Promises That Will Be Kept

Psalm 119:89,90

    The more serious the surgery is, the more serious the thought must be that is given to choosing one to perform it. When one's life is in danger, one cannot be too careful, or demand too much care. And what is far more serious than physical death is our relationship with God. Both physical and spiritual enemies may make life dangerous for us. Financial losses may be hard to bear.

But what God does to us, and what He promises us, is what counts. The punishment He metes out is everlasting, and makes man as miserable as he possibly can be. We had better be very serious and concerned about our guilty state before God. We must be sure that His promise to save us will be kept in its smallest detail.

    The psalmist was sure and wrote in Psalm 119:89, 90: "Forever, O Lord, Thy word is settled in heaven. Thy faithfulness is unto all generations; Thou hast established the earth, and it abideth." Notice that he speaks of God's dealing both in heaven and on earth. He speaks of God's absolute control over all things in both heaven and on the earth, and of God's absolute faithfulness. Not temporarily but forever, every split-second of time, God's counsel is fulfilled. His will is executed unto all generations. He is faithful to His word and never goes back upon one word of that which He has promised.

    To Him we should look for help in our state of guilt, and in our spiritually weak condition. Who can help us better than He? Who can help us, if He does not? Our versification has it beautifully in these words:

    Forever settled in the heavens,
    Thy word, O Lord, shall firmly stand;
    Thy faithfulness shall never fail;
    The earth abides at Thy command.

    Look to God in the confidence that He will keep His promise and that you are safe in His keeping. He has promised full salvation and will keep His word. He has perfect control of all creation; and nothing shall prevent Him from giving us what He has promised in Christ. All your enemies are in His hand. Over them He has absolute control.

Read: Psalm 37 
Psalter versification: #332:1

Meditations on the Heidelberg Catechism

Song for Meditation: Psalter #36
Why not sing along??

Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:

Job 31 ; Job 32 ; Job 33 
II Corinthians 3:1-18 
Psalm 43:1-5 
Proverbs 22:8-9 
Quote for Reflection:

“The passing generation knew the Lord and His work for Israel… But the next generation knew not the Lord, neither the works He had done for Israel. …The conclusion from all this is plain: grow lax in instruction - in home or school or church - and the next generation will not know Jehovah and will not know His great works for His people.”  -Herman Hoeksema

Last modified on 28 August 2018

Additional Info

  • Date: 29-August
Heys, John A.

Rev. John A. Heys was born on March 16, 1910 in Grand Rapids, MI. He was ordained and installed into the ministry at Hope, Walker, MI in 1941.  He later served at Hull, Iowa beginning in 1955.  In 1959 he accepted the call to serve the South Holland, IL Protestant Reformed Church.  He received and accepted the call to Holland, Michigan Protestant Reformed Church in 1967.  He retired from the active ministry in 1980.  He entered into glory on February 16, 1998.

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