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Safe in God's Almighty Arms

What a comforting truth! What an evidence that all is well with God's church! We are rushing toward the day when the Antichrist, as pictured in Revelation 13 , will rule the world and persecute God's church. But take hold of that truth which we find in Deuteronomy 33:27 , which makes possible what we read of in the next verse. There, as moved by God, Moses declares, "The eternal God is our refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms: and he shall thrust out the enemy from before thee; and shall say, Destroy them."

Our God, the only true God, is eternal. He has everlasting arms that can and will destroy our enemies completely. Yea, He will cause all of His own children to reach everlasting heavenly blessedness.

That does not mean that we are not going to suffer and die physically, and that many of us will not be killed by Satan's army. Revelation 13 shows us that this will happen to many believers. But Satan, and all his host together, cannot take one bit of strength out of God's arms. These arms will have everlasting power of infinite might that will cause to happen everything that He promises us. He is the eternal God, and He is our refuge eternally. His almighty arms are under us and will carry us away from Satan and all his hatred, and into His house of many mansions through Christ.

We will all reach all the glory that He promised us in Christ. Do not for one split second question His power or faithfulness. Remember that Jesus' cross made it all look hopeless; but it served the preparation of our way to heavenly glory in God's everlasting power and grace. He was our refuge there; and He is our refuge every moment of time with His arms underneath us to carry us to glory. In His wisdom and power He used Satan so that Christ was crucified to earn a place for us in heavenly glory. Put all your trust in Him; and be sure that His arms are carrying you to victory, and using Satan and his servants to serve us, not hurt us.

Read: Psalm 48

Daily Meditations on the Heidelberg Catechism

Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:
Daniel 7:1-28 
1 John 1:1-10 
Psalm 119:153-176 
Proverbs 28:23-24 

Quote for Reflection:

"True faith confines its view so entirely to Christ, that it neither knows, nor desires to know, anything else." ~ John Calvin

Last modified on 29 November 2018

Additional Info

  • Date: 30-November

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