Faith Protestant Reformed Church; Jenison, Michigan


9:30 AM  The Song of God's Covenant Faithfulness (4)          6:00 PM   "AND THE KING OF GLORY SHALL COME IN"


         1. His Identity                                                                  1. Christ's Ascension

         2. His Exaltation                                                               2. Our Profit

3. His People                                                                   3. Our Response
Scripture: Psalm 89  Text: Psalm 89:19-29
                         Scripture: Psalm 24      Lord’s Day 18

         Psalter Numbers: 7, 83, 425, 133, 243                               Psalter Numbers:  315-316, 266, 45, 58

         Offerings: General and Benevolent Funds                         Offerings: Adams Chr. School and Domestic Missions

Offerings next week Sunday evening: PR Christian Schools

Helpers This Week: AM Infants- Jill Elzinga, Cathie Koole, Michelle Holstege, Alyssa Kuiper AM ToddlersSarah Decker, Ruth Kaptein, Dee VanderSchaaf, Jessica Lanning  PM Infants Tara Koole, Julie Rau, Brooke Mulder, Brianna Noorman PM ToddlersJodi Koole, Suzanne Koole, Makaia Looyenga, Stephanie Holstege  Ushers: Dan Decker, Keith Noorman, Greg Holstege Valet Parking – AM Terry Kooienga  PM Keith Noorman  Library Beth Kuiper

Helpers Next Week: AM Infants- Kari Doezema, Lanae Holstege, Danae Decker AM ToddlersBelinda Brummel, Phyllis Griffioen, Marissa Holstege, Jodi Holstege PM Infants Sheila Griffioen, Tanya Haveman, Tricia Brummel PM ToddlersLaura Kalsbeek, Kristin Korhorn, Mitchel Koole, Annika Potjer Ushers: Joel Holstege, Kurt Kaptein, Brian Koole  Valet Parking – AM Jason VanOostenbrugge  PM Nathan Daling  Library Closed


We welcome all visitors worshiping with us today.  It is our prayer that the Lord will bless and strengthen us by the preaching of His Word this Sabbath Day.  For all those visitors who are unfamiliar with our evening doxology, it is Psalter #412. Those who cannot worship with us but wish to listen to our church services are encouraged to call (616) 272-7410 during our services to hear them live. Service times are 9:30 AM and 6 PM E.S.T.

Our Church Family:

·       The sacrament of baptism will be administered this morning to Ryelle Suzanne, infant daughter of Mike and Jaime Noorman, and to Lael Marie, infant daughter of Tom and Abigail Pastoor.

·       October 9 AM baptisms: Kyla Fayeth, infant daughter of Carl and Cristy Kalsbeek; Paige Alexa, infant daughter of Troy and Danae Karsemeyer; Regan Paul, infant son of Brian and Julie Van Til.

·       October 16 PM confession of faith: Rachael Crater.

·       October 23 PM confessions of faith: Brandon Daling and Kristen Elzinga.

·       Mr. John Kalsbeek is in Blodgett Hospital, where he had a procedure performed Wednesday.  During the course of his recovery, he became ill, and the doctors are keeping him in the hospital until the illness passes.

·       Mrs. Marian Karsemeyer underwent a procedure to relieve her back pain.  Although she still struggles with pain and weakness, she was able to return to Sunset on Wednesday.

·       Mrs. Shirley Meulenberg remains at St. Mary's Hospital.  She can receive visitors, but those visits need to be coordinated due to restricted visitation times.  Anyone planning on visiting Mrs. Meulenberg should contact Rev. Lanning for a schedule and for information about visiting the Psych Med Unit.

·       Mrs. Bea Meyer fell last week and sprained her ankle.  Her ankle became infected, and she was admitted to Zeeland Hospital Thursday for treatment.  Her condition has improved to the point that she was planning on returning home today.

·       Jill Rus was admitted to Butterworth Hospital Tuesday with severe abdominal pain due to a gall stone.  Although the abdominal pain has subsided, Jill developed a fever during the course of her stay.  The doctors are attempting to find the cause of her fever before they will allow Jill to return home.

