
PRC Theological Seminary

Theological School of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America

4949 Ivanrest Ave SW
Wyoming, MI 49418

Phone: 616-531-1490

Prof. Doug Kuiper, Rector (doug.kuiperThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Charles Terpstra, Registrar (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Bethany Engelsma, Secretary (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Judi Doezema, Denominational Secretary (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Sign frost Nov 2023
Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses,
the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.
2 Timothy 2:1,2

Other Special Information and quick links:

Plan to attend the PRC Seminary's Fall 2024 Conference, Oct.31-Nov.2, a special one commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America and the doctrinal controversy over common grace that led to her founding. 

Special Summer 2023 Class on Church Discipline: The Seminary sponsored another special course for the public last summer.  Prof. Gritters taught regarding the important topic of Christian Discipline.  Because all members participate in discipline, the course is important to officebearers as well as members of the church.  Classes were held in Hudsonville PRC on Wednesday evenings from July 12 through August 9. For a detailed outline of the subjects to be taught, click on this link.  

The video links for each class are posted here. You may also find a convenient link to all the videos and outlines on Hudsonville PRC's website.

First Class - July 12, 2023 - The Church Order on Discipline (Outline)

 Second Class - July 19, 2023 - The Proper Objects of Discipline (Outline)

Third Class - July 26, 2023 - The Act of Discipline According to Matthew 18 (Outline)

Fourth Class - August 2, 2023 - The Act of Discipline, from the Elders' Bench (Outline)

Fifth Class - August 9, 2023 - Sufficient Evidence of Repentance (Outline)

Answers to remaining questions (Prof. Gritters's written responses to some questions that were not answered in the classes)

April 2024 cover.jpg

The Spring 2024 issue of the Protestant Reformed Theological Journal is now available - both in print and in digital forms! Digital editions are available on the PRTJ webpage and print copies were mailed to those on our mailing list. If you want to be added to our mailing list (either print or digital) or wish to pick up a copy at the seminary, contact Bethany, the seminary secretary (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

The seminary's special conference on preaching was held on Oct.28-29, 2021 at Trinity PRC. If you were unable to attend and would like to listen to the speeches, they are available here and hereThe videos have also now been posted to the seminary YouTube channel.



A Blessed Conference!

The PRC Seminary's 2019 Dordt400 Conference is now history. Held Thursday, April 25 - Saturday, April 27 at Trinity PRC in Hudsonville, MI, the conference had edifying speeches, blessed fellowship with believers from all over the country and world, and plenty of Dordt resources to browse.

The videos are posted on the seminary's YouTube channel and the audio on Trinity PRC's Sermonaudio channel.

For pictures taken at the conference, visit the main PRC website or the blog on this website.



*A new seminary website has been developed and published! There are many new features and updates, including a blog. Visit the site and check out the various pages - and sign up to receive seminary news by email!

PRTS Faculty/Staff

PRTS Catalog

PR Theological Journal (most recent and archived)


PRTS YouTube channel

PRC Seminary's Google calendar

PRC Seminary Convocation - Wednesday, Sept.6, 2023 *(Updated)

Sem group patio Sept 2023
Professors in back (l-r): R. Cammenga, B. Huizinga, D. Kuiper, C. Griess, B. Gritters
Students in front (l-r): Isaac Van Baren, Bruce Feenstra, Aaron Van Dyke, Joe Ophoff (missing - Arend Haveman, on internship in Pittsburgh)

The annual Convocation of the PRTS will be hosted by Hope PRC (Walker, MI) on Wednesday, September 6, at 7 p.m. - TONIGHT!

 All are invited and encouraged to join with faculty, students, and the Theological School Committee as we call on the Lord and seek His blessing on the upcoming school year.
Prof BH Dogm Sept 2023
Prof. B. Huizinga (photo above) will be speaking on "The Protestant Reformed Minister Today", and the Protestant Reformed Student Orchestra will perform a special number. 

We hope to see you there!

But if you are unable to attend, the event will be livestreamed through Hope PRC's website.

UPDATE: The video of the convocation program is now available on the PRTS' YouTube channel.

UPDATE: (a few pictures from the wonderful evening - a full sanctuary at Hope PRC!)

