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A Solid Foundation

Psalm 87:1-3

    Yes, there are holy mountains. There were holy mountains in the Old Testament times, and there are holy mountains today. In the Old Testament days two of the hills on which Jerusalem was built were called holy:  Mt. Moriah, where the temple, God's dwelling place, was built, and Mt. Zion where the kings of the kingdom of Judah had their throne. That is why we read in Psalm 87:1-3, "His foundation is in the holy mountains. The Lord loveth the gates of Zion, more than all the dwellings of Jacob.  Glorious things are spoken of thee, O city of God."

    Indeed, glorious things were spoken of Jerusalem, often called Zion because of that one hill. For God surely had His foundation there on Mt. Moriah, where Christ was typically in the high priest and in the bloody sacrifices. And on Mt. Zion the kings ruled as types of Christ now sitting at God's right hand and ruling all creation, in order to bring in the new Jerusalem, the glorious city of God.

    There in that coming city of God the new Jerusalem, we will find our merciful High Priest, God's only begotten Son, Who in His cross laid the foundation of that city where we will live with God in covenant fellowship unceasingly and in a glorious life.

    This foundation, the basis for all our salvation, is in Christ Whose work was pictured on Mt. Moriah and on Mt.Zion. No wonder glorious things are spoken of that new Jerusalem. We should speak it also as in our versification (PRC Psalter):

    Zion founded on the mountains,
    God, thy maker, loves thee well.
    He has chosen thee most precious,
    He delights in thee to dwell;
    God's own city, 
    Who can all Thy glory tell?

    We will do that, and we will be glorious in that city. because Christ is there and is the foundation of that city.

Read: Psalm 67 
Psalter versification: #238:1

Meditations on the Heidelberg Catechism

Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:
I Samuel 14 
John 7:31-53 
Psalm 109 
Proverbs 15:5-7

Quote for Reflection:

Worldly Conformity: “The course of rebellion against God may be very gradual, but it increases in rapidity as you progress in it; and if you begin to run down the hill, the ever-increasing impetus will send you down faster and faster to destruction. You Christians ought to watch against the beginning of worldly conformity. I do believe that the growth of worldliness is like strife, which is as the letting out of water. Once you begin, there is no knowing where you will stop. I sometimes get this question put to me, concerning certain worldly amusements, “May I do so-and-so?” I am very sorry whenever anyone asks me that question, because it shows that there is something wrong, or it would not be raised at all. If a person’s conscience lets him say, “Well, I can go to A,” he will very soon go on to B, C, D, E, and through all the letters of the alphabet… When Satan cannot catch us with a big sin, he will try a little one. It does not matter to him as long as he catches his fish, what bait he uses. Beware of the beginning of evil, for many, who bade fair to go right, have turned aside and perished amongst the dark mountains in the wide field of sin.”  -- Charles H. Spurgeon

Last modified on 13 May 2018

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  • Date: 13-May

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