be subject to the judgment of the classis, with the advice of the delegates of the synod mentioned in Article 11.</p>
<p>(Revision of Article 79: Synod of 2000, Art. 28, M.)</p></div>]]></description>
			<category>Church Order</category>
			<pubDate>Thu, 07 Nov 2013 15:37:33 -0500</pubDate>
			<title>Article 78</title>
			<guid isPermaLink="true">http://www.prca.org/about/official-standards/church-order/of-censures-and-ecclesiastical-admonition/article-78</guid>
			<description><![CDATA[<div class="K2FeedIntroText"><p>Whenever anyone who has been excommunicated desires to become recon­ciled to the church in the way of repentance, it shall be announced to the congregation, either before the celebration of the Lord’s Supper, or at some other opportune time, in order that (in as far as no one can mention anything against him to the contrary) he may with profession of his conversion be publicly reinstated, according to the form for that purpose.</p></div>]]></description>
			<category>Church Order</category>
			<pubDate>Thu, 07 Nov 2013 15:36:32 -0500</pubDate>