Conv Sept GEriks

Rev. G. Eriks, pastor of Unity PRC and President of the Theological School Committee, with welcome and devotions

Conv Sept PRSO

The Protestant Reformed Student Orchestra led by Eric Phelps played two numbers

Conv Sept BHuizinga

Prof. Brian Huizinga gave a stirring message on "The Protestant Reformed Minister Today"

Conv Sept RCammenga BFeenstra

Prof. R. Cammenga, the seminary's rector, introduced the students - here, Bruce Feenstra from Hope PRC-Redlands, CA

PRC Seminary Commencement Program TONIGHT, June 15, 2023

sign june 2022

This evening, the PRC Seminary will hold its commencement program, with Sem. Matt Koerner graduating and Prof. R. Cammenga giving the address. The program will be held in Southwest PRC beginning at 7:30  p.m.MKoerner exam June 2023 2

Sem. M. Koerner successfully sustained his exam at the PRC Synod this week and was declared a candidate for the ministry of the Word earlier today.

sem grad diploma program 2023

The Southwest PRC choir will also sing a few numbers.

You are cordially invited to join us in celebrating this wonderful event and another candidate for the gospel ministry in the PRC.

"And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding." ~ Jeremiah 3:15

"And I will set up shepherds over them which shall feed them: and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, neither shall they be lacking, saith the LORD." ~ Jeremiah 23:4

PRC Seminary 2021 Commencement - June 10, 2021

Front May 2021 2

Thursday evening, June 10, 2021, in Georgetown PRC the Protestant Reformed Theological Seminary held her commencement program.

PRTS grad program

The 2021 graduate was Josiah Rong Sheng Tan, a member of Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church of Singapore (sister church to the PRC). 

Sem grad JTan

Earlier in the day, Sem. J.Tan sustained his oral examination before the PRC Synod (see news from Day 3 of the 2021 PRC Synod) and was unanimously recommended to the CERC for a call from her or from the PRC.

KKoole TSC Sem grad

Rev. K. Koole, president of the Theological School Committee, opened the program with appropriate remarks and devotions.

GT PRC choir singing

The Georgetown PRC choir presented two special numbers, both fitting for the occasion.

 ProfDKuiper grad address

Prof. D. Kuiper, by rotation, gave the commencement address, speaking from Nehemiah 3:5 under the title "Putting One's Neck to the Work."

Sem grad RC rector

Prof. R. Cammenga, rector, also gave fitting remarks to Cand. J.Tan.

Sem Grad KK JT

Candidate J. Tan was then presented with his diploma.

Sem grad RC JT

Afterward, the audience gave their congratulations and enjoyed cake and fellowship.

Sem grad audience congrats

JHTan Grad cake
Congratulations, Josiah and Huiqi! May the Lord be with you as He prepares a place for you to serve as pastor in His church.

Spring 2019 Issue of PRC Seminary Journal Now Available!

The Spring 2019 issue of the Protestant Reformed Theological Journal is now available!

The print copies just arrived from the printer and will be mailed next week, while the pdf is available here (cf. the attachment) and on the seminary's website. Watch for the ePub format in the weeks to come.

If you would like to receive a print copy and/or be added to our mailing list, please call the seminary or email us at the contact information provided on this webpage.

Spring 2019 PRTJ cover 2

Prof. R. Cammenga includes these comments on the contents in his "Editor's Notes":

This issue includes a number of articles that we are confident you will find edifying, instructive, and thought-provoking. Our lead article is by the Reverend Martyn McGeown and is entitled “Faith: A Bond, a Gift, and an Activity, but Not a Condition for Salvation.” Rev. McGeown focuses on how we are to understand the activity of faith, while at the same time rejecting any teaching that makes faith a condition for salvation, or denies the activity of faith. With appeal to Scripture, the Reformed confessions, and the Reformed tradition, he demonstrates how properly Reformed Christians are to view the activity of faith.

The undersigned contributes to this issue an article on the Old Testament judge, Jephthah. The article focuses on the vow that Jephthah made to offer up to the Lord whatever came out of his house to greet him, when he returned victorious from the battle against the Ammonites. On his return, his daughter came out of the house to meet him “with timbrels and with dances” (Judges 11:34). Controversy swirls around whether or not Jephthah actually offered his daughter up as a human sacrifice, and whether, therefore, his vow was righteous or rash. Read the article to discover my viewpoint and the grounds for the support of the position that I take.

