There are from a spiritual point of view only two kinds of angels. There is Satan and his host that hate God, and there are the holy angels who love Him. Likewise, here on this earth, there are from a spiritual point of view only two kinds of people: believers and unbelievers.
This tremendously important truth is revealed in Genesis 3:15 , which is called the Mother Promise. There God said to the devil, "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall crush thy head, and thou shaft crush his heel." In the Hebrew language, as written by Moses, that word is "crush," not merely "bruise."
Here is the first gospel promise, for it is the first promise of the coming of Christ in our flesh. This enmity and spiritual difference of mankind became plain in Adam and Eve's first two children: Cain the unbeliever and Abel the believer. When Cain killed Abel, the believing seed of the woman, Seth, was provided by our God. In the line of Seth were Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And from Jacob came twelve tribes, with believers and unbelievers in each tribe, the tribe of Judah being appointed by God to bring forth the kings. And THE King came when from the virgin Mary Christ was born. Here is a tremendously important truth. Christ is the Seed of the Woman. He will deliver the church completely from the coming Antichrist who is the Seed of Satan. The truth which we should take hold of, as we approach the day when we celebrate the birth of Christ, is that Christmas does clearly reveal to us God's faithfulness to all His promises.
Christmas is coming in a week. As we approach it, let us take hold of the truth that God always fulfills perfectly every promise that He gives us. Satan's head is going to be crushed, as will also the head of his spiritual seed. But ours is the victory, because the Son of God came into our flesh and represented us and saved us by His cross.
Read: Galatians 3:1-16
Meditations on the Heidelberg Catechism
Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:
Habakkuk 1; Habakkuk 2; Habakkuk 3
Revelation 9:10-21
Psalm 137:1-9
Proverbs 30:10
Quote for Reflection:
"In this verse the apostle evidently declares what he intended by ‘the law’ in that foregoing, which ‘the people received under the Levitical priesthood.’ It was the whole ‘law of commandments contained in ordinances,’ or the whole law of Moses, so far as it was the rule of worship and obedience unto the church; for that law it is that followeth the fates of the priesthood ... Wherefore there is also ... ‘a change of the law;’ that is, an abolition of it: for it is a change of the same nature with the change of the priesthood; which, as we have showed, was its abolition and taking away ... there is ‘made’ a change. It did, indeed, necessarily follow on the change of the priesthood; yet not so, but that there was an act of the will and authority of God on the law itself. God made this change, and he alone could do it; that he would do so, and did so, the apostle proves in this and the verses following. So is the ‘law of commandments contained in ordinances taken out of the way,’ being ‘nailed unto the cross of Christ,’ where he left it completely accomplished" ~ John Owen (Hebrews, vol. 5, pp. 428, 434)
Additional Info
- Date: 18-December