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That Breastplate of Faith and Love

Yesterday we took note of a fierce and subtle spiritual battle that we have with Satan, through men who have no faith in and love for God, and who attack us. Today we do well to look more closely at Paul's exhortation to put on the breastplate of faith and of love.

It certainly is plain that Paul is speaking here of a spiritual battle. Faith and love are a spiritual breastplate for us in a spiritual battle, not in a physical warfare. We must protect ourselves -- but not by a steel, brass, metallic breastplate, when Satan is trying to get us to turn away from Christ and God, and to walk in unrighteousness.

Ephesians 6:14 Paul makes this very clear. For there he writes, "Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness." Our breastplate of faith and love is the breastplate of righteousness. Our protection against all that which Satan uses, to stop us from holding on to righteousness, is to believe God in all that which He tells us about our salvation. It is also love toward God that keeps us walking in righteousness, rather than going with Satan in unrighteousness, as Satan got Adam and Eve to do.

We are therefore, as Paul warns the Ephesians, saved by grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8 ). Faith causes us to know and believe that we are righteous in God's judgment, and that we love Him, and are thankful to Him for having saved us from our guilt by His Son and His cross. Hold on to that truth, and do not let Satan work unbelief in you and cause you to hate God. He succeeded in this devilish work in Adam and Eve. But God has given us faith and love for Him. Hold on to these, and keep on that breastplate of faith and love. Be a soldier who fights against Satan and his seed; and be not a sinner revealing unbelief and hatred against God.

Read: Ephesians 6:10-18

Meditations on the Heidelberg Catechism

Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:
Ezekiel 39 ; Ezekiel 40:1-27 
James 2:18-26 ; James 3 
Psalm 118:1-18 
Proverbs 28:2


Quote for Reflection:

If the Lord undertakes to guide us in our life's journey, we must be satisfied with His doing it step by step.  It is rarely His way to reveal to us much beforehand.  In most cases we know little or nothing in advance.  How can it be otherwise if we are to walk by faith! We must trust Him implicitly for the full development of His plan concerning us.  But if we are really walking with God, taking heed to our ways according to His Word, He will gradually make things plain.   His providences will clear up our difficulties, and what we know not now, we shall know hereafter. -- Arthur W. PinkElijah (pg. 59)

Last modified on 19 November 2018

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  • Date: 19-November

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