The Reverend Garrett J. Eriks, pastor of the Hudsonville Protestant Reformed Church in Hudsonville, Michigan, contributes an article entitled, “The Needed Light of Biblical Counseling.” Pastor Eriks is doing advanced degree work in the area of pastoral counseling. His contribution is a revised form of a paper that he submitted for one of his courses. In the article, he demonstrates the need for sound, biblical counseling for the people of God in their distresses, burdens, and sins. The article is a call for truly biblical counseling, as opposed to unbiblical, Freudian psychology, which is the basis for much of what passes for counseling in our day.

This issue of PRTJ also includes two entries that bring to a conclusion two bibliographies that we have been publishing in installments. My colleague, Prof. Douglas J. Kuiper, concludes his bibliography of the writings of George M. Ophoff, one of the original faculty members of the Protestant Reformed Theological Seminary. Our readers should know that Prof. Kuiper has recently been awarded his Master in Theology degree from Calvin Theological Seminary. Congratulations to Prof. Kuiper on this achievement! I also bring to a close my “John Calvin Research Bibliography.” The last two entries are sections #17 and #18: “Calvin’s Doctrine of the Last Things,” and “Calvin’s Views on Worship.” It is possible that in the future the entire “John Calvin Research Bibliography” and the George Martin Ophoff bibliography will be published in some form or other, and made available by our seminary.

And there are our book reviews. We are able to include eight reviews in this issue. The reviews are always an enjoyable and worthwhile part of PRTJ. Thanks to all our reviewers, but special thanks to Prof. David Engelsma, who, although emeritus, continues to write and to produce. His book reviews are always insightful and worthwhile.

Read and enjoy!

Soli Deo Gloria!

PRC Seminary's Dordt400 Conference: A Blessed Event *(Updated with Pictures)


*UPDATE: [The PRC Seminary's Dordt400 Conference is now over and it was a blessed event. Look for pictures below and for more details on the seminary's blog.]

This weekend is the PRC Theological Seminary's Dordt400 Conference!

After months of planning and preparing, the big event is finally here! This Thursday night through Saturday morning, April 25-27, at Trinity PRC in Hudsonville, MI, join the faculty, foreign speakers and friends, PRC members, and many others for edifying speeches, instructive presentations, and blessed fellowship - all centered on the theme of "Dordt400: Safe-guarding the Reformed Tradition."

The conference will be a humble remembrance and celebration of the defense of God's sovereign, particular grace through the "Great Synod" of Dordt held in the Netherlands from Nov.1618 to May 1619. All sessions are open to the public (no registration). We hope that you will join us.

TrinityPRC new sanctuary 2018

The venue is the new sanctuary and newly renovated fellowship room of Trinity PRC near downtown Hudsonville, MI (north side of Chicago Dr., off School St., 3385 Van Buren 49426).

The presenters are a blend of the seminary's faculty, PRC ministers, and foreign participants (cf. flyer below).

Dordt conf flyer speakers color 2

The schedule of events may be found below as well as on the conference website.


Trinity Protestant Reformed Church

3385 VanBuren Hudsonville MI 49426

All three days will be live-streamed at Trinity PRC's SermonAudio channel.


7:00: PM Welcome and Devotions

7:15: PM Who is Jacob Arminius? (Historical snippets on PowerPoint by Prof. R. Dykstra)

7:30: PM The Canons as the Original Five Points of Calvinism - Rev. A. Stewart

8:30: PM Closing

8:45: PM Refreshments

FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 2019

8:30: AM Devotions

8:45: AM Rev. Johannes Bogerman, President - Prof. R. Dykstra

9:00: AM Warring a Good Warfare with the Canons - Rev. B. Huizinga

10:00: AM Break

10:30: AM The Foreign Delegates - Prof. R. Dykstra

10:45: AM The Unfeigned Call of the Gospel - Rev. M. Shand

11:45: AM Closing

12:00: PM Lunch (not provided)

1:15: PM Devotions

1:30: PM Commissioning A New Bible Translation - Prof. R. Dykstra

1:45: PM The Doctrine of the Covenant in the Canons - Prof. D. Kuiper

2:45: PM Break

3:15: PM High Majesties: The States General - Prof. R. Dykstra

3:30: PM The Polity of Dordt: Om Goede Orde in de Gemeente Christi te Onderhouden - Rev. Wm. Langerak

4:30: PM Closing

4:45: PM Supper (not provided)

