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Undeniable Evidence of Sonship

Having presented to us the truth that all the chastening God performed upon us reveals His love upon us, the author of this epistle goes one step further, and in Hebrews 12:7 writes, "If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?"

The gift of a new life, the fact that He caused us to be born again, reveals God's love as resting upon us. His chastening and scourging in no way, and to no degree, deny His love upon His people. In fact, if He does not chasten us, we have no sign of His love. The afflictions, the famines, the earthquakes, pestilences, and plagues that fall on the unbelievers are God's hatred displayed against them. With them there is no chastisement.

For, remember, to chastise is to correct, to instruct, to train, and to make spiritually stronger. The chastening a father performs upon his child is an act of love. He desires to have his child run for that prize which is set before God's people and which is earned by the cross of Christ. An unbelieving parent does not punish his child for that reason; in fact, he teaches his child how to walk in many sins. He sees his child sometimes as sinning against him, but not against God. The believing parent, running himself in that race, wants his child to run with him.

When the child endures that chastening, that is, heeds his father's instruction and ceases walking in that sin, he reveals love for his father, but also love toward God.

Do not then complain when God sends afflictions, and when life becomes very rough. He does that in love, to bring us back on the path upon which we must run, and also back to the act of running. Never question God's love. As the unchangeable God, He loves us with a love that never wavers. As the all-wise God He never sends the wrong thing. Truly, all things work together for good to those who love God. All is always well with them.

Read: II Corinthians 4

Meditations on the Heidelberg Catechism

Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:

Ezra 7 ; Ezra 8:1-20 
1 Corinthians 4:1-21 
Psalm 30:1-12 
Proverbs 20:28-30 
Quote for Reflection:

John Calvin on God's promises:

·     “Whatever God promises, belongs to his elect, not to all.

·     Promises are related to the covenant as their only source.

·     The efficacy of God's promises depends on Christ alone.

·     We ought not to judge of the promises of God from our condition, but from His truth.

·     Faith cannot stand, unless it be founded on the promises of God.

·     The only cure for covetousness is to embrace the promises of God.

·     We cannot rely on his promises without obeying His commandments.

·     The main thing in the worship of God is to embrace His promises with obedience.”

Last modified on 07 August 2018

Additional Info

  • Date: 8-August

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