Audio Sermons

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Sun, May 10, 2015
Duration: 48 mins 59 secs
A baptism and Mother's Day sermon preached in Hope PRC, Redlands, CA, by her pastor. The message has these parts: I. Her Wise Behavior II. Her Covenantal Zeal III. Her Enduring Example
Sun, Apr 05, 2015
Passage: Mark 16:1-8
Duration: 52 mins 26 secs
Easter sermon preached in Hope PRC, Redlands, CA, by her pastor. The message has these parts: I. The Fact II. Its Significance III. Our Encouragement
Sun, Mar 29, 2015
Duration: 53 mins 15 secs
Lenten sermon preached in Hope PRC, Redlands, CA by her pastor. The sermon has these parts: I. The Fact II. Its Significance III. Our Comfort
Sun, Feb 08, 2015
Duration: 54 mins 10 secs
Sermon preached in Hope PRC, Redlands, CA by her pastor. The message has these parts: I. The Antithetical Choice II. The Sure Result III. The Important Knowledge
Sun, Feb 01, 2015
Duration: 55 mins
Preached in Hope PRC, Redland, CA, by her pastor. The message has these parts: I. In White Robes II. With Jubilant Voice III. Seen By Us
Sun, Jan 18, 2015
Duration: 35 mins 53 secs
Preached in Hope PRC, Redlands, CA, by her pastor on the occasion of the celebration of the Lord's Supper. The message has these parts: I. Their Need II. Their Faith III. Their Healing
Sun, Jan 04, 2015
Duration: 49 mins 21 secs
Preached in Hope PRC, Redlands, CA, by her pastor, on the occasion of the installation of new officebearers. The message has these parts: I. The Vision II. Its Message III. Our Encouragement
Sun, Dec 28, 2014
Passage: Isaiah 55:6-7
Duration: 57 mins 7 secs
Preached in Hope PRC, Redlands CA, by her pastor. The message has these parts: I. The Calling II. Its Urgency III. Our Blessing
Sun, Oct 12, 2014
Passage: John 1:13
Duration: 47 mins 30 secs
Preached in Hope PRC, Redlands CA, by her pastor on the occasion of Christian (infant) baptism. The message has these parts: I. The Birth II. The Source III. The Life
Sun, Aug 31, 2014
Series: Jeremiah
Duration: 59 mins 32 secs
Preached in Hope PRC, Redlands CA, by her pastor, as part of a series on the OT prophecy of Jeremiah.
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