7:00: PM Protestant Reformed Student Orchestra

7:30: PM Devotions

7:45: PM Promoting Christian Schools - Prof. R. Dykstra

8:00: PM Illustrating and Recommending the Grace of Election - Dordt's Doctrine of Reprobation - Prof. R. Cammenga

9:00: PM Closing

9:15: PM Refreshments


8:30: AM Devotions

8:45: AM The Conclusion of the Canons - Prof. R. Dykstra

9:00: AM Assurance: Sovereign Grace's Speech to the Heart - Prof. B. Gritters

10:00: AM Break

10:30: AM Q & A - Round Table

11:30: AM Writing contest prizes

11:45: AM Concluding comments, prayer

12:15: PM Refreshments

Come for all or part of the conference! Hope to see you there!


Below are a few pictures taken at the conference:

RDykstra intro thurs 1
Prof. R. Dykstra at the opening of the conference

AStewart speech 5 points 1
Rev. A. Stewart (Covenant PRC, N. Ireland) speech on "The Canons as the Orignial 'Five Points' of Calvinism" - Thursday evening

fellowship room thurs 1
Full fellowship room, Thursday night at Trinity PRC

dordt artifacts t shorts thurs 1
Some of the Dordt artifacts on display, including a Dordt400 T-shirt!

BH speech Friam
Rev. B. Huizinga (Hope PRC, Redlands, CA) giving his Friday monring speech on "Warring a Good Warfare with the Canons"

MShand EPC Fri speech
Rev. M. Shand delivers his speech on "The Unfeigned Call of the Gospel."

DK speech Fri
Prof. D. Kuiper speaking Friday afternoon on "The Doctrine of the Covenant in the Canons."

 PRSO fri concert
PR Student Orchestra performing to open Friday evening's program

 RC speech Fripm
Prof. R. Cammenga speaking on "Illustrating and Recommending the Grace of Election: Dordt's Doctrine of Reprobation."

panel Q A Sat
The speakers sit on a Q&A panel moderated by Prof. R. Dykstra - Saturday morning

farewell BG foreign visitors
Prof. B. Gritters gives thanks for and bids farewell to the foreign visitors - men and women from 8 countries came!

 narthex fellowship
Some narthex fellowship - so much of this was experienced and enjoyed!

DK leaving car
Some were still promoting the conference as they left it!

New PR Theological Journal Now Available - Fall 2018

The PRC Seminary faculty announces that the Fall 2018 issue of the Protestant Reformed Theological Journal is now available in pdf form (see attached).

The print issue and the other digital formats (mobi and epub) will be available in a few weeks, but you can begin to read this new issue now in its pdf version.

 PRTJ Fall 2018 cover

As you will see from the cover, the issue is packed with the fruits of solid Reformed reading, research, and reflection - all for the rich benefit of our readers. 

Editor, Prof. R. Cammenga, introduces the issue with these "notes:"

This issue of our journal contains articles that will undoubtedly
be helpful to ministers, elders, and seminary professors and students.
We hope as well that those who do not find themselves at the moment
in any of these categories, but who account themselves “ordinary
believers,” will also be instructed and edified. In the end, this is the
great office in the church, the office of all believer. Each of us, by
God’s grace, occupies this office.

We express thanks to Prof. Douglas Kuiper and Dr. H. David
Schuringa for their contribution, “Prayer of Balthasar Lydius.” If this
is not a name that you immediately recognize, it is one that you will
not soon forget after reading his prayer. It is the prayer that Lydius
offered immediately prior to the opening session of the Synod of
Dordt. So far as we know, our brothers are the first to translate this
prayer into English. Though the synod was a Dutch Reformed Synod,
the prayer was offered up in Latin—still at that time the language of
scholarship and theology. It is a moving prayer by the pastor of the
Reformed church of Dordtrecht where the synod was held. The prayer
breathes the language of Scripture and the deeply held convictions of
the Reformed faith on the part of this servant of God.

Prof. Kuiper has another contribution. It is a continuation of the
bibliography of one of the founding fathers of the Protestant Reformed
Churches, the Rev. George M. Ophoff, fondly referred to even today
as “GMO.” The bibliography contains explanations of the different
types of works produced by one of the original faculty members of the
Protestant Reformed Theological Seminary, as well as an analysis of
the enduring value of that which Ophoff produced in a form in which
it could be preserved for future generations. Ophoff was indeed one
of those men who wrote for the ages.