·       The congregation is cordially invited to witness the marriage of Erik Guichelaar and Cherith Cammenga.  The ceremony will take place this week Friday, Sept. 30, 2011 at Faith PRC at 6:30 PM.

·       Amy, Kristin and Whitney Mol - address: 6642 Cedar Grove South, Jenison, MI 49428 phone: 460-4951.


Catechism Note: All catechism classes for September 26 have been canceled.  Mr. John Kalsbeek is still recovering, and Rev. Lanning will be out of town for a conference.  All classes will resume on Monday, October 3. Catechism assignments for October 3: Grades 1-7: Learn Lesson 3 and do Written Work. Grades 8-9: Memorize LD 3 of the HC and do Written Work.
Grades 10-11: Learn Lesson 16. Grade 12: Write out a brief description of each perfection of God listed in Article 1 of the Belgic Confession.

Family visitation continues this week. The schedule is as follows:


Monday, September 26





D Offringa/H Pastoor


Doug Dykstra 

Jim Van Overloop

Gary Bylsma

D. Bouwkamp/L. Koole


Hermie Veldman

Marian Karsemeyer

Gary Vandyke-Joel

Tuesday, September 27





D. Dykstra/H Pastoor


Matt Kuiper

Shane/Ryan Kamminga

Brian Van Til

A Karsemeyer/D Offringa


Joel Holstege

Harry Petroelje

Rick Noorman

D. Bouwkamp/L Koole


Greg Holstege

Tom Cammenga

Tim Talsma

Thursday, September 29





D Dykstra/D Offringa


Keith Noorman

John VB JR

Gord Moelker

L Koole/G Kaptein


Dan De Jong

Rich Flikkema

Harv Holstege

D Bouwkamp/M Scholten


Eric Doezema

Joel Mulder

Fred Hanko


Deacons Report for July:   General Fund receipts $23,495.96, disbursements $23,478.81; Benevolent Fund: receipts $4,419.96, disbursements $5,225.00, balance $31,014.02    Specials: Emeritus Fund $359.25, P.R. Special Education $546.00, Reformed Witness Hour $390.55, The Beacon Lights $419.60, The Standard Bearer $440.30

The deacons will have their regular monthly meeting on Monday at 7:00.

Our monthly song service will be held tonight at 5:45 PM. Tim Talsma is the song leader, Karen Daling is the pianist.

The Faith & Fellowship is available in mailboxes today.

All post-high ladies interested in church league volleyball, please sign-up on the narthex table today.  The season begins in October and goes through November.  If you have any questions please contact Jamie Noorman. 


Jr. and Sr. Young People will have a meeting immediately after the service this morning in Room 1.

Our church choir will begin meeting under the direction of Mr. Dan VanDyke today at 2:30 PM in preparation for a December 11 concert. Please join us as we sing praise to God!

The Mid Adult Bible society will meet Wednesday at 7:30. We hope to review all of I Cor chapter 7, and we will have a business meeting following the Bible study.

Adult Bible Society will begin our season on Wednesday October 5, at 8:00pm.  We will begin our study at Genesis 14:1.  All are welcome!


Cornerstone and Edgerton: Candidate Jonathan Mahtani is considering their calls.
Hope (Walker): Rev. A. Lanning declined their call.


September 27- The REFORMED WITNESS HOUR COMMITTEE will meet Tuesday, Sept. 27, 2011 at 7:30 p.m. at First PRC, Grand Rapids.

September 28 – The Reformed Doctrines Class, taught by Prof. David Engelsma will begin a new season of study at 7:45 at Faith Church. Continuing his instruction on the nature of the church, Prof. Engelsma will devote this first class to consideration of objections to his book concerning church membership, "Bound to Join," and to a brief critique of the rejection of the instituted church by cult leader Harold Camping. Persons of all ages who are interested in the study of Reformed Doctrine are welcome. The class meets the second and fourth Wednesday of every month until the end of April, God willing.

October 28 - Plan on attending a Reformation lecture sponsored by Kalamazoo PRC to be held at 7:30 P.M. at Community Orthodox Presbyterian Church, 2131 Alamo Ave., Kalamazoo.  Prof. R. Cammenga will be speaking on the topic:  “The Heart of the Reformation:  Justification by Faith Alone.”

