
Public Declaration of Agreement

Of all the marks by which the true church distinguishes itself from all human societies, the confession of the truth must be mentioned in the first place. The Savior therefore said, John 8:31: “If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed.” And again: “Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven” (Matt. 10:32). In obedience to the Lord and for the instruction of all, the assembly of elders, delegated by the congregations of the Protestant Reformed Churches, deem it proper that they publicly declare what the confession is of the churches here mentioned and of every one of these churches.

All the congregations of these churches believe all the books of the Old and of the New Testaments to be the Word of God and confess as the true expression of their faith the Thirty-seven Articles of the Confession of the Reformed Churches of the Netherlands, formulated by the Synod of 1618-’19, together with the Heidelberg Catechism and the Canons of the Dordrecht Synod against the Remonstrants (Arminians).

In conformity with the belief of all these congregations, we, as members of their synod, declare that from the heart we feel and believe that all articles and expressions of doctrine contained in the three above-named confessions, jointly called the Three Forms of Unity, in all respects agree with the Word of God, whence we reject all doctrines repugnant thereto; that we desire to conform all our actions to them, agreeably to the accepted Church Order of Dordrecht, 1618-’19, and desire to receive into our church communion everyone that agrees to our confession.

May the King of the church work this faith in the hearts of many and increase it, and those that have received a like-precious faith with us show the grace shown them in fellowship to the glory of Him who prayed that all His own shall be one in Him.

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