Prof. Barrett Gritters contributes two articles for this issue of
PRTJ. The first is a continuation of his article in the previous issue
that demonstrates the competency of pastors and elders to care for and
counsel those suffering from depression. Both pastors and elders will
be encouraged, as well as motivated, to carry out their calling with 

respect to those who find themselves “in the depths.” His second
contribution concerns the time-honored practice of family visitation,
a practice that is often threatened and in many churches has been
abandoned. Prof. Gritters’ plea on behalf of family visitation calls
special attention to the positive fruits of this practice in congregations
where pastor and elders take this work seriously.

The undersigned contributes the next-to-the-last section in his
“John Calvin Research Bibliography.” Included in this contribution
are the sections entitled, “Calvin’s Doctrine of the Means of Grace,
Preaching, and Baptism,” “Calvin’s Doctrine of the Lord’s Supper,”
and “Calvin’s Doctrine of Human Government and the State.” The
two remaining sections, which we hope to publish in the April 2019
issue, conclude the bibliography with “Calvin’s Doctrine of the Last
Things,” and “Calvin’s View of Worship.” We hope that this research
bibliography will be a helpful resource to all who are interested in
research regarding aspects of Calvin’s life, work, and teachings.

And, of course, what some would regard as the best for last—the
book reviews. Once again, we have a number of book reviews that
summarize and analyze recent publications that may be of interest
especially to ministers, professors, and students, as well as to the
informed lay person. If there is ever a recently published book that
our readers would like to be reviewed in our journal, do not hesitate
to send an email request to the editor at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We
are always open to the suggestions of our readers.

Now, take up, read, and enjoy!

Soli Deo Gloria!

PRC Seminary Convocation 2018

PRC Seminary Convocation 2018

Providence_PRC-2015 (2)

The PRC Seminary held its annual Convocation on Wednesday, September 5, as faculty and students marked the beginning of a new season of instruction.

The program was held at Providence PRC (picture above) in Hudsonville, MI at 7:00 p.m. Prof. B. Gritters spoke on Acts 20:24 “None of these things move me…”

IMG 2492

On the printed program for the evening (cf. attached), Prof. Gritters has this fitting quote from John Calvin included (taken from his commentary on that passage):

“…it is a filthy thing for us to be so holden
with a blind desire to live, that we lose the
causes of life for life itself; and this do the
words of Paul express. For he doth not simply
set light by his life; but he doth forget the
respect thereof, that he may finish his course;
that he may fulfil the ministry which he hath
received of Christ, as if he should say that he
is not desirous to live, save only that he may
satisfy the calling of God; and that, therefore,
it shall be no grief to him to lose his life, so
that he may come by death unto the goal of
the function prescribed to him by God.

And we must note that which he saith,
with joy, for his meaning is, that this is taken
from the faithful by no sorrow or grief, but
that they both live and die to the Lord. For
the joy of a good conscience is more deeply
and surely laid up, than that it can be taken
away by any external trouble, or any sorrow
of the flesh; it triumpheth more joyfully than
that it can be oppressed.”

During the program special music was provided by Crista Phelps (piano) along with Sam Bergman and Conner and Erin Courtney (violin). See the video attached here to listen to one of their beautiful Psalter number arrangements (bottom of post, under "Media").

Special music 1

After the convocation address the present student body was introduced.

IMG 2476
From l-r: Freshman Marcus Wee (Covenant ERC Singapore); Senior Jacob Maatman (Crete & SW PRCs); Senior Matt Kortus (Loveland, Faith, & Zion PRCs); Junior Josiah Tan (Covenant ERC Singapore)

*NOTE: Due to connection issues, the live-stream on the Seminary's YouTube channel did not work. Our apologies! But Nick Kleyn recorded most of it and posted it on his Facebook page.

PRC Seminary Journal - Spring 2018 Issue

The Spring 2018 issue of the Protestant Reformed Theological Journal is now available in pdf form (see attached). The print issue and the other digital formats (mobi and epub) will be available in a few weeks.

PRTJ Spring 2018 cover

As you will see from the cover, the issue is packed with the fruits of solid Reformed reading, research, and reflection - all for the rich benefit of our readers. 