October 28 - Please reserve the evening for a Reformation Day lecture by Prof. Dykstra entitled " False Prophets & the Certain End of the World: What the Reformation Can Teach Us." The lecture will be held at PR Church of Crete at 7 p.m.


RWH Sermons (WFUR 102.9 FM at 8 AM and WFUR 1570 AM at 4 PM): Today - “A Greater Than Jonah is Here” - Matthew 12:41; Next week: “Like-Mindedness in Marriage” – Romans 15:3-7

Plan to attend the 2011 Fall Festival at Covenant Christian High School on Saturday, October 8.  Activities for the evening will begin at 5:00 p.m.  There will be activities for kids and a delicious pig roast dinner, with hotdogs for the kids, salads, and desserts will be served from 5:00 until 7:00.  The Fall Festival Market will feature baked goods, apples, award winning Applebarn Apple Cider, pumpkins, mums and much more.  Tickets for the meal or for half-bushels of apples can be obtained from any student in the senior class or you may purchase them that evening at the door.  Come out and enjoy good food, good fellowship, and take a look at the progress made on the building project. 

Hope School Circle will be making Pigs-in-the-Blanket on Tuesday  October 11.  Call  Joann Klamer at 878-1876 or e-mail at to place your order soon so you don't miss out.  At only $6.50 per dozen these are a great value and quantities are limited.

Saturday, November 26: SAVE THE DATE!  Plan to attend "An Evening of Praise" at Grandville High School, sponsored by the Heritage Christian School Foundation.  A flyer with details will be distributed soon. 

What is your belief on Satan? Is exorcism and demonic possession real? Can a believer be controlled by the devil? Satan is our mortal enemy so we need to understand the methods he uses to tempt us in order to resist him. Join us on Friday, October 21 at 7:00PM at Grandville High Auditorium, as Professor Barry Gritters presents " The Prince of Darkness Grim: the Reformed Teaching about Satan."  We hope to see you there.

Has your Bible study society chosen a topic of study for this year's season? Professor Hanko's latest RFPA book, Justified unto Liberty, would be a great accompaniment to a study of the book of Galatians. Or how about using one of the Study Guides on James, Malachi, Ruth, I Peter, Philippians, or I & II Thessalonians? Society officers, please contact the RFPA to place your orders:,, (616)457-5970.

         Many of you might have heard Prof. Engelsma's speech this past week concerning the 60th anniversary of the Declaration of Principles and his introduction to his upcoming book, Covenant and Election in the Reformed Tradition. This book, a timely, fresh study of one of the most important truths of Scripture, includes an explanation of the baptism form, a critique of various Reformed theologians, criticism of the heresy of the federal vision, and an exposition of the Biblical relation of covenant and election. Look for this book to be released in late October! For more information, contact the RFPA at,, or (616)457-5970.

 The Northwest Iowa Protestant Reformed School has been without an administrator now for the past three school years.  We are earnestly seeking an administrator and 6-8th teacher for the 2012-2013 school year.  Interested applicants please contact Paul De Jong at (605)553-7298 or

Plan to attend Covenant Christian High School's 7th annual Fall Festival on Saturday, October 8, 2011.  Dinner will be from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Dinner tickets and vouchers for apples can be purchased from any member of the senior class.  We hope that you can come out and enjoy some fine food, Christian fellowship, and also take a look at the progress of the building program. 

AIM NEEDS YOUR HELP. The Active in Missions committee would like to publish a 2013 calendar, featuring the evangelism work being done by various PRC congregations.  The AIM committee will gather the pictures and write up the information, but we need help with the programs that do the actual formatting and publishing of the calendar.  We are looking for volunteers who have experience working with Microsoft Publisher, or a similar computer program that has the capability of producing a detailed calendar. If you can help, please contact Dwight Quenga at 616-453-7703 or .

Fitting Praises" Vol. 15 by the Protestant Reformed Psalm Singing Choir is now available at the special introductory price of $11 per CD until October 17, 2011.   Order forms are available in the (back of church / newsletter) or e-mail Jon Rutgers to place an order.

All of this, the Lord willing.

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