Audio Sermons

Sun, May 10, 2015

The Signs of Jesus' Coming

Sermon preached in Covenant of Grace PRC (Spokane, WA) by her pastor, Rev.R. Kleyn, as part of a series on the end times. In Matthew 24 Jesus answers the question of the disciples in v. 3; not only "When shall these things (the destruction of Jerusalem) be?" but also, "What shall be the sign of thy coming and the end of the world?" All future millennialists (pre and post) deny that there are signs of Jesus' coming. Sadly, this removes from God's people the urgency of watching and waiting for the return of Christ. Jesus lays out in this chapter not only that there will be identifiable signs of his coming and what these are, but also explains for us how these signs are related to his coming. Being alert to the signs of Christ's coming in nature, nations and the church is essential for proper preparedness for the end times. End times doctrine is not speculative arm chair theology, but is practical and brings home the urgency of Jesus' word to us that we must be ready.
Duration:52 mins 54 secs

This message may also be heard on Covenant of Grace PRC's Sermonaudio page.

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