Editor, Prof. R. Cammenga, introduces the issue with these "notes:"

The Protestant Reformed Churches in America (PRCA) and the
Protestant Reformed Theological Seminary have throughout their
history opposed the teaching that the gospel is a well-meaning offer of
salvation to all who hear the preaching. This is the popular conception
of the preaching of the gospel that is defended and practiced by most
Reformed and Presbyterian churches, preachers, and theologians today.
The PRCA have always insisted that this is a mutilation of the gospel
and is contrary to Scripture and to the Reformed creeds. You will
find a number of articles and book reviews in the April 2018 issue of
PRTJ addressing this issue. The writers also point out the inevitable
despoiling of the Reformed faith in fundamental respects, for which
they who defend the well-meant offer are responsible—denial of the
extent and efficacy of the atonement, denial of the total depravity of
the natural man, embrace of the teaching of free will, and more. We
plead with defenders of the well-meant offer of the gospel to take stock
of the teaching. We urge them rigorously and honestly to evaluate it
in light of Scripture and the confessions. And we add, take note of
the devastating results of the teaching wherever it has won the day.

Prof. Russell Dykstra concludes his series on the teaching of
God’s covenant in the Psalms. He has shown in his series how rich
the Psalms are in their teaching concerning the covenant of grace. The
comfort and assurance of belonging to God’s covenant is a theme that
runs through the book of Psalms. This last article brings the series to
a fitting conclusion.

Prof. Barrett Gritters, professor of Practical Theology in the Protestant
Reformed Theological Seminary, contributes an article full of
biblical and practical advice for pastors and elders counseling members
of God’s church who suffer from depression. Officebearers will find a
great deal of encouragement to minister to the needs of these anguished
members of Christ’s flock. The greatest help is to bring these saints
the Word of God. Appended to his article is the outline of a sermon
based on portions of Psalms 42 and 43 that applies the Word of God
to the matter of depression.

Besides his several book reviews, emeritus Prof. David J. Engelsma
contributes a review article on the recently published book
by David L. Allen, The Extent of the Atonement: A Historical and
Critical Review. This work is being touted as the new “go to” book in
support for unlimited atonement and refutation of limited atonement.
Engelsma evaluates the book in light of Scripture and the Reformed
confessions and finds it seriously wanting. One important argument
in defense of his contention that the atonement of Christ’s cross is
unlimited is Allen’s appeal to the teaching of the well-meant (free)
offer of the gospel. And indeed, as the PRCA have always pointed
out, if the well-meant offer of the gospel is true, the death of Jesus
Christ, at least in its intention, could not have been limited to some
men only. The well-meant gospel offer demands that the value of the
death of Jesus Christ is wider than the elect alone.

Pastor Martyn McGeown, missionary in Limerick, Ireland on
behalf of the sister church of the PRCA, the Covenant Protestant
Reformed Church of Northern Ireland, responds to a recent article
published in the Puritan Reformed Journal, the journal of the Puritan
Reformed Theological Seminary. The article, by David B. McWilliams,
defends the free offer of the gospel. McGeown takes issue with
the contents and the conclusion of this article. And once again, we
plead for an honest and thorough re-evaluation of the teaching that
reduces the call of the gospel—power of God unto salvation—to a
helpless, ineffectual, pathetic offer.

And then there are the book reviews—summaries and critiques of
recently published works that we bring to the attention of our readers.
Some we recommend; others not. But in either case, the reviews are
a reminder that officebearers, and especially pastors, must be readers.
They must find the time and be given the time, even in busy pastorates,
to read.

Now, read and enjoy!

Soli Deo Gloria!

If you want to be added to our mailing list to receive the PRT Journal free, call or email the Seminary.

Reformation 500 Commemoration - PRC Seminary Conference, Oct.27-28, 2017 *(Updated)

FaithPRC header

The PRC Seminary, with help from Faith PRC's Evangelism Committee, held a special two-day 500th anniversary Reformation conference the weekend of October 27-28 at Faith PRC in Jenison, MI.

The six speeches are now available on Faith PRC's Sermonaudio channel. Here are the links:

  1. What Was the Reformation? by Prof. R. Cammenga
  2. The Reformation's Return to Sola Scriptura by Rev. David Torlach
  3. The Reformation's Restoration of the Office of Believer by Prof. Barry Gritters
  4. The Reformation's Recovery of Right Worship by Rev. Martyn McGeown
  5. The Reformation's Response to the 'Radical Reformation' by Prof. Russell Dykstra
  6. The Reformation's Progress in the Lowlands by Rev. Steven Key

*[The rest of this news item was written for the original announcement of the event.]

