1. Give thanks to God, for good is He,
His grace abideth ever;
To Him all praise and glory be,
His mercy faileth never.
His wondrous works with praise record,
His grace abideth ever;
The only God, the sovereign Lord,
Whose mercy faileth never.
2. His wisdom made the heavens to be,
His grace abideth ever;
He spread the earth above the sea,
His mercy faileth never.
Praise Him Whose sun doth bring the day,
His grace abideth ever;
The moon and stars His might display,
Whose mercy faileth never.
3. He helped us in our deepest woes,
His grace abideth ever;
He ransomed us from all our foes,
His mercy faileth never.
Each creature's need doth He supply,
His grace abideth ever;
Give thanks to God, enthroned on high,
Whose mercy faileth never.
Additional Info
- Psalter #: 378
- # Stanzas: 3
- Metre: 8s and 7s
- Video: No
- Psalm: 136
- Type: Normal