Ezra Study Guide

For a number of reasons the history of Ezra and Nehemiah is probably one of the least known of Bible history among many Christians. In the Protestant Reformed Churches' seventy years of publication expositions of the Bible in the Standard Bearer (over 3,500 pages), only five articles have been written on this history and three of the five articles on the same passage in Nehemiah. For many, therefore, this study is a plowing of new ground. But this is exactly what makes it most profitable.

Our prayer is that these tapes will help you find, out of the richs of scripture, treasures both old and new. Because these tapes are a record of the preaching of the gospel, we believe that God will be pleased to use them for the edifying of his church, to build His house.

This series of sermons and/or Study Guide can be used for bible study on the book of Ezra. Bible study groups can find it profitable to use the guide, perhaps with the leader using the tapes. Or all the members of the study group can listen to the tapes. Please write us to ask us for the study guide tapes and Study Guide.

Please Fill out this order form for your five cassette album and/or Study Guide.
Yours for the asking.
Suggested donation - $12.00 U.S.

For more information e-mail Rev. Gritters.


Ezra Study Guide and Tapes

by Rev. B. Gritters

five cassette album of sermons on Ezra

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Tapes and Study Guide:____________________Suggested Donation $12.00 U.S.

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Hudsonville Protestant Reformed Church

Evangelism Committee

5101 Beechtree Ave.

Hudsonville Mich. 49426