What is coming in the future is frightening, unless we know and believe Who, not simply what, is coming. Wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes in diverse places, and the cruel reign of the Antichrist are coming soon, according to what our God tells us in His Word. But the Christian is looking for Christ to come.
And on what the world calls Christmas (but for us is Christ's birthday, and not a mass which we celebrate) we will rejoice, because Christ came and is using all things to bring about the day when we shall enter His kingdom with body as well as soul. Our God, in Isaiah 43:7 , declares that He has redeemed us, "Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him." This refers to those who in verse 6 are called His sons and daughters.
Today these sons and daughters are called Christians, which means not only that they belong to Christ, but that they are spiritually like Him. Only such should be called Christians. And when in a few days we celebrate His birthday, we must not overlook the fact that He, the Son of God, causes us to be the children of God. Only such may be called Christians, for only they belong to Christ as members of His body, the church.
We should, on the day we celebrate His birth, but also every day in our lives, reveal that truth that we were created through Christ to God's glory. Yes, by His cross He saved us from our guilt and punishment. But He also by His Spirit re-creates us so that we may and do glorify God. On the day called Christmas we should celebrate Christ's coming as that work of God's grace whereby He causes us to be those who glorify Him consciously and willingly.
That is a wonderful gift which God gives us. What a blessed truth! Our glory is that we were made capable of glorifying God. That will be our wonderful life when Christ returns.
Read: Isaiah 43:1-7
Meditations on the Heidelberg Catechism
Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:
Hosea 1 ; Hosea 2 ; Hosea 3:1-5
1 John 5:1-21
Psalm 124:1-8
Proverbs 29:5-8
Quote for Reflection:
"In the old dispensation, Moses alone beheld the Glory of the Lord; and the skin of his face was changed. In the new dispensation, we all beheld that glory; and, by the grace of the Spirit, we are changed, made like unto the Lord. We are changed spiritually through the means of looking at His image in the mirror of the Scriptures. And the injunction which follows if plain: cover not your faces; close not the Scriptures; look steadfastly in them, for they make us free and wise unto salvation ." ~ Homer C. Hoeksema
Additional Info
- Date: 5-December