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429. With All My Heart Will I Record



Verse 1
With all my heart will I record
Thy praise, O Lord,
And exaltation;
Before the gods with joyful song
Will I prolong
My adoration.
I'll worship toward Thy holy place
And for Thy grace
And truth extol Thee;
Above Thy Name, Thou, Lord Most High,
Didst magnify
Thy Word so holy.

Verse 2
O God, whene'er I cried to Thee
Thou heardest me
And didst deliver;
For by They strength, when sore afraid,
My soul was stayed,
O gracious Giver.
The kings of earth in one accord
Shall thank Thee, Lord
With praise unbroken;
When over all the earth is heard
The wondrous Word
Which Thou hast spoken.

Verse 3
They all shall sing in joyful lays
And laud His ways
With jubilation;
For great is God in majesty,
The Lord is He
Of all creation.
Jehovah looketh from on high
With kindly eye
Upon the lowly,
But knoweth those from far who hide,
In sinful pride,
Their ways unholy.

Verse 4
Lord, though I walk 'mid troubles sore,
Thou wilt restore
My faltering spirit;
Though angry foes my soul alarm,
Thy mighty arm
Will save and cheer it.
Yea, Thou wilt finish perfectly
What Thou for me
Hast undertaken;
May not Thy works, in mercy wrought,
E'er come to naught,
Or be forsaken.


Last modified on 28 June 2014

Additional Info

  • Psalter #: 429
  • # Stanzas: 4
  • Metre: Unknown
  • Video: No
  • Psalm: 138
  • Type: Chorale
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