The details of the event may be found on the poster below. A special website has also been created for the conference, which you may find at .

Here's the latest bulletin announcement that was sent out:

HERE WE STAND, the seminary sponsored weekend conference celebrating the 500th anniversary of the Reformation is now at hand. The first speech is at 4:00 on Friday, October 27 with additional speeches at 7:00 and 8:15. The conference will continue on Saturday morning. The speeches will be delivered by our three professors (Profs. R. Cammenga, R. Dykstra, and B. Gritters)  and Rev. M. McGeown, Rev. David Torlach and Rev. S. Key. Talk to your neighbors and friends and join us at Faith PRC for this important event. The conference will be live-streamed on the Internet for those who are not able to attend in person.

At the conference there will also be books for sale by the Reformed Free Publishing Association and Gary Vander Schaaf, and special displays of Seminary library books - new and rare - on the Reformation. In addition, the Reformed Witness Hour will have a special table featuring its ministry.

We hope you make plans to attend this significant event! Set aside some time for some or all of the conference and plan to join us as we celebrate God's great work in the sixteenth century of reforming His church according to His Word.

Here We Stand Oct 2017 flyer Page 1


Rev. Doug Kuiper Installed as New Seminary Professor - Sept.20, 2017

On the evening of September 20, 2017, Rev. Douglas J. Kuiper was installed as the newest professor of theology in the PRC Seminary.

RD preaching install 2017

The installation/convocation service was held in Faith PRC (Jenison, MI) and led by Prof. Russell Dykstra (above photo), whom Prof. Kuiper will be replacing in a few years. Prof. Dykstra preached from I Corinthians 4:1-5 with the theme, "The Professor of Theology as Faithful Steward."

KK DK install 2017

A good crowd attended the service and witnessed the installation. The heart of that installation was the reading of the "Form for the Installation of Professors of Theology," (by the president of the Theological School Committee, Rev. K. Koole) which included these paragraphs and questions:

Conscious of this calling our Church has also established a Theological School and called the reverend brother, [Douglas Kuiper], to devote his talents to this School.

In behalf of our Church the Curators charge thee, esteemed brother, with the task of instructing and establishing in the knowledge of God's Word the students who hope once to minister in his Church. Expound to them the mysteries of the faith; caution them in regard to the errors and heresies of the old, but especially of the new day; seek to explain how they not alone as teachers are to instruct but also as pastors are to shepherd the flock of the Lord. Assist in maintaining order and discipline among the disciples, that our Seminary may continue to enjoy the respect, the support, the appreciation, the love and the prayer of the Church. Be a good example to the students, that they may not only profit from thy learning, but also find in thee a living illustration of the power and practice of true godliness.

Be engaged in all of this according to the measure of the gifts God gave thee, in dependence on the Lord's help and the light of the Holy Spirit. And that it may now publicly appear that thou, highly esteemed brother, art thus disposed, thou art to answer the following questions:

First. I ask thee, dost thou feel in thy heart that thou art lawfully called of God's Church and therefore of God himself to this office?

Secondly. Dost thou believe the books of the Old and New Testament to be the only Word of God? Dost thou reject all doctrine repugnant thereto, and dost thou accept the doctrinal standards of this Christian Church as the truest expression of the doctrine of salvation?

Thirdly. Dost thou promise faithfully to discharge thy office according to the same doctrine above described, and to adorn it with a godly life?

Fourthly. Dost thou promise to submit thyself, in case thou shouldest become delinquent, either in life or doctrine, to the ordinance of the Church, and if necessary, to Church discipline?

To which the brother gave his sincere answer: "Yes, with all my heart."

DKuiper install program 2017

We give thanks to God for providing this faithful servant for this special work in the Seminary. May the Spirit of our risen and ascended Lord rest upon him and empower him to fulfill his task.

DK family install 2017

Prof. D. Kuiper and his wife Teresa and their four children (from l-r), Jared, Ryan, Sarah, and Daniel.

Though the focus of the evening was on the installation of Prof. Kuiper, it was also the annual seminary convocation. Below are the students listed in the program above.

students 2017 18
(L-R) Juniors Matt Kortus, Jacob Maatman, and Darren Vink; Sophomore Josiah Tan

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