"Not unto us, O LORD, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory." Psalm 115:1

  • Granted Prayers

    Granted Prayers

    "Return unto thy rest, my soul, No longer troubled be; The Lord sustains thee, and has dealt Most graciously with thee. ~ Ps. #312, st.4 Read More
  • For God and Country

    For God and Country

    "God and country are not antagonistic or dualistic in the sense that we are half citizens of heaven and half citizens of a particular nation. Rather, because we are for God, we are for our nation. Because we serve God, we will be good citizens of the nation in which God places us. Christians make the best citizens!" Read More
  • Our Ascended Lord's Gifts to the Church

    Our Ascended Lord's Gifts to the Church

    "And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:." ~ Ephesians 4:11-13 Read More
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Holding the Historic Christian Faith

The PRCA stand in the line of historic Christianity, believing and confessing the basic truths of the infallibly inspired Word of God.

This is "the faith... once delivered unto the saints" (Jude 3), the "traditions" handed down to us by Jesus Christ through His apostles and prophets (Eph.2:202 Thess.2:15).

These basic Christian truths are summed in the great ecumenical creeds of the early Christian church including the Apostles' Creed and the Nicene Creed.

These fundamental truths center on the Triune God and His great works: God the Father and our creation, God the Son and our redemption, and God the Holy Spirit and our sanctification.


Maintaining the Glorious Reformed Faith

The PRCA also stand in the line of the great Protestant Reformation of the 16th century, when by God's might and mercy the church was re-formed according to the Word of God and restored to its pure doctrines and practices.

We openly and gladly embrace the Reformed Faith with its emphasis on the absolute sovereignty of God over all people, events, and things and on the absolute sovereignty of His grace in Jesus Christ, saving, preserving and glorifying the people He has chosen in Him before the foundation of the world.

This glorious gospel is summarized especially in the three great Reformed creeds we maintain: The Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism, and the Canons of Dordt.

Embracing Our Own Protestant Reformed Distinctives

The PRCA also unashamedly embrace our own distinctive doctrines and practices, as the Lord has been pleased to lead us through controversy and battle for the truth in our history.

We declare and defend especially the truth of sovereign, particular grace overagainst the teachings of common grace and the truth of God's sovereign, unconditional covenant of grace with His elect people and their spiritual children overagainst the teaching of a conditional covenant and a general promise of salvation.

With firm conviction we believe these truths have important implications for the Christian life and for marriage and home life. Consequently, we also emphasize the godly, antithetical character of the Christian's life and the life-long bond of marriage.

Practicing Reverent, God-Centered Worship

According to the precepts of God's holy Word and the principles of our Reformed, Christian faith we practice corporate worship twice each Lord's Day (Sunday).

This obedient and joyful worship is simple, reverent, centered on God, and based on His Word. Our worship services focus on the Lord of glory Who is worthy to be thanked and praised (Rev.4:8-11), and we use His prescribed means to do this - singing, praying, giving of offerings, and the reading and hearing of His Word.

Especially do we stress the priority of the preaching of the holy gospel of Jesus Christ, with messages marked by careful and plain explanation of the holy Scriptures for all ages. Such preaching, we believe, is God's chief means of converting sinners and building up His church (Rom.10:17).

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Featured Church

Grandville (MI) PRC


Grandville small

Pastor: Rev. Nathan Decker

NDecker 2019

All Churches



Introduction to the PRCA


Featured Resource

Is gambling an activity the Christian should be involved in?

sin gambling DKuiper 2

 Read this resource to learn that gambling is indeed a sin!


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