Book: A Study of the Relation Between the Views of Prof. R. Janssen and Common Grace


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Clark, G. God's Hammer: The Bible and its Critics Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation, 1987.

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---. Niet Doopersch maar Gereformeerd: Voorlopig Bescheid aan Ds. Jan Karel Van Baalen betreffende De Loochening der Gemeene Gratie. Grand Rapids Printing Company, no date. 

---. Van Zonde en Genade. (No publisher or date).

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---. Letter to J.K. Van Baalen, dated August 3, 1922. (Found in W. Heyns File, Heritage Hall, Calvin College & Seminary, Grand Rapids.)

---. Manual of Reformed Doctrine. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1926.

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---. "On 'Common Grace' Once More," The Banner (February, 17, 1921): 101-102.

---. "On Common Grace," The Banner (March 24, 1921): 181-182.

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---. "De Nieuwe Belijdenis Aangaande Schrift en Kerk." The Standard Bearer (February 15, 1932): 220-223; (March 1, 1932): 244-247; (March 15, 1932): 268-271; (April 1, 1932): 292-294; (April 15, 1932): 316-318; (May 1, 1932): 340-342; (June 15, 1932): 412-415; (July 1, 1932): 436-440; (July 15, 1932): 460-463; (August 1, 1932): 484-487 (September 15, 1932): 540-553; 9 (October 1, 1932): 4-7; (October 15, 1932): 28-31; (November 1, 1932): 52-55; (November 15, 1932): 76- 80. 

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---. "Storm In The Windy City," The Standard Bearer (January 1, 1936): 151; (January 15, 1936): 173-174; (February 1, 1936): 196-198; (February 15, 1936): 220-222; (March 1, 1936): 244-246; (March 15, 1936): 268-269; (April 1, 1936): 292-293; (April 15, 1936): 316-317; (May 1, 1936): 340-341; (June 1, 1936): 388-391.

---. The Protestant Reformed Churches of America, Second Edition. No publisher, 1947.

---. The Reunion of the Christian Reformed and Protestant Reformed Churches: Is It Demanded, Possible, Desired? tr. by Rev. H. Veldman. Grand Rapids: Reformed Free Publishing, no date.

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---. "The 'Unbiased Standpoint,"' The Witness (January, 1922): 26.

---. De Pot Half Open," The Witness (May, 1922): 84-85. 

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Hoeksema, H.C. "As To The Doctrine Of Holy Scripture." Protestant Reformed Theological Journal (November, 1969): 22-36; (May, 1970): 19-37; 4 (December, 1970): 20-38; (May, 1971): 24-41; 5, (December, 1971): 17-35.

"Inhoudende Een Protest tegen het besluit van de Synode van 1922 inzake de afzetting van Dr. Janssen." No signatures; taken over by Classis Illinois.

Janssen, R. "Reply to Rev. Herman Hoeksema," The Banner (November 4, 1920): 667-668; (November 16, 1920): 700-701; (November 25, 1920): 716; (December 30, 1920): 798; 56 (January 13, 1921): 24.

---. "The Erroneous Views and Unwarranted Criticisms of Rev. H. Hoeksema," The Banner (February 17, 1921): 102-103; (February 24, 1921): 117-118; (March 10, 1921): 149-150; (March 24, 1921): 182-183; (March 31, 1921): 199; (April 14, 1921): 230-231. 

---. De Crisis in de Christelijke Gereformeerde Kerk in Amerika. Grand Rapids: no publisher, 1922.

---. De Synodale Conclusies. Grand Rapids: no publisher, 1923.

---. Het Synodale Vonnis en Zijne Voorgeschiedenis Kerkrechtelijk Beoordeeld. Grand Rapids, no publisher, 1922.

---. Voortzetting Van Den Strijd. Grand Rapids, no publisher, 1922.

Kromminga, D.H. "Lead Us Not Into Temptation," The Banner (April 3, 1919): 214-215.---. The Christian Reformed Tradition· Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1943.

Kuiper, B.K. "De Zaak Janssen," De Wachter (March 30, 1921): 1-2; (April 6, 1921): 2; (April 13, 1921): 1-2; (April 20, 1921): 1-2; (April 27, 1921):1-2; (May 4, 192): 1-2; (May 11, 1921): 1-3.

---. "Verdenking en Verantwoording," De Wachter (May 11,1921): 3-4.

---. "De Kat en de Pot met Soep," De Wachter (May 18, 1921): 1-2.

---. "De Deksel van den Pot," De Wachter (May 18, 1921): 2-5.

---. "Even en Nu," De Wachter (May 25, 1921): l-2.

---. "Gedachten Overwogen," De Wachter (May 25, 1921 ): 2-3.

---. "Nog een paar Opmerkingen," De Wachter (May 25, 1921 ): 3-5.

---. "De Stand der Kwestie," De Wachter ( June 1, 1921): 1, 5-7, 10-11.

---. "De Crisis in onze Kerken," De Wachter (February 15, 1922): 5-6.

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---. "De Algemeene Genade," De Wachter (April 26, 1922): 6-7.

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---. "Facts Concerning the Janssen Trial and Their Interpretation," The Witness (September, 1922): 155-157; (October, 1922): 170-171; (November 1922): 187-189. 

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Stob, G. "The Christian Reformed Church and Her Schools." ThD dissertation. Princeton Theological Seminary, 1955.

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---. "Een Voorstel," De Wachter (April 27, 1921): 5-6.

---. "Een Verkeerd Element," De Wachter (May 11, 1921): 7.

Van Dyke, R. "The Janssen Case In Retrospect." Student paper prepared for History 391, January 9, 1964. (Found in Heritage Hall, Calvin College & Seminary, Grand Rapids.) 

Van Niejenhuis, H. & Owenhand, R. "The Janssen Affair & The Janssen Controversy." Student paper, November 7, 1973. (Found in Heritage Hall, Calvin College & Seminary, Grand Rapids.)

Van Lonkhuyzen, J. "Aan Mijne Vrienden," De Wachter (May 18, 1921): 8.

Van Oosterzee, J.J. Christian Dogmatics: A Textbook for Academical Instruction and Private Study. tr. by J.W. Watson & M.J. Evans. 2 volumes. New York: Scribner, Armstrong & Co., 1874. 

Van Til, H.R. The Calvinistic Concept of Culture. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1972.

Veenstra, G. The People Vs. Dr. Janssen. Student Paper, 1973. Heritage Hall.

Venema, C. "The Doctrinal Issue In The Janssen Controversy." Student paper, March 29, 1978. (Found in Heritage Hall, Calvin College & Seminary, Grand Rapids.)

Volbeda, S. "De Vijand Binnen de Poorten," The Witness (August, 1922): 141-144; (September, 1922): 159-162; (October, 1922): 174-177.

Wierenga, H. "The 'Light of Nature' in the Light of Dort," Religion And Culture (February, 1923): 133- 136).

---. "The 'Light of Nature' in the Light of Calvin," Religion And Culture (March, 1923): 164-166; (May, 1923): 183-185; 5 (June, 1923): 12-15; (July, 1923): 19-22. 

Zwaanstra, H. Reformed Thought And Experience In A New World. ThD dissertation. Kampen, J.H. Kok, 1973.

Zwier, D. "De Algemeene Genade het Hart der Kerk?" The Witness (July 1922): 119-120.

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