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The Beginning of Wisdom

The truth is that not to be wise is to be a fool. One is either wise or foolish as far as spiritual matters are concerned. And David in Psalm 14:1 presents the truth that the fool says in his heart that there is no God. We do well to take a firm grip on that statement of David that the fool says this in his heart.

Many unbelievers will with their lips agree that there is a God. Sometimes they foolishly say that they need God's help. But in their hearts they do not mean that. They are thinking of another god. God's Word remains a closed book, for they do not want to know Him as He truly is.

Let us instead take hold firmly of the truth which God Himself gives us through the psalmist in Psalm 111:10, where we read, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth forever."

What an astounding truth! The word "fear" here does not mean fright. It means to believe that He is God. You can find the word "faith" only two times in the Old Testament. More often you find this word "fear." Believing that He is God means that we fear Him in the sense of having awe and reverence before Him. We have awesome respect for Him. That is the beginning of wisdom, not terror and fright, which would mean that we do not believe that His Son blotted out our guilt by His cross.

Are you a believer? Has God given you that fear or reverence and awe before Him? Look at your walk of life and into your heart. Is there love there for Him that causes you to do His commandments? That reveals that you have the fear of reverence and awe before Him. Fear makes us say that we love His law, and want to keep it because of that love, not due to fright. It means that you praise Him because He is God and you rejoice in that truth.

Read: Psalm 111

Meditations on the Heidelberg Catechism

Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:
2 Chronicles 11 ; 2 Chronicles 12 ; 2 Chronicles 13:1-22 
Romans 8:26-39 
Psalm 18:37-50 
Proverbs 19:27-29 
Quote for Reflection:

"If we wish to be considered members of Christ, let no man be anything for himself, but let us all be whatever we are for the benefit of each other. This is accomplished by love; and where it does not reign, there is no 'edification,' but an absolute scattering of the church."   John Calvin

Last modified on 24 July 2019

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  • Date: